[Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3

  • @savagetwinky
    That requires you to find a sloop, and sit on it for a while, during which time the actual target which sunk you in the first place has happily achieved whatever they wanted to achieve without further interference, so what's that got to do with it at all???

    The benefit I'm talking about is to game balance, not the benefit of the team paying re-spawning, which would obviously gain a benefit. I'm saying there is no benefit 'to the game' in allowing a*s-hats, such as yourself, to be gaining that benefit while other players with smaller disposable incomes might feel compelled to ignore the option to avoid going backwards in cash/progress.

  • @pandy020 said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:

    That requires you to find a sloop, and sit on it for a while, during which time the actual target which sunk you in the first place has happily achieved whatever they wanted to achieve without further interference, so what's that got to do with it at all???

    The benefit I'm talking about is to game balance, not the benefit of the team paying re-spawning, which would obviously gain a benefit. I'm saying there is no benefit 'to the game' in allowing a*s-hats, such as yourself, to be gaining that benefit while other players with smaller disposable incomes might feel compelled to ignore the option to avoid going backwards in cash/progress.

    Why is it balanced though? Lets say you can buy 1 or 2 crates or a flat fee to restock up to 50% then we won't have to ruin sloops days for cannons.

  • @danidipp said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:

    Also keep in mind that driving up to another ship, killing the crew, taking the treasure and sinking it is not griefing. Intentionally bailing water to keep it from sinking just to spawn-camp is.

    And this situation is exactly why you have the option to Scuttle the ship

  • @savagetwinky
    Your logic is bananas, no pun intended.
    It isn't easier to catch a running sloop than it is to find an outpost, which you admit by saying you'd go there to buy crates if it was an option. Somehow the implication is it is better to buy crates than get things free at an outpost.

    I appreciate that ruining a sloop's day might be a thing that you can choose to do if you want, but I also suggested improving supply spawns at outposts so that your first choice wouldn't be wasting an hour chasing a sloop that knows how to evade you just to gain 20 cannonballs, when you could go to an outpost and get a free refill out of the barrels there in 5-10 mins instead.

  • @yagerweisster
    Not happening. The real fans of this game dont want that anyway

  • @pandy020 said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:

    Your logic is bananas, no pun intended.
    It isn't easier to catch a running sloop than it is to find an outpost, which you admit by saying you'd go there to buy crates if it was an option. Somehow the implication is it is better to buy crates than get things free at an outpost.

    I appreciate that ruining a sloop's day might be a thing that you can choose to do if you want, but I also suggested improving supply spawns at outposts so that your first choice wouldn't be wasting an hour chasing a sloop that knows how to evade you just to gain 20 cannonballs, when you could go to an outpost and get a free refill out of the barrels there in 5-10 mins instead.

    Your talking about "balance" but there is nothing more balanced or unbalanced about being able to stock the ship up in certain locations. Exactly how is it more unbalanced if you can just do it at an outpost where most people would normally just scuttle their ship for free resources after a long journey anyway? What about the busy work when no players are around or after you dumped loop that... that creates any balance at all? It doesn't it just means everyone has to spend more time doing busy work which this game already has plenty of.

    What I'm saying is if you put a convenience to stock supplies when at an outpost, it lessens the need to be so overly aggressive to make sure we have 200+ cannons for fending of ships at a fort and bombarding skeletons on order of souls quests.

  • After having a mildly enjoyable time during the beta, I finally ended up getting the full version of the game. I've clocked a total of 15 minutes so far, and have spent 15 minutes stunlocked at my spawn point by 2 other random players hitting me with their weapons. Like, literally as soon as I spawned, these 2 dropped everything they were doing and decided to keep hitting me to keep me from doing anything myself. I couldn't interact with NPCs. I couldn't open my own menus. I couldn't get a weapon to defend myself. I couldn't even leave the building.

    So, Rare, in total, literally 100% of my time trying the finished version of this game was watching my guy get slapped around. And literally 100% of the player base I've encountered has been troll/griefers.

    Waste of money. Waste of time. Horrible experience. I really can't express how disappointed, irritated, and infuriated I am with this. You guys, Rare, have created a game that perfectly facilitates the WORST of gamers, the anonymous a******s who exist only to spread their meanspirited toxicity to the rest of the community.

  • Im on a Galleon solo, putting loot onboard after I lost my crew. 3 (Groogy is an understatement) Randoms to me, but all friends with each other joined my crew all at the same time.
    Now, this game has so many context-sensitive quick texts the absolute need for a mic is not as important in other games. I use them better than most ppl can communicate with their mouths! Im not typin on PC, Im not a robot, Im using the IN GAME TEXT PROMPTS that are there for a reason. It seems like most ppl dont even know they exist & they also change with what your holding, or where you are. Yet these ppl continued to yell, swear, & threaten me if I didn't use my mic, dance for them, play their stupid games, etc.
    Any decent ppl would have just left & made a 3 man crew or new 4 man crew if I was "taking up" thier friend's slot. Remember they hopped on MY SHIP with MY LOOT. Instead they locked me in the brig & told me not only was I going to stay there until I quit; but they would also not go to an outpost to sell the loot I had already amassed.
    They started the long voyage I had proposed with like 5 islands and 10 skulls & finished it while I stayed in the brig. I also had a found riddle that never got finished so I lost it. After AT LEAST 2 hours of me idling in the brig waiting to at least make something of my efforts & patience; They sent 1 man to another island for something leaving only 2 active players on the ship! They then engaged in PVP with another crew! I was left in the brig while the ship sank & I drowned. They lost all of my chests, spices, & gunpowder only recovering a couple skulls.
    This is not even the first time this has happened to me. Love wasting all kinds of time for nothing! This whole time the guys r talking about why the game needs an option to kick me off the ship entirely! Then what would stop ppl from server hopping just to take ppls loaded boats & mutiny the current Capt? Theres absolutley nothing I could have done to stop or prevent this & zero recourse once it happened. (Unless u count all the time I spent reporting them here & on Live. It will probably have no effect anyway.)
    I know ppl r complaining alot about ways to remove a toxic player from the crew, but it also allows 2 or 3 ppl to completely take over somebody else's ship, make money off their efforts, & leave them to idle out, quit, or stare at bars while being antagonized.
    U know some ppl are adults & not also drunk scallywags. They deserve a chance to relax, play a game, & not have to talk to a bunch of jerks if they dont want to, if its late, or they're watching tv. This is GTA all over again. This isnt a "git gud" situation & not all gamers "have no life & all the time in the world" on their hands. Some ppl work hard to just be able to buy a single game & play it a little bit in their off time. Not all gamers stop playing in their 20's either. I honestly stopped talking to ppl with my mic cuz its almost always children with no supervision who hate on others cuz they determined that once ur a certain age you're not allowed to play games anymore. (If I wasnt playing NES Mario & Atari; YOU WOULDNT HAVE SEA OF THIEVES TODAY. Show some respect.)

  • This game is seriously just FULL of Bugs. Either your weapons are not loading, or you cannot pick up cannon Balls. or you cannot FIRE the cannon. For a MORE then full price title? Clearly one sentence "i want my money back!". On top of that comes this SUPER hardcore annoying Griefing of players making this game even more miserable. Fix your game and open a PvE server. I cannot stand this broken game anymore.


  • @savagetwinky

    No, in the context of changing the ship re-spawn system to not have any supplies onboard we were talking about re-stocking for a fee. About paying for it. Why?

    At no point have you explained why paying to re-stock at the outpost is a better thing and more in-keeping with the rest of the game than simply having resources at outposts be more plentiful to allow boats to re-stock there quickly and easily if they choose to do so.

    Scuttling wouldn't be a short-cut because it would be treated exactly the same as any other sinking, and the whole point is to add busy work for those that simply must repeatedly charge into fights to put them at a disadvantage if they aren't going to take time to properly prepare by sailing to an outpost first.

    With your system, what happens if we get into a fight AT an outpost? Could we have one player ashore just constantly buying more resources so that we never run out of cannonballs and planks? Can I pay for re-stocks to fill my barrels to maxiumum, or does re-stocking take it back to a default level so that I may lose additional planks that I had because I wanted to re-stock cannonballs? Will the restocking fee be lower or higher than the rewards given for selling banana/cannonball/wood crates to the Merchant? If it is higher then we are talking into the high hundreds which will definitely disadvantage new players. If it is lower then it will be easy and instant profit if you find them.

    For the sake of pandering to players like you, they you create a whole host of issues that would need to be designed and balanced around to avoid creating more problems which would run counter to the whole point of having the ship re-spawn empty in the first place.

    It's funny that your defense of your idea comes back around to "the current system makes us bully sloops". No, it doesn't. You choose to play the game that way. Resources in the game are far more reliably come by through other means, let alone how it would be if they improved the amount of resources available at outposts which was an intrinsic part of my suggestion.

  • @uncleskywalker1 if you have a mic why not put it on? I know you dont have to and your human rights etc but still, this would probably have been avoided by talking in the mic and saying let's drop the loot then I'll leave

  • @pandy020 said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:


    No, in the context of changing the ship re-spawn system to not have any supplies onboard we were talking about re-stocking for a fee. About paying for it. Why?
    At no point have you explained why paying to re-stock at the outpost is a better thing and more in-keeping with the rest of the game than simply having resources at outposts be more plentiful to allow boats to re-stock there quickly and easily if they choose to do so.

    I didn't say we had to pay for it, just make it faster/easier to restock. I threw out an idea of paying for it and asked why does it unbalance the game if it's faster/easier to restock? You seem to be against it for balancing the amount of time to restock.

    And while we are talking about paying for things. Whats the problem for a gold sink. No one really has a use for their gold anyway..

    Scuttling wouldn't be a short-cut because it would be treated exactly the same as any other sinking, and the whole point is to add busy work for those that simply must repeatedly charge into fights to put them at a disadvantage if they aren't going to take time to properly prepare by sailing to an outpost first.

    I'm pointing out what people do now to stock there ship faster. That's not unbalanced now it is just a convenience because when you having nothing it takes a lot of time to restock and its time no one wants to spend barrel diving.

    With your system, what happens if we get into a fight AT an outpost? Could we have one player ashore just constantly buying more resources so that we never run out of cannonballs and planks? Can I pay for re-stocks to fill my barrels to maxiumum, or does re-stocking take it back to a default level so that I may lose additional planks that I had because I wanted to re-stock cannonballs? Will the restocking fee be lower or higher than the rewards given for selling banana/cannonball/wood crates to the Merchant? If it is higher then we are talking into the high hundreds which will definitely disadvantage new players. If it is lower then it will be easy and instant profit if you find them.

    This is all in details that are pretty irrelevent. What I am asking you is what would be unbalanced about a straight restock your ship to 50% capacity instantly for some gold. What would be unbalanced about that?

    For the sake of pandering to players like you, they you create a whole host of issues that would need to be designed and balanced around to avoid creating more problems which would run counter to the whole point of having the ship re-spawn empty in the first place.

    You're making up far more about my argument than me... I'm asking at an outpost what is the issue with making it easier and faster to stock supplies. The vast majority of people at an outpost are either frantically trying to dump loot or getting started on a voyage.

    It's funny that your defense of your idea comes back around to "the current system makes us bully sloops". No, it doesn't. You choose to play the game that way. Resources in the game are far more reliably come by through other means, let alone how it would be if they improved the amount of resources available at outposts which was an intrinsic part of my suggestion.

    This is a discussion about player griefing and we will grief players continuously for the effort they spend running back and forth to an outpost to get their supplies. Your suggestion is to make more stuff at outposts meaning we'll have more incentive to kill all players on sight for their supplies feeding into one of the reason PvPer's grief other players.

    Your ignoring the other half of the equation when it comes to "griefing" or reasons to be overly hostile.

  • What this game needs most is something relatively more exciting and rewarding then the current questing system. The problem with the PVP is not only because of bad people playing the game, but lies in the fact that this is a great platform and awesome mechanics with the only exciting thing to do is to spawn camp other players. With fun rewarding features like fishing, gambling, surrendering ie. distress signal indicates ready for boarding(desperately needed), systems to facilitate grouping up with other crews but only with additional content and challenging tasks that requires 2 crews or more.
    If the game had any of these features then the griefing problem would be reduced significantly because players have something else to and a reason to socialize with other crews outside of killing them and taking their stuff.

  • @capn-tonis That's a really silly, stupid argument. Spawn killing is a problem that needs to be fixed. If you've already killed someone you've already "won". Spawn killing is just another way for bored twits to annoy and grief other players.

  • @motosyko21 THANK YOU.

  • Please for the love of god get rid of that horrible ship redrawn. It6made griefing for me much, much worse. I always hide my treasure on the island. But if any ship see's my ship it's always destroyed. So I have to sail half way across the map for a chest. This is a badly thought out solution. I'm at the point where I want to stop playing as this isn't fun It's needless work. I now spend three hours to do what should have taken two.

  • @captncrabb I didn't say it didn't need to be fixed, I said that the victors of a fight should not be punished. With how it currently works, you basically have to spawn kill while they sink to actually let them sink. If you don't kill them on spawn, they respawn, board up their ship and continue on because it's easy to bucket and repair. I don't like the system, but that's the only way to keep them off their repairs and actually sink a boat.

    But continue to read 2 words and shout "ur an idiot" at people.

  • @khaleesibot I simple fix to avoid spawn camping would be to give the re-spawning player a moment to reposition themselves on the ship as a ghost prior to coming back to life.

  • @capn-tonis You are right because if the player needs to make sure your ship is sunk, they need to stay near it or on it to make sure. It is only when you are being spawn killed on your boat and they are not sinking it.

  • i,m want more body defence when return from death and some way for me to send away player from my slopp where i,m spawn to theres own spawn place. every thing shold be fixed if player on small ship can send away who ever kiling them short after spawn.

  • @jamaconmon427 Absolutely, people using the system to just kill them, (I knew a couple people who would go over and repair their boat so they wouldn't sink, and proceed to keep killing them) suck, but at least scuttle ship is there.

    As you said though my main point is about sinking and being the victor of that situation forcing you to do it.

  • One thing I saw last night that I feel should be a feature is getting new players in quickly. One player on our team went AFK for half an hour before leaving and I thought to myself ‘what if we would’ve got into a massive ship battle, we would be at a disadvantage. I feel their should be less time before getting kicked as people who are just standing their not doing anything are getting money for nothing, while other players are actually TRYING

  • Last night I had the worst experience with SoT to date. I and my crew (of friends) were close to completing the skelly fort when for some unknown reason I ended up disconnected. When I was finally able to get back into the game a random person had been assigned to the boat, blocking me from joining my crew again. When told what happened and asked (nicely) to leave so that I could have my place back, the person refused. I angrily sat there in the main menu and watched this random person who had been in the game for all of 10 minutes maybe get to cash in the treasure I worked to get on my boyfriends computer (we game side by side).

    I understand that Rare is working on a fix for this to make private games stay private, but I feel that until the fix is in place that they could at least increase the time between player log out and queuing a random from the log in. Essentially allowing only those that are friends or recent players to join for a set amount of time (30 min seems about right). Allowing for such incidences as needing to restart a pc etc. It would work as a temporary work around until the games could be made private/invite only.

  • Thankfully I have only come across 1 team I would consider griefers. They put a few holes in my sloop when I was playing solo, and then proceeded to kill me while bailing water out of my ship. They killed me 3-4 times before my ship sank completely. I probably could have scuttled my ship, but I REALLY wanted to get revenge on them and kill them so I kept spawning in. I wasn't super salty about it, as it's literally the first time I had ever had this occur before in maybe 100ish hours of gameplay?

    I did have my first random crew mate who was a griefer/troll last night. Was solo on a galleon when 2 people joined, one with a mic and one without. We sailed to a Skull Fort that was RIGHT next to us and began assaulting it. The no mic guy decided to stay on the ship playing music and firing our cannons into the sky. After asking repeatedly to come help or do ANYTHING useful, he decided to grab Gunpowder Barrels and team kill us repeatedly. We brigged him of course, but it was my first time experiencing that.

  • Rare please fix your game. I just spent an hour doing a raid only for a three stack to queue into my game and stick me int he brig drowning me over and over for yet another hour. It has been two hours total. I am clearly wasting my time... And probably my money if you don't fix this. This is getting out of hand. This is not the first time..... A moderator's acknowledgement would go a long ways..

  • I am still in this brig being drowned over and over. I should be highly compensated and these players should be punished in some form.. [mod edited]

  • @bonnieaardvark
    They gave you options to avoid this.

  • @nwo-azcrack How?It isn't optimal to raid by myself and playing by yourself with lvl 35+ voyages is AIDs.

  • Hello Pirate lords! It appears that since last update 11-4-2018 sunk ships spawn nearby again. My crew was fighting a Skull fortress and a Galleon managed to get back to us 5 or 6 times in a very short time. Of course it's fun to fight others but not when they keep coming back to often and fast, this completely kills your joy of a victory. I don't know how they managed to get back so fast every time but it please make sure scutling or getting sunk doesn't trigger a nearby spawn Here is the stream where I was part of : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/249135519 Griefer Galleon First started at time 05:40:00 and gave up at 7:23:00

  • Someone joined my crew & their idea of a good time was to throw my chests overboard on the way to the outpost & get our ship sunk

    edit: sorry didn't really look through enough to know the context of this thread & i can't really propose a solution because he left the party after telling me this on the second sinking ship & i almost immediately forgot his name like smoke

  • @bonnieaardvark said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:

    I am still in this brig being drowned over and over. I should be highly compensated and these players should be punished in some form.. JDAWG1010, amcgrath18, and Immortal Enigma.

    Why haven't you left the game and found a new one after 2-3 hours of being in the brig? XD

  • @wipe-nd-clean The fact that 13k that I earned is sitting on the floor above me and I can't get any of the reputation or gold for it.

  • There is a separate thread on the forums entitled The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System To Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players which has a rather clever way of penalizing Griefers without ACTUALLY penalizing them. I suggest you folks take a look, it's rather interesting.

  • @khaleesibot People are not asking for more on a sloop, from my point of view I am seeing nothing but negative things on this as it will break the delicate balance in the game. Make smaller galleons sure becuase that has no advantage, a sloop with 4 people are unsinkable as its too easy to bail out with one person let alone 2 extras.

  • @ve111a said in [Mega Thread] Player Griefing - Part 3:

    @khaleesibot People are not asking for more on a sloop, from my point of view I am seeing nothing but negative things on this as it will break the delicate balance in the game. Make smaller galleons sure becuase that has no advantage, a sloop with 4 people are unsinkable as its too easy to bail out with one person let alone 2 extras.

    Agree with this. Would like to see a mid-sized ship that lays between sloop and galleon in speed and manouverabilty for 2-3 player crews to give players more choice.

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