Arena Faction System

  • I have found a lot of posts on this forum advocating pve servers or bounty systems etc. and other people wanting it more pvp focused. This is my solution.

    There will be a new part of the map, in its own server that jumps to a regular server whenever you sail out, that way there will always be people in the area(credit: @xxBRYTExx) with its own privateer/pirate faction that gives you rewards for sinking ships and killing players. The ship you sink and the players you kill drop "souvenirs" that you turn into the faction. You do not get rewards from sinking ships outside this part of the map except peoples loot, but the more you sink, the higher the rewards. That way people still can fight outside, but only for loot, while that part of the map is for people just wanting to battle just to battle. There will be no events (skull forts etc.) and voyages happening in there so no innocent lives are hurt if they want loot. Most islands there will be forts to add to the chaos. This hopefully should not separate the community because they will be on the "same" server and can sail out of that part of the map at any time. There will be a island nearing warning when entering that part of the map so people who don't want to be there can get out. No one will start in there but if you die in that part of the map you will re-spawn in that part of the map. The islands should have lots of supplies so people can still keep fighting. The overall location should be like the wilds to be more dangerous and chaotic(credit to @xbus6 for this part). There would also be days(Holidays/every two weeks) where it is peaceful, so people can explore those islands in the "war-zone" if you will(credit to @Arch-Fable). I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this and will add edits for things I missed and stuff that is added (and I will provide credit to people who thought up of the idea or helped me think it up).

    Looking forward to your thoughts on this!


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  • @drewbob7 That's a cool idea actually. If they implement this in a way where you can't get dragged by other players intentionally leading you a certain direction by chasing you, this would definitely be a cool thing for people who are hardcore on PVP.

  • Holy c**p you’re a genius

  • It could be in the wilds and add more lore to the wilds as a challenging dangerous place and be super rocky and sinester

  • G******n man! its good im not banned yet so i can tell you what a marvelous genius you are. Rare should pay you full time for such a genius plan bro. I will definitly play this game and my friends to i belive if that comes out and I only read half of your post before writing this!

  • @drewbob7 There should also be a way to see if a ship outside the zone would contains cargo. Perhaps a constant shimmer visible from 360°. This glint could be visible even beyond the horizon depending on the combined value of the ship's cargo.

  • @drewbob7 overall an excellent idea which could change the game for the better. IMO

  • @RookyClock42 But wouldn't that just target people who have loot? That might increase outpost camping. But i do see what you are saying. Maybe if you look at the ship from your spyglass it would tell you if it had ONLY a lot of loot? I will think over this for now.

  • Elaborating your idea further to create a flexible breathing version from it, if I may, would be to allow players influence where these type of fields were to be, by their actions, and for example the areas that hit the TOP three of the list would be associated for the cause each hour or something more reasonable.

    We could have an item with us that hints the whereabouts of the currently associated fields on the world map as long as we are next to it and leaning the item over it.

    What do you think?

  • @drewbob7 I see what you mean. For example if your ship was only carrying a castaway chest you would have a very low rang glint if any at all.

  • @Arch-Fable So the "war-zone" if you will, will move around the map? If so, i feel people who don't want pvp will get involved whether they want to or not and might not be able to escape.

  • @RookyClock42 yeah something like that, but that needs working out

  • @drewbob7 said in Arena Faction System (Edit):

    @Arch-Fable So the "war-zone" if you will, will move around the map?

    Yes. Based on player taken actions.

    If so, i feel people who don't want pvp will get involved whether they want to or not and might not be able to escape.

    Not necessarily, although it is still possible in any case due the frequency mechanism at least. It is coded to match us up intentionally. However, this way we would not be forced as strongly and we would be able to manage voyages to those areas which were marked as associated fields earlier too. If we had fixed fields and our voyages would force us there, we would still get targeted.

    It all comes into how the voyages are formed in the end.

  • @drewbob7 Maybe these zones can follow skeleton forts and the faction could be a sort of privateering faction.

  • @Arch-Fable I'm so sorry, i meant to point that out but i didn't. There will be no voyages there so people who don't want to get targeted won't be targeted.

  • @RookyClock42 yeah but I think of skull forts as everybody doing them, that way people who usually do skull forts while remaining pve can do them too, but that is a good idea, what if there was a area specific event in that part of the map, so people know what they are getting into?

  • @drewbob7 said in Arena Faction System (Edit):

    @Arch-Fable I'm so sorry, i meant to point that out but i didn't. There will be no voyages there so people who don't want to get targeted won't be targeted.

    In that case there's no issue, if the voyages won't take us there. However, I would still like to visit every area someday just to explore places. In case I wanted to avoid becoming a target and still explore the whole map, a moving warzone would allow me to have a chance there.

    The thread you wrote actually has this bit of info mentioned, but I didn't register it for some reason. Maybe I'm too tired. I'll go to bed. Goodnight.

  • @Arch-Fable What if every month/two weeks there was a peaceful day just to explore? with the faction going to get more supplies/money?

  • @arch-fable said in Arena Faction System (Edit):

    The thread you wrote actually has this bit of info mentioned, but I didn't register it for some reason. Maybe I'm to tired. I'll go to bed. Goodnight.

    No, i just updated it after you pointed it out, so you didn't see it the first time you read it because it wasn't there. :)

  • @drewbob7 said in Arena Faction System (Edit):

    @Arch-Fable What if every month/two weeks there was a peaceful day just to explore? with the faction going to get more supplies/money?

    This is actually a good idea. I mean that what if we had such days in a weekly or monthly basis for example and the whole map was involved instead? What if every holiday would be a peaceful day? Maybe random peaceful days? Half a day? Two adjacent days? If not the whole map, then how about specific areas would be peaceful in a random manner every day or so?

    I'll call it a day now. Goodnight xD

  • @drewbob7 said in Arena Faction System:

    @arch-fable said in Arena Faction System (Edit):

    The thread you wrote actually has this bit of info mentioned, but I didn't register it for some reason. Maybe I'm to tired. I'll go to bed. Goodnight.

    No, i just updated it after you pointed it out, so you didn't see it the first time you read it because it wasn't there. :)

    You are a quick and witty one, aren't ya? ;3 haha... Anyway, NOW I am going to sleep. LOL


  • I don’t think a moving war zone would be optimal but I like the idea of a ‘day of peace’ where ships cannons are locked it would encourage exploration and friendliness but I think it needs to be widely known When it happens for sure so that pvp only guys don’t hop in and immediately go Dangit I can’t kill people and turned off the game. Or it could be something like a ‘Island Spotlight’ where only a small part of the map was li,e this and it would be a social event to celebrate the one island. Let me know what you think.

  • @xbus6 I was thinking along the lines of the pirate/privateer faction is absent for that day so people can explore, but with removing pvp altogether that day, it would not remove pvp it would just spread it out, and make it like it is right now

  • There are not enough ships on a server to have a pvp zone. pvp zone would need to be its own server.

  • @xxBRYTExx If you think it is going to be a massive area filled with ten ships, your wrong. but i do think the severs need to get bigger the bigger the map is, which applies to this since i want to add a new part of the map but making a new server will separate the community which is the exact opposite of what this solution was designed to do

  • @DrewBob7 I agree which is why i think a pvp zone is a terrible idea. You will just have people jumping servers looking for one with people in the pvp zone.

    As they expand the map im thinking that servers set up like Destiny would work the best. Where each area is its own server so when you go to a new area you jump servers. This would allow them to adjust the number of ships in any different area. As well as keeping servers from becoming underpopulated. As it stands now, after a few hours of sailing in one server there is always a noticeable drop off in the rate at which new crews enter the server).

  • @xxBRYTExx yeah, you make a good point, i will add that

  • What about adding a (small) progression system in that zone only? With upgrades for your ship only available in that zone?

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