Guide: Just started, what do I do?

  • Have you just woken up in the local tavern and have never even stepped outside to the beautiful world of sea of thieves? Well let this quick guide help you on your way to becoming more pirate.

    First Step: Explore

    Look around, get to know your surroundings. Talk to each of the NPC's to get a bit of background with the lore. Go into each shop and see what they have for sale. Get an idea on what you want to maybe purchase in the future. Learn what each of the factions are, and the general location of where they might be found.

    Gold Hoarders: Treasure voyages - Found in their own little tent surrounded by gold.

    Order of the Souls: Skull hunting voyages - Found under the potion looking shop with purple cloth hanging for doors.

    Merchant Alliance: Delivery voyages - Found on the dock with a map and globe nearby.

    Collect as many supplies as you can! Bring all the bananas, cannonballs and wooden planks back your ship. Make sure you are well stocked for whatever your upcoming adventure will hold!

    Can't find your ship? Look for a mermaid in the water, they often have a blue like flare shooting into the sky. They will bring you to your ship!

    Can't find your ship and the mermaid brings you back to the tavern? Go into the menu and scuttle your ship! This should fix the issue and the mermaid should bring you to the ship now!

    Step Two: Begin a Voyage!

    Select which faction and type of voyage you want by talking to the faction! The first voyages are free, but be wary you can only hold three!

    To begin a voyage, return to your ship and place it on the table. You need a majority to vote on which voyage to start. Use the table with the map to find your destination, mark it so the rest of the crew can see!

    Raise the anchor, drop the sails and be off on your first adventure!

    Remember if you are doing a Merchant Alliance voyage that you will need to go back to the merchant after starting. Talk to them to grab chicken coops, pig cages and snake baskets for your adventure!

    Step Three: Have fun, enjoy adventure and be more pirate!

    Meet new friends, foes and enemies! If you see a skull cloud in the air.. go and see what fortune it might bring!

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  • @tonyferelli
    I'm so glad there are people in these threads like you who are willing to help newcomers to the game.

    Thank you, I hope wind may always be in your sails and the seas always in your fortune.

  • @xxxgabejlxxx

    Anytime! The start can be a bit confusing for some, but it doesn't take long to get a handle on it.

  • @tonyferelli

    I have to agree with you.

  • This game is complete joke. How can a company this big release a game with no tutorial. I have no idea on what to do. I don't want to spend hours working out what the buttons do and how to play the game. I know it's open world but for crying out loud put a tutorial in and stop being so lazy. Ruined the game for me. I work and don't have time to spend hours figuring how to play. THIS IS NOT FUN.

  • @andikirnobi The game is a see-for-yourself-game. The exploration is THE game. There are lots of games with tutorials and easymode styles.
    This is finally an other take on how to play a game. Plus the website and community you can find all the help. You don't have to do this solo, join a galleon through matchmaking as trio. Or the sloop as duo. But for the newcomers it's best to join galleons.

    Just keep searching and trying out. It's more rewarding, than following a guide on the internet. No ones like to put together IKEA furniture.

  • @tonyferelli cool thanks for the guide

  • @andikirnobi you can do the maiden voyage tall tail to learn the ropes of the game. Also if you are confused as to what buttons do what you can always go into settings and controller/keyboard layout and it will let you know what does what. You can even change the controls if you don’t like the set up of default. Just be careful tho as if you change one control to a button another control used to have it will unbind it.

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