Legend of Brandy: A SOT Story - Chapter Four

  • alt text Chapter Four in my ongoing series! If you haven't seen the previous chapters you can find them here. https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/45338/legend-of-brandy-a-sot-story-chapter-one

    “Brandy, move!” Herb’s shouted words deteriorated in the presence of the mermen. Brandy stood as still as a statue staring into the other worldly eyes locked on her. The merman closest to her paused at the mention of her name. Then he relaxed his weapon to his side. He knew this girl. He placed his watery hand on the stunned girl’s shoulder and leaned close to whisper in Brandy’s ear. After this, he turned to the other mermaids, signaling them back into the sea. The crew watched in disbelief as the mermaids dove into the ocean, their legs transforming back to tails in a shimmer of blue mist. The harps of battle continued to strum in chaotic harmony and the army of mermaids descended on the small fleet in pursuit of Brandy.

    No one on board could make sense of what had just taken place, but experience awoke Esmeralda. The Captain seized the advantage, bellowing orders to get the ship on course and sails angled to the wind. Herb and Elsa caught the sails and Esmeralda secured the helm, but Brandy’s first encounter with the people of the sea left her shaken. She ran to the stern to watch them fight. The stories of their ferocity had not been exaggerated. One sloop had already been capsized. Brandy could see several men floating in the water through her telescope. One by one, they disappeared under the waves, mermaids grabbing their ankles, dragging them screaming into the depths. On board the enemy galleon, Brandy could see mermen dueling pirate marines with tridents clashing against steel. A man in the crow’s nest was doing his best to snipe the attacking hoard with his eye of reach, but the few he took out did not slow them down. The ship was emptied of every human soul within minutes. The sniper fired off all his ammunition and had to wait desperately as a snarling merman climbed the rope ladder to his nest. He tried to kick him off, but the merman grabbed his leg and tossed him to the deck below. The other warriors sprang on his broken body like a pack of piranha. The last sloop had defeated their boarders with superior firepower and were sailing back to shore. The drumming squadron gave chase into the fog and Brandy lost sight of the battle.

    “What the hell was that?!” Esmeralda demanded of Brandy. “We should all be dead. What did he say to you, Brandy?” The merman’s words rang in her ears. “He said ‘We’ve been waiting for you, don’t let us down, child’. I have no idea what it could mean.” Esmeralda didn’t appreciate this coy language, but let it go for the time being. “I guess I can be satisfied with being alive for now. Mermaids are vicious even for my standards. Well, maybe not that bad” Esmeralda laughed.

    “They will destroy Ica, Father!” Elsa wailed. “We have to get mother!” Herb came to his daughter’s side. “I don’t think so, darling. The mermaids are savage warriors, but they have honor among their order. They wouldn’t tear apart unarmed residents without cause. Even if they wanted to, the sun will soon rise and, if caught on land, they would be defenseless. Only by the fall of night with the presence of the moon can a mermaid use her legs.”

    “Have a lot of mer friends, do you?” Esmeralda questioned. Herb explained, “As a life-long fisherman I have run across many mer people. They are a lot more like us than people would have you believe. Some just want to live their lives peacefully, some have less honorable agendas, just like any human. People like to forget that since the war happened though.”

    “You mean the Water Tower War?” Brandy asked. Her father had told her about the battles that took place over twenty years ago between the mer people and humans. As the legend goes, there is a tower deep below the waves that houses a key to the Underworld. This mysterious key could be used to open or close portals to the other side. Occasionally, these portals appear across the world releasing skeletons, ghosts, and other demonic leviathans to deploy havoc on humans and mer people alike. No one has ever been able to recover the key though. It is too deep underwater for man to access, and the key is said to be locked in a room made of sunstone, a material deadly to the touch for mermaids. But instead of working together, differing philosophies about what to do with the key caused a war to break out. The battles were hard fought, burdening both species, and eventually ended in a truce. Dealing with each other and the random attacks from the Underworld proved too challenging to reasonably sustain. Despite two decades passing, distrust and hate remain between mankind and the children of the ocean.

    “That’s the one, pointless affair that was.” Herb said. Esmeralda scoffed, “Pointless indeed. Perhaps if they drowned less of my mates, I’d be a little more interested in forgiveness. It’s as if they don’t know the war is over. What were they doing in Ica?”

    Herb considered this. “I don’t know, but Elsa and I will stay with you for a while, Brandy. It’s too dangerous to travel the waters back right now, and for whatever reason, they seem to like you.” Elsa chimed in after her father. “Yes! I want to stay too. I was scared before, but I haven’t given up on my dream of pirating on the seas. The only mistake I made was trusting that fool who gave me up to save his own skin. Besides, I owe Captain Esmeralda for defending me. Thank you so much.”

    Esmeralda smiled at Elsa. “I can sense the spirit of a pirate in you, darling. Think nothing of it but one betrayed lass lending a hand to another. Take what you can because no one will give you what you deserve, Elsa.” The captain then looked to Brandy. “Now that we are all decided to stay the course, let’s go get James back. We sail to Stillshire. There we will find your Uncle, and I will find Admiral Pike.” Esmeralda explained to Brandy that he was the man responsible, not only for the attack and capture of her Uncle, but also the man who had betrayed Esmeralda and had her locked away. “If that’s the case, I will see him dead too. Father always said never to let a wrong go unchecked or it will bite you.”

    “He taught you well, I see. It’s kind of scary how much of him I can see in you. Just remember, it’s a hard balance to strike between violence and freedom. Without James to cool him down, I think Revan’s thirst for ‘freedom’ would have spread a fire consuming the whole world, himself included. You let your bloodlust get the best of you and your focus will be lost. I’ve been there.” She winked with the smell of recently slain pirates wafting around her. “Don’t get me wrong, in doses it is necessary, just take caution. Your blood runs hot, Brandy.” Esmeralda guided the wheel, keeping straight between the motion of the waves below. Brandy considered her advice. Esmeralda wasn’t wrong about her father. Revan was wild. His freedom was bound to infringe on yours if you came too close, but he always came off kind to Brandy. His love for her went further than the horizons could reach. “Listen, when we get to Stillshire they are not going to be happy to see me.” The Captain continued. “They locked me up when I refused to play a part in capturing you. I assume they want you so they can get to Revan and the Devil’s Own. They have gone unchecked for a long time so that makes sense. Whatever they want, it isn’t my style to sell bodies. I deal in stolen goods. Tea, spice, silks, that kind of thing.” Brandy pondered this for a moment. “So we will have to go in guns blazing and arms firing?” She said with a sparkle in her eye. “Wow kid, really? We just talked about this. You gotta start using your head or your flame will burn out bright and quick. I think we should turn you in.” Brandy threw her hands up in shocked protest. “I mean not REALLY turn you in, but if I present you as a prize, it could get us an audience with Pike. Without something to offer, we won’t get within a hundred feet of him.” The plan made enough sense to Brandy so she agreed to play the role of captive if it meant saving her Uncle.

    A few days passed as the crew traveled to Stillshire. The Captain taught Elsa tricks and tips in handling a dagger, her specialty, while Herb instructed his daughter with the firearms Esmeralda retrieved from her armory before they escaped. Brandy admired the sea sitting on the deck rails. At one time, dolphins raced alongside of the ship and Brandy pretended she was one. The ocean was her best friend growing up. It was the only real constant in her life. Friends and caretakers came and went. Her father and his crew were around now and again, but the ocean never left her side. There were nights she would sneak out and wade in the water. Finding sunken treasures, chasing shrimp, and avoiding sharks with the skill of a matador were her favorite pastimes. Brandy had also learned to hold her breath for an exceptionally long time as well. More than once, she had used this trick to avoid teachers and real danger alike.

    At long last, Esmeralda’s ship, the Snake Pit, arrived in Stillshire. In great contrast to Ica, Stillshire was a lively city. People were out and about everywhere. The roads were paved in cobble and carts full of goods were being pulled by horses to and from the port. Brandy’s crew docked the ship and disembarked. As they got onto the long wooden pier, an officer of the Navy came up to inspect them. He was backed by two other armed service men. They wore blue uniforms as opposed to the red ones worn by Esmeralda’s imposters back on Ica. Their coats had white trimmings, gold for the officer, and looked quite fetching on the young men. These were real marines Brandy thought. “We have been expecting the Pit for some time, but I have to say it’s a bit alarming to see you captaining it, Esmeralda. Has there been a change I wasn’t made aware of or should I put you down right here?” Asked the officer.

    “Charles! So good to see you too, handsome.” Esmeralda began. Charles was not handsome. He wore an awful scowl that was permanently fixed to his pale face. His hat hid a receding hairline and his dull eyes would inspire no poet. “I come bearing gifts! This is the young lady you have all been so hot and bothered to get your hands on. I believe Admiral Pike may take a different attitude with me should he see this bargaining chip. Would you be a darling and go tell him for me?” Charles winced his eyes and got within an inch of Esmeralda. “Know your place, pirate.” He said the word with such disgust. “We will see how favorably the Admiral remembers you. Oscar, ride ahead and alert Admiral Pike we will meet him in the storehouse.”

    “Aye, Lieutenant!” The man said and took off on his horse as Charles and his remaining bodyguard put iron chains on Brandy’s wrists, taking her down the road with Esmeralda, Herb, and Elsa cautiously in tow. A few blocks away they came to a desolate part of the port and entered a building used for storing goods to be exported. Charles stopped in the middle of the dimly lit storehouse with Brandy’s arm in his hand. Five soldiers appeared from behind different aisles of shelving that housed various products. They took aim on Brandy’s crew from a safe distance. Two more officers arrived from the back of the building striding up to Charles. “Good work Lieutenant. I was informed that you captured Brandy, Esmeralda, and her crew attempting to sneak into port. Your loyalty to the crown will be handsomely rewarded.” Spoke Admiral Pike. He was a stocky man built like a bear. His royal blue and gold uniform seemed stretched to a breaking point by the man’s muscular frame. He also had an unusual beard that narrowed down into five individual points like a pentagon. Pike was an imposing figure.

    “What a pack of lies! I have to say Charles, darling, I’m impressed by your sinister cunning. Especially for a military man.” Esmeralda baulked. The third officer present stomped forward. “Does the manipulation ever cease with you pirates?” He was a tall and strapping man. His face left just a dusting of stubble and his piercing blue eyes held up dirty blonde furrowed brows.
    “Sweet Griffin. When will you come to your senses, Captain? You lot are not the good guys. That sense of justice you have is entirely too twisted and ironic for me. Excuse me while I gag.” Chided Esmeralda.

    “Yes, sharp tongue you have as usual, Pirate. You disgrace the crown with your criminal activities off the authority we granted you to bring order in the Ica sea. It brings me great satisfaction to see you like this. Now drop all of your weapons and let it be settled.” The marines held their weapons tightly on their prey. Brandy struggled with Oscar who held her close. Esmeralda was searching the area for options while Herb and Elsa raised their blunderbuss’ to meet their opponent’s rifles. Something caught Esmeralda’s eye and she smiled. “Down!” She yelled. A gunshot from above tore into a bag causing flour to erupt into the air. The crew dropped down behind cover in the shade of white mist, and bullets flew. Brandy dug her heel into Charles shin and while he hopped in pain, she grabbed the key off his belt and took off down an aisle. A marine stepped in front of her and steadied his rifle right under her Uncle’s wide brimmed hat. Suddenly, someone poured off the shelf above crashing into the marine. In an instant, he was disarmed, crumpling onto the floor. “Hey miss, allow me?” He took the key from Brandy and unlocked her irons. She rubbed her wrists and examined the dapper young man that had aided her. He had brownish tan pants with a matching vest and a formal white shirt rolled up to elbow length underneath. Long orange hair swayed on his back with a small black ribbon binding the fiery locks neatly at the bottom of its length. “My name’s William, and I’m here to help, but we can talk details later.” He said pointing Brandy’s attention to Charles who was charging them with his sword drawn.

    William and Brandy darted around the corner ducking and dodging blade swipes along the way. William knocked supplies off the shelf eventually succeeding in stumbling the Lieutenant. The pair hid behind sacks of sugar as Charles regained his feet and searched for them frantically. Just as he was about to discover their hiding spot, two shots landed inches away, causing Charles to rush off to find cover. Herb and Elsa were blasting away with impunity as they had tucked away by some stored ammunition. Marines dropped and fled as the father-daughter combo took turns offering up barrages to cover one another’s reload.

    Meanwhile, Esmeralda had been chased outside by Pike and Griffin, but this was part of her plan. She needed more room to avoid being cornered by the men’s blades. She was a sight to see. With one man on either side of her, she spun her daggers to deflect and parry attacks from every conceivable angle in a splash of sparks. She danced with them back and forth, no one able to connect steel. The officers were very skilled in dueling, but even though Esmeralda had a disadvantage of blade reach, she was faster and more talented at group combat. She began to trick up Griffin’s footing and misdirect Pike’s blows toward his partner. Griffin stumbled backwards and fell over an empty chicken crate banging his head into a steel barrel on his way down. Esmeralda laughed as he lost consciousness, but this second of distraction allowed Pike to clutch Esmeralda’s red jacket. She wiggled free and left him holding her coat. Underneath, she had a white shirt with a black corset flowing into tight black pants and boots. “I bet all this play is making you tired old man. Let’s finish this, what do you say?”

    “Stop stalling, Poppet. You know you can’t beat me.” He teased back. Esmeralda smiled and dashed toward Pike. He dodged her first swipes and moved her about with his long blade. After a few more flurries of their steel, she popped up his guard and kneed him in the gut. Pike dropped to his knee. “No! I’ll give you whatever you want Esmeralda, just let me go?” Esmeralda chuckled. “What a let down you are.” She moved to slice his throat but pulled back in pain as a bullet pierced her arm. She turned to see Charles freshly emerged from the storehouse. He began to reload, but stopped cold when Esmeralda pinned his throat closed, tossing a dagger at him with surgical accuracy. Pike slashed her leg while her back was turned and left, scurrying down the road to escape.

    Brandy, Herb, Elsa, and William all came outside having dealt with the remaining marines. Esmeralda called for William to chase Pike as he was heading for his ship. William bolted after him while Herb picked up Esmeralda off the street, wrapping her coat around her leg wound, and followed the remaining group back toward the Snake Pit. “Who was that William guy?” Brandy asked.

    “I’ll explain once we are on the ship, but we need to hurry. We may not get an opportunity at Pike like this again.” Esmeralda said. The crew moved down the street to board their ship, all the while no one noticing Griffin tailing them, a trickle of blood crossing his intense face.

    alt textChapter Five is up! Here is the link

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  • This fifth chapter has a special cameo from a story being written being written by @TheZombie2214 His character's name is William and I recommend you all check out his stories too! I will ask permission to put up a link when his story is ready.

  • This is honestly one of the greatest parts, and not because I’m in it,you did a great job, you do have my permission to post the like

  • @thezombie2214 hahaha IDK that sounds awfully suspicious zombie haha. What did you like about it then?

    here is the link to his story but he cautions it is not yet finished haha so a preview!

  • @revanjstone just the action in general, I couldn’t sit still while reading it

  • Another great chapter! I love reading these

  • @dragden Thanks a lot! I really appreciate you all reading and commenting. I spend a lot of time putting it all together ... at work! haha

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