Are megs broken or just different??

  • I have played in a couple of years and alots new or different, come back with the new ps5 version played during the beta, and now with the early access. Yet every time I come across a megalodon all it does is circle and never bites. It's been multiple times now even gone so far as to straight up anchor and just continuosly fire at it and it still just circles and either dies with no bites or just despawns with no bites.

  • 7
  • We all want big scary shark. .... I miss aggressive meg during a skelly gally spawn too

  • They fixed skelly galleons yesterday and skelly galleons are way more dangerous than megs.

    I'm using that for hope that there is just some terribly complex bug with megs and they aren't intentionally nerfing their behavior to such extremes.

    It's unfortunate but I'm happy they fixed skelly ships so I'm back to giving more wiggle room on benefit of the doubt for megs.

  • I come across a megalodon all it does is circle and never bites

    They won’t attack sloops unless you attack first. Because, solo sloops hated being attacked

    I dislike it myself, Meg appears from the waters it should be aggressive on the spot

  • The team are preparing fixes for the recently introduced water visual issues, and are jumping back to investigate the longer-standing bugs that seem to be causing us a real headache with shark frequency, passive Megalodons and inconsistent Captaincy Supplies.

    Things are looking up!

  • I don't like that they make the music start playing before you see the Meg. It takes the jump scare away. Years ago then Meg would just burst out of the water by the boat and scare the S out of you, then the music would start. It was sfar more affective then. I wish they would change it back.

  • @tedakin said in Are megs broken or just different??:

    I don't like that they make the music start playing before you see the Meg. It takes the jump scare away. Years ago then Meg would just burst out of the water by the boat and scare the S out of you, then the music would start. It was sfar more affective then. I wish they would change it back.

    Megs are far more rare than years ago and it's far easier to lose a meg these days.

    Even more would be lost without strong notice of presence. Casual play needs it imo.

    but in combat with other pve/pvp the music often switches to rumbling noise so there are still situations where it is a surprise.

    I just saw a good surprise yesterday when a ps5 player got their first meg encounter, was awesome.

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