The main problem i see with SOT

  • Doesn't matter how much content and how many modes of play are in SOT, having less players on a server as opposed to more basically reduces the purpose of having more tools for pvp while completely changing the way we play and even making some functions completely obsolete.

    Example: we have the ability to bury chest, but does anyone actually ever use it? we really have no need since there typically is one or 2 ships on the server and no need to hide something in a hurry.
    Another example is having the ability to purchase cannons and other pvp supplies, so unless you are constantly playing HG battles, you don't really need more supplies since whatever you find is enough for us to get by vs the PVE and those few ships that might show up looking for a fight.

    Point being, if there were more players per server, more ships, say 10 ships per server, i guarantee it would be a game changer BUT i do know this is probably not possible and never going to happen in this version of SOT but as a simple suggestion for RARE to make it so if it is ever possible.
    This is obviously my opinion and limited to how i see the game.

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  • All I know is that at some point years ago I was around players without lag for the last time lol

    Player lag during every glitterbeard I was a part of, player lag with every big fight in recent years, etc etc

    Even before getting to the point of whether or not it's compatible for the environment there is the issue of performance barely keeping up with what we already have going on. I don't see how performance could improve that much but I guess it's possible.

  • @eva1977 said in The main problem i see with SOT:

    ( ... ) Example: we have the ability to bury chest, but does anyone actually ever use it? ( ... )

    Yes, when someone is on an island while the ship sails on; e.g. for getting supplies, they find treasure (or kills skeleton captain), burying it will hide it from other crews and stops it from despawning.

    We might return later to that island and dig up the loot, post it on a board at the end of a session, have it for people who sink us later on to do whatever they want with it or (most likely) we forget about it 😁.

    But we do use it.

  • I would love there to be more ships per server. The problem is that the current servers can barely handle 5-6, let alone 10, unfortunately. I sincerely hope, now more than ever that Microsoft allocates better servers to Rare, since we now have Playstation in the mix.

  • @valor-omega

    I am half convinced that we have reached the point where "SOT2" should be considered.

    They've had 6 years of lessons learned, 6 years of change of perspective, 6 years of hardware improvement.

    They had statements that they had to stop updating Unreal Engine 4 at an earlier date because later patches didn't play well with the mods they had or had made to the original engine.

    Freed from the baseline code that currently exists, with 6 years of experience under their belt, I think a ground up re-build of the game with unreal 5 I would love to see what they would do with the SOT game.

  • @eva1977 I agree.

    Same said abt fishing. There are players saying that no1 fishes. Maybe...
    I think that's why so many achievements are locked behind these forgotten "things". Though seasoned Crews do use some of it, I think.

    The S12 tools - we are gonna get handed - are also nice for PvE.

    Abt servers. I made a post somewhere saying we should bring like-minded players together. A system that encourages them to do so.

    We need good ideas in here. Ppl who build/shape the suggested new ideas. No need for politics 'cos that's a swamp: if all of this gonna work there gonna be a fix, and for all of this. I'm sure. :)

  • @tybald I dont think making a sequel is the solution we need. I think the big issue is new game changing content being added for 6 years strait while not stopping to address tech debt. A while back a game i have loved for years chose to take a break from making new content to fix bugs for a couple months, and the end result fixed so many issues the game had for such a long time.

    When devs take a break from adding new stuff that could conflict with other areas of code to fix up their code and polish, it will fix the issues that plague their games, and right now i am happy they have a dedicated team working on bugs, but i worry a single team wont be enough to fix 6 years of tech debt, and they may need a lot of the dev team working on game health.

    If they actually take the time to fix the issues at hand i think it will genuinely be much faster than building a whole game from ground up since that takes a lot of time and resources.

  • @tybald I do too unless developers have other tricks up their sleeves and can add more ships per server.

  • More ships won’t bring good honest fun. It be chaos. And crowded. Players already complain about being camped at outposts. With just 5 ships, 4 being others. With 10 ships or so, alliance can dock every outpost.

    we have the ability to bury chest, but does anyone actually ever use it

    Yes. I do every time just because I can no reason. Just do it.

  • @burnbacon Part of the fun of sea of thieves was that, always being on edge because someone was chasing you, there is so much loot to go around now that even losing a loaded ship wouldn't be such a big deal like it was before.

    More ships will not magically transform the game in to something else but it would bring back an element that has been lost.

    But i do agree more ships might be a good thing for some and a bad thing for others.

  • @eva1977

    main problem I see is people not playing the way other people expect them to play then both parties complaining about it in their own echo chambers.

  • @pithyrumble With justification "It's a pirate game, your supposed to be able to be a jerk".
    And others don't want any of what the game offers, at all.
    One extreme to the other.

  • When I get on a server I feel like it has randomized settings. Kind of like each server is some kind of fallout vault with a weird experiment happening. Some servers I run all over the map and find nobody, zero, nothing, zilch, no humans. Then other servers are full of 4 or 5 ships. Morning times are very strange, very often I go hours and never see anyone anywhere even when looking. I understand people can be doing tall tales or they dove underwater for hourglass and are sitting there but still.

  • @karkona Same experience here and good comparison, it does feel exactly like Fallout sometimes.

  • @goldsmen

    I said half convinced. :) That is because I think many issues are likely caused by fundamental and foundational decisions made at the beginning that simply can't be realistically changed now, not without what is essentially a re-write of the code from the groundup.

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