Ship spawn camping reduction idea

  • How about when you board an enemy vessel to steal treasure if there are chests aboard a countdown clock starts. The idea is to get the loot off of the enemy ship as fast as possible and earn a bonus when you turn in the stolen chest based on how fast you were. This would potentially cut down on people sticking around on a ship and spawn killing continuously. What do you think? Ideas and suggestions welcomed.

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  • @bloodfrenzy187 Sorry, but no. The entire respawn system is broken, and fixes should start there.

  • @darlain I agree that the respawn needs a big overhaul but also realize if Rare doesn't curb trolling and camping now it could also have a major drain on the game.

    Edit: in fact im in favor of a delay to make these fixes.

  • For no troll kill in the mermaid ... would be an option for surender.(let face it if u arrive to this point, its clearly a defeat, so why not a surrender mode?)
    If u do so you cant get killed and the shooter arrive in a bring or die instead of you if he kepp shooting at you. (no more trolls)
    If you surender your hand stay up. you cant use any weapons anymore, you can go on the enemi ship but you cant do anything who might annoying them( no anker use or sails, no chest pick up for example) ... and for stop this mode you have to go far from their boat by swimming or (hopfully later possibilities) use a raw boat!
    Surrender have to be all the team agree to it as a vote for scuttle the ship.
    This will give opportunity to be able to talk to the other players... sometime enemies became best friends :D

  • @bloodfrenzy187 An easy fix (it's horrible, but it's what takes the least amount of work to make it into release) would be to add like a 2 seconds invulnerabilty state when you fresh spawn in your own ship, so you can't get blunderbuss'd right to the face while you're still seeing a white screen.

  • @bloodfrenzy187

    If spawn camping is a thing, it should be an easy fix.

    1. make a lot of spawn locations.
    2. When a spawn takes place check the location for nearby pirates. If there are pirates nearby, pick a new location. Start over.
  • @darlain that white screen drives me nuts.

  • @diver0129 I think you're right definitely about creating more spawn points

  • If someones camping your ship and killing you, all you have to do is vote to skuttle while on they ferry and your ship sinks. Spawn back in and you're on the island with your new ship.
    I don't think the invulnerable shield is a bad idea, but during that time you shouldn't be allowed to do damage either.. I.E. running around and killing an entire crew while staying alive. But it also gives another player an advantage to maneuver around someones ship and get a strategic advantage they might not normally have. Argument could go either way.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 people will be less douchebags when there will be mission who requires 2 crews to make it. I think that is the point of making people more kind cos enemy of my enemy is my friend

  • @kermar-tutu said in Ship spawn camping reduction idea:

    For no troll kill in the mermaid ... would be an option for surender.(let face it if u arrive to this point, its clearly a defeat, so why not a surrender mode?)
    If u do so you cant get killed and the shooter arrive in a bring or die instead of you if he kepp shooting at you. (no more trolls)
    If you surender your hand stay up. you cant use any weapons anymore, you can go on the enemi ship but you cant do anything who might annoying them( no anker use or sails, no chest pick up for example) ... and for stop this mode you have to go far from their boat by swimming or (hopfully later possibilities) use a raw boat!
    Surrender have to be all the team agree to it as a vote for scuttle the ship.
    This will give opportunity to be able to talk to the other players... sometime enemies became best friends :D

    I like your suggestion... i think there needs to be some kind of parlay systrm and or surrender system like you suggested

  • @avecrux said in Ship spawn camping reduction idea:

    @bloodfrenzy187 people will be less douchebags when there will be mission who requires 2 crews to make it. I think that is the point of making people more kind cos enemy of my enemy is my friend

    THERE NEEDS TO BE CO OP MISSIONS BETWEEN CREWS! If there are never reasons to co operate the game will devolve into griefing killfests ala pubg and ark survival

  • @poppasquids said in Ship spawn camping reduction idea:

    If someones camping your ship and killing you, all you have to do is vote to skuttle while on they ferry and your ship sinks. Spawn back in and you're on the island with your new ship.
    I don't think the invulnerable shield is a bad idea, but during that time you shouldn't be allowed to do damage either.. I.E. running around and killing an entire crew while staying alive. But it also gives another player an advantage to maneuver around someones ship and get a strategic advantage they might not normally have. Argument could go either way.

    The respawning os horrible and predictable.. i see this suggested all the time and it never works.. especially woth all the hardcore trolling griefers in the game... ive done as you suggested and spawn very close to the enemy who just killed me. They find where i am fast and kill me again and again... also griefers will band together ( based on the apparently 4 crews per server) leaving 1 legitimate crew to get dogpiled over and over...

    Me and my crew kept getting attacked by fleets of griefers who worked together... we even tried exiting and reentering the game and encountered the same phenomenon multiple times.... griefing is a serious problem in this game that needs to be adressed or combatted somehow or else it will become gta online and ark survival!
    This will push alot of people away...

    Rare needs to desperately clarify weither or not this ia a pvp only game because the majority of people playing now see it that way.. and if sot is pvp only why in the hell do they have voyages questing etc.. why have any pve elements at all? Im all for some un oirate battles but there is a difference between that and non stop pvp griefing...

    I was so excited for thia game and i love the core mechanics to death.. sadly while playing this beta and seeing the kinds of players populating it seeing the griefers hardcore panicing on the foruma and attacking verbally people like me for being interested in the ove elements ... i am thinking this isnt the game for me and isnt the game advertised for me.. i think its false advertising at this point. Rare should have said its pvp only! Non atop griefing battle royal action... if rare said this was just battle royal pirates i never would have touched sot... or should i say sea of griefers?

  • There is a simple solution. You simply shouldn't spawn on your ship. It should be possible to steal someone's ship. Happens on an island, mermaid will take you back to an outpost.

  • No, it's a bad idea to add time to steal chests.
    Because it's an open world and we like to take the time to do things, whether for sailing or even for a boat, it's fun to take the time.
    A good idea would be to pay to get a new boat once it sank! Because the game is too easy and lacks difficulty in the battle! It's too easy when you can have a free boat immediately after sinking!

    We have to pay the boats. As the battles will be more intense! is we will not want to lose are boat!

    Thx for reading me.
    And Thx for this amazing game.

  • @maytrix Steal someone's ship good idea ! :D it's a pirat game !

  • @rodd126fr said in Ship spawn camping reduction idea:

    @maytrix Steal someone's ship good idea ! :D it's a pirat game !

    Yeah, I had a good example of this last night. I was just out to collect some chests and earn some gold. I had a guy attack me and he was just not good.. I sunk his ship easy with little damage to mine. Then I ran into him again - unfortunately I was off my ship collecting a chest and saw his ship as I was heading back but he got to me first.. I still sunk him, but my ship sunk too. What would have been great is if I could have just boarded his ship and killed him and then it became mine.. he couldn't respawn on it.. maybe on the same island, but he'd have to then fight me for the ship..

    Perhaps a way to claim your ship would be to have your own pirate flag..

    I have no idea what this guy was thinking though.. both times he attacked me and I sunk his ship, he had a chest.. so in the end, he lost out and the 2nd time, I lost out as well losing my chests.. Really made no sense..

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