Stories, suggestions, feedback and questions

  • #TavernTalk Will the game support split-screen play on Xbox? Will players be able to join alliance or something of the sort? Also, Is there any chance of a large (8 man crew) ship being added (perhaps for limited time events).

    My reason for asking (You wanted stories Rare so here you are)
    It was a normal day on the calm waves. Me and my partner in crime were returning to port with our barnacle chest in the back of our sloop. A fruitless journey. I was once again climbing the ladder to scan the horizon - perhaps of boredom. As I reached the crow's nest, I looked at the nearing docks and the surrounding area. A sail at the outpost. And another. Heading towards it.
    After a brief exchange of word with my fellow sailor we made a decision. Hard port. A U turn and then some. I looked back. Both ships had now turned towards us on full sails. The closer ship, the one that was docked was a sloop like our own. The further, which had now began firing at the first, was a galleon. Full crew. We kept turning until the outpost was visible on our starboard. We headed towards it in the hopes to loop around it and deliver our loot. As we turned I noticed that the ships had broken off the pursuit and were turning the other way, back to the docks.
    When we emerged on the other side of the island, the sloop was once again visible, stationary at the docks.
    "I will attempt to make peace, keep the boat at a distance just in case."
    I jumped into the cold, salty waters that I had become accustomed to. I swam up to the ladder and ascended it cautiously. The enemy was on board their ship. I stood on the pier between their gangway and the outpost. My cutlass was drawn. The enemy, presumably the captain, left the sloop and faced me; cutlass drawn. I put away my weapon. The gesture was mirrored. A sign of peace to the unwary sailor, a reminder of the treachery of pirates to me.
    "I wish to offer you a deal. You may sell your loot and we will sell ours, no fighting".
    My face hit the water as the cannonball swept me clean off the pier. As I was falling I saw the three sails of a galleon, one that did not leave.
    "Run!" I shouted to my new ally.
    I swam to my fellow pirate, who had returned to drag me out of the water. We went around the island yet again and upon arriving at the shore at which we had originally planned to drop anchor I decided to use the chaos to my advantage. I took the chest and hid in the plant-life. I saw the tent a mere 20 yards from where I was. I remained still. I heard voices on the beach. I ran for the tent and claimed our reward.
    I returned to where I had previously heard voices to see a pirate standing on the beach.
    "Care for a truce" I suggested

    As it turned out, while I was sneaking with our chest to get our payment, the other two crews had also called a truce. And within a minute all eight of us were sat on the beach with music and dancing. We moved onto the tavern. The grog was...bearable and the company even worse. It was then that we made the ultimate pact.

    The sloops were sailing off into the distance as the we waved them goodbye. They weren't needed anymore. We were now brothers in arms, bonded by the promise of treasure. All eight of us set sail on the galleon with a new adventure. As we set off a sloop was nearing the docks. It couldn't have picked a worse moment. 4 cannons ripped into the side of the sloop.Twice. It crashed straight into the rocks.

    We travelled long enough to accumulate 6 chests, for 3 crews. Two each... until I found out that another was stashed in the crow's nest. My brother in crime had stashed it there earlier and no-one else knew. WE cashed in an extra chest. Nobody realise, nobody knew, and oblivious to our selfish ways, they were happy.
    It was time for my last goodbye. I allowed my 7 co-workers to kill me. A final gift to them. As I stood at the bow of the vessel I had been calling my home, I watched 7 pairs of hands reach for their guns.
    "Farewell friends"

    Overall I had a lot of fun playing the alpha and I'd like to thank Rare for creating such an amazing game.

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  • @viperstrike920 please tell me there will be random sea monsters in this game to fight or even lure enemy ships to

  • @viperstrike920 Thanks for posting your feedback! From what we know so far, split screen will not be supported.

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