Make the armoury only for swapping weapon types and move the skins to equipment/vanity chest

  • Simple request, make the armoury only for swapping the type of weapon used and move the weapon skins over to the equipment or vanity chest. This would make it so much better for swapping weapon types on the fly or in the heat of the moment, it get's really annoying and old having to constantly select the weapon skin each time you want to use a certain weapon for a certain situation, especially when you build up a stash of weapon skins.

  • 6
  • Agreed, or make it so you can save certain weapon skins to the armoury if you swap between different skins fairly regularly

  • @hercuhealys This is why I mostly use the pirate weapons. I can't be bothered to choose a skin when I need to change my weapon now, so I end up just picking the first one.

  • Or don’t swap during intense battles. Commit to your choices. Don’t be afraid

  • 100% agree, would make life way easier

  • I think if they added a "Favorite" bar for every cosmetic (Like you can have 6 favorite items) it would make it easier.

    So if you go to the Armory, your 6 favorites of each item will be taking up the couple screens, then the rest of the items will appear as they are. If you then go to "Sword" the top row would be your favorited items, followed by the rest.

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