The Ultimate Training Session for SoT...

  • I rode Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland 6 times....... XD

  • 15
  • @revan790 me too. Seems we are veteran pirates now ey.

  • @a-savvy-sparrow Aye matey. Drink up me hearty! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for meeee...

  • @revan790 We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!

  • @A-Savvy-Sparrow So which are you then, mate? The devil or angel on thine shoulder...

    And I agree, again and again- til' the end of the world and beyond. Drink up 'me-Hearty's Yo Ho!

  • @cappjacksparrow It merely depends on what devious pirating adventure I ‘ave in mind.

    Afterall what fun is there when there’s no munitnys? And say, perhaps sending your dear ole captain to Davy Jones locker.

  • @cappjacksparrow said in The Ultimate Training Session for SoT...:

    @A-Savvy-Sparrow So which are you then, mate? The devil or angel on thine shoulder...

    And I agree, again and again- til' the end of the world and beyond. Drink up 'me-Hearty's Yo Ho!

    Look's like we be having an "Impostor" ;)
    Almost like that time yah' Ran into your decent Lady-Friend Angelica!

  • @cap-h-barbossa

  • @cappjacksparrow

    Heya Captain, get on tonight! We need to talk!

  • @cap-h-barbossa Well, no doubt you’ve noticed my homage to the great Jack Sparrow himself then.

    Ahem, Captain, Jack Sparrow that is.

  • Considering it inspired a 5 movie franchise, I would assume it's pretty good.

  • @master-j-gibbs
    Aye, I will. Shall we Ten Man crew it again like yesterday run the servers? Pick up any scurvy lad'er'lass who decides to come along for th'ride. pillage and plunder any unfortunate bloke who come's across our path. Gather the other's, meet me online in 30.

  • @cappjacksparrow

    Aye! It Be a Sea Of Thieves!

  • @master-j-gibbs

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