PC huge problem Voice Mic not working

  • As the title says. Microphone is not working. Voice/chat/VOIP proximity voice it's a huge flaw in the game.
    I am not the only one complaining, i see a lot of people here and reddit with problems. And let me say i tried all the fixes available! I use mic in steam/ts/discord and in many many other games without any issue. Here it simply doesn't work.
    What's even worse is that i can see the voice icon appearing in top of other players and i can't hear what they say.
    This game is meant to be played with a team and if it's not possible to use voice chat / mic then this game is not fun to play.
    I know, it's a alfa/beta, but this is a bug/flaw (whatever) that must be corrected ASAP. I won't buy the game with this problema and how can i know if it's fixed (in 3 months) before buying it??

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  • @guilhas21 Don't know if you've tried this but helped with all of my friends having microphone issues.

    In Windows go to Settings - Privacy - Microphone, and turn on "Let apps use my microphone"

    Hope this helps!

  • @guilhas21 You can try to use the method @Wathagan mentioned but also there is a option to select microphone in Xbox-app. Mine did not work with the default even when I own only 1 microphone and it is always plugged on until I changed it manually it to the right input device.

    The setting is found opening the Xbox-app in PC - pressing cogwheel on left menu and scrolling a bit down.

    Edit: and if you're using push-to-talk hold left Alt to talk with your crew.

  • @wathagan Thanks for the tip but i already tried to do this. Also i have open NAT so the problema isn't in my router.
    I also gave DMZ and opened all the necessary ports.
    I allways change the settings from "speakers" to "headphones". My mic is predefined and also is my headset. I have reinstalled the game severall times, in the SSD or the HDD. I change from push to talk to the other option, restarted the game many many times and tried with at least 50 diff crews. There is a problema and it's affecting a lot o people...

  • @silenc3hunter Hello! YEs, i know the option and i tried with all the diferente ones available! Something really strange is happening with this game

  • @guilhas21 There is a little help available on this page and as others have mentioned, I have occasionally found my 'allow apps' button for the game reset -

  • @katttruewalker Hi there!
    I already tried this fix but it doesn't work! Something really wrong is going on and i think it's some sort of compatibility.
    I am posting this so that they can see it and maybe work on a fix. Bugs are expected, i am ok with that. But there are some type of Bugs that take all the joy of playing the game and imo this is one of them!

    I hope they see this :)

  • I'm having this problem as well. I've set the privacy settings to allow both Xbox and SOT to use my microphone. The correct microphone is selected in my Xbox app.

    I'm going to try disabling my firewall (ESET Smart Security). I don't know which ports I need to forward, but voice works fine on my actual Xbox.

  • @wathagan I have tried it and didn't work for me.

  • I can't get my mic to work either. I've tried all the above and still nothing. So frustrating because the way I see it, this game has to have a mic to coordinate.

  • @guilhas21 Hey - I had the same problem during the technical alpha and couldn't figure it out for the life of me, but I finally found out what the problem was. For starters, make sure that in Windows 10's Settings - Privacy - Microphone, "Let apps use my microphone" is on. Then check the Xbox app's Settings page and go to the Network tab and see if everything's fine and you're able to connect to all the services - if you get some kind of Teredo error, there are instructions here on how you can fix that: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-on-windows/social/troubleshoot-party-chat

    Hope this works for ya, and maybe for anyone else who is running into the same problems on Windows 10.

  • My Mic was working 2 days ago, and wasn't working yesterday. I had changed to push to talk. when I turned off push to talk it was working again. yes I was pressing left alt.

  • (PC) I had the same situation as well. I spent well over 4 hours turning PTT off and on, switching from headphones to speakers and I had gone through all the xbox and pc settings and just floated around pretty much holding the left-alt button and yelling at everybody i saw for those hours. (I could hear everybody the entire time) I also joined 4 different 4man crews and either A) all 12 of the other players ignored me or B) they didn't know I was even trying to communicate

    THEN I was fighting these 2 guys and I could hear them just fine but they couldnt hear me UNTIL i was on the ferry with one of them and suddenly after that, they could hear me in the living world. I have no idea if it was just random happenstance or what. but since then, my mic has been working just fine. Hope maybe this helps? If not, sorry :(

    **ALSO please please please put an icon in that appears when you push the PTT button or are talking. The icon above the player's head is great IF you have other people around but if your mic isn't working and the cloud isn't appearing it's pointless.

  • It would be nice if they even acknowledged this. I have to play using Discord and usually only on 2 man ships due to no communication in game. It's a game-breaking bug.

  • sorry i have to ask i have a prob my friend invite me to join his lobby and i dont know where i can get the invitation , i receive nothing im on pc

  • Any updates on this?

  • Im in the same boat. My friends can use VoIP without a problem but I cannot. I coud use VoIP in previous alphas thoug?.
    Tried settigng up DVR game bar Xbox app audio settings enabled the Toredo stuff and checked Privacy settings. In Privacy settings thoug I can only generally enable it and allow Xbox app, I have no SoT app in there.
    Im reinstalling right now in case it helps.
    I do use TS3 with my friends but I cant comunicate propperly with randoms if we are 3 or less :/

  • @guilhas21 I also encountered an error on xbox, well not so much an error as it is weird, the voices are really hard to hear and it was annoying so I just stayed in party chat for the majority of the time.

  • @guilhas21 I came across this (literally about 2 mins ago..) not sure if it is any help

    2 of the services that were listed (scroll down) as needed had been stopped...somehow

  • @quebecd32 it would be on the Xbox App for Windows

    sign in with your Gamertag/Microsoft account and it should have you friends list, notifications, invites etc

  • @katttruewalker this fix doesn't work...this whole problem started a month ago. Why dont you fix the problem and get the CROSS PLATFORM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING

  • I had the same problem but as a temporary solution, I used an old pair of headphones with a microphone integrated. Worked perfectly but I know it's by no means a perfect solution especially for live streamers or pre-recording reviewers/ lets players, who want crystal clear vocals.

    I think it may be a user or hardware error but if not I would love a fix too, wanted to start streaming this and my old headset is..... old!

    PS the issue I had was while playing cross-play with my husband

  • @guilhas21
    Right click on windows start menu button. Select device manager. Got to Network Adapters. Look for any thing that says Teredo. if it's not there you have to re enable it.

    Right click on the windows start button and select command prompt (Admin). Type: netsh interface Teredo set state disable

    Then type: netsh interface Teredo set state type=default

    Then check the device manager again and see if it came back. If it's back, it's fixed.

    That should help.

  • @guilhas21 @BROODKRONIK

    Ahoy there, if the suggested fixes aren't working you'll need to raise a Support ticket here, Support

  • Hey Guys. Game is Live and i got also the Problems on Pc only Version.
    i tested everything in this Post. nothing helps me out.
    After 6 Hours try and error i found something that , i think, solved my Problem.
    I could hear everybody in game but my voice doesnt work. my crew could see the bubble over my head but no voice to hear.

    My way to solve this i think was the " Game Mode" by Win10.
    Go win 10 "all settings" " Gaming?!/game" "Game Bar" activate it.

    now u can Press " WIN+ G" in Main Menu of SoT and a bar appears. At this Bar u have settings for game mode activation ect. AND u can ACTIVATE your Microfone extra to every other setting.
    I think this was the right way that helps me. otherwise. Good Luck for Troubleshooting

  • I was encounter this problem as well.

    I spent some time diagnosing and troubleshooting the problem my computer, as well as my local network.

    Things to check.

    1. Reinstall all audio drivers
    2. Test audio devices in other applications that they are working as expected.
    3. Reinstall all network drivers.
    4. Confirm that your nat type as detected by the xbox lives services is "open".
      you can test this in the settings panel on the windows xbox app. If you get anything other then open follow the instructions outlined by Microsoft at https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-on-windows/social/troubleshoot-party-chat .
    5. After i got my NAT type as "open". I test my mic setting in SoT with no luck. I went to the desktop with closing the game and caught something i had not gotten before from previous troubleshooting.

    My Virus Protection software, Kaspersky, Was blocking the inbound network traffic for Crossplay audio. It prompted an alert in the background stating that it was blocking the network traffic while the client was running. I put in a exception for the SoT crossplay service and i started hearing audio from other players when i flipped back to the game.

    After adjusting my microphone output levels they could hear me.

    I hope this information helps other players having issues. If this doesn't help anyone, make a list of everything you have tried as detailed as possible and post a response.

  • I'm now having a problem as well. My setup has been fine for the most part, since the Pioneer days. It seems to have happened with my latest Windows Update. 5/19/18
    I'm on PC, I have a Yamaha MG10XU Mixer with a Rode Procaster Mic.

    All my apps are set to allow the mic.
    My Discord works fine. Party chat works fine.
    People cannot hear me in game.

    I've tried and gone through everything they've listed here...

    NAT type is Moderate
    Server Connectivity is Blocked.
    I've never had to look at that before, so I'm not sure what it was set as yesterday before the update.

  • yeah i have problems as well everyone on sea of thieves can barley hear me for some reason

  • @skeletonpiratex Same issue here on PC - all started from the big Win10 update.

    I've tried all the usual stuff - reset app - striped out VoiceMeter and use basic windows sound mixer. deleted and reinstall app too. My Mic and sound works in discord etc but not SoT.

    Xbox networking shows connected/open

  • @Morris-Inc-2018 My problem fixed itself about a week or so ago. I didn't do anything. I'm still clueless as to what happened.

    Nat type is still Moderate,
    Server connectivity is now Connected

  • Only issue I haven't been able to fix is Chat works fine through SoT in-game chat, Discord but when I use the Xbox App (PC) it blasts static to entire party. I've tried changing audio settings to almost lowest and still does this.

  • Thank God for Discord. Because Its my only means of communication. All forms of In-game chat have been broken since last patch.

  • @weirdlooking

    Where did you find the SoT Crossplay service. Trying to add it to my exclusions.

  • @braxkedren said in PC huge problem Voice Mic not working:

    when I use the Xbox App (PC) it blasts static to entire party

    Do you have an audio device made by Logitech? Because that is sadly normal then. I have a Logitech G510 keyboard with integrated sound card and it does the same thing. This also happens with Logitech USB headsets.

  • @sanni said in PC huge problem Voice Mic not working:

    @braxkedren said in PC huge problem Voice Mic not working:

    when I use the Xbox App (PC) it blasts static to entire party

    Do you have an audio device made by Logitech? Because that is sadly normal then. I have a Logitech G510 keyboard with integrated sound card and it does the same thing. This also happens with Logitech USB headsets.

    I do/did actually. I was EXTREMELY lucky and won one of the VModa headsets and have been testing it out with not much problems.

    So you’re probably correct about it being a Logitech compatibly issue. Weird as it’s never happened before.

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