gamestop has beta codes

  • Thank you for your Sea Of Thieves pre-order! Your code to unlock the BlackDog Pack as well as a chance to join the closed beta is below.

    Code Expires: 03/30/2018
    For redemption instructions, please visit
    Pre-order Sea of Thieves and you'll receive the exclusive Black Dog Pack (containing stylish clothing and items with unique, spectacular designs) as well as a chance to join Closed Beta ahead of the game's worldwide launch on March 20, 2018!*
    For news on Closed Beta dates please keep an eye on

    this prints on your receipt if you pre-order sea of thieves at gamestop but there will be a code on it also xD

  • 20
  • But we still have to wait and I am like.....
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  • @zombie-p1ague more like... alt text

  • This is why I got a digital copy, though I'm sure you can just walk in and show the receipt if you you don't get the code. You might have done the smarter option.

  • Lol I got mine on amazon so here’s hoping

  • @monkykingbar

    From the official page

    Black Dog Pack of select in-game items offered exclusively with pre-order. Limited Time Beta in a 5-day period during January 2018 (exact date to be determined). Ratings pending. Xbox One, broadband internet (ISP fees apply) and Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required.

    So if you pre-order you will get to play beta but there's nothing official from Rare yet as to how we will get access.
    You are right to keep your eyes on the forum or other official media sites though :D

  • @monkykingbar said in gamestop has beta codes:

    [..] as well as a chance to join Closed Beta ahead of the game's worldwide launch on March 20, 2018!*

    a chance

    Don't get your hopes up too high. It could be a marketing stunt.
    If they allow ONE person in , you still had A CHANCE .....

  • @lizalaroo I thought all who had played and been given founder status would be allowed to join the closed Beta? Or do we also have to pre order he game?

  • @wilkoom
    No m8, we're in the beta ;)
    All founders / pioneers etc will be granted access to the Beta

  • Waiting for the beta like
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  • @monkykingbar I pre ordered by amazon, i wonder if i even get a beta code :'(

  • @furioustripod13 Amazon sends you an email with the code.

  • @lizalaroo thanks for the info. could you link the official page i couldnt find that info.

    i saw somewhere that bestbuy has a physical coin as a pre-order bonus. i really hope i get one of those from gamestop or i might have to change my order :P

    p.s. collectors edition pls?

  • @monkykingbar

    alt text

  • @triheadedmonkey that one doesnt say "5-day period" :thinking:

  • @monkykingbar

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  • @triheadedmonkey thanks bud

  • @monkykingbar no worries, see you on the Sea!

  • @triheadedmonkey @Monkykingbar
    All I have to say is
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  • I was supposed to get my code emailed last Friday from game stop but i still didn't get it and I'm just raging a ton cuz i call and i can't understand anybody half the time cuz their accent and also the reception makes their voice get a bit static sometimes

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