We are looking for active and mature sailors to help grow our guild. Few spots left as we come close to distinction lvl 2 ~ Dutch and English members

  • Ahoy, brave buccaneers! Are you looking for an adventure with a crew of mature people who enjoy the vast open seas?
    Then we are looking for you! We have a group of people that like to solo sloop, as well to play together. The way you like to play is fine by us. As long as you help us grow the guild to the next distinction lvl. Currently we are well underway to distinction lvl 2.

    What Do We Have To Offer You:
    🏴‍☠️ Plunder and Pillage: Sail with a crewmate or remain solo for the session. We love to go grind PVE or PVP alone or together; we take what the sea presents us.
    🏴‍☠️ A place where anyone can be the person they would like to be. We don't rule out anyone! Toxic behavior however will never be tolerated!
    🏴‍☠️ An active discord server, where all members of our guild have distinguished roles. You always know when other pirates are around.
    🏴‍☠️ Occasionally we organise group events and activities

    What Would We Ask From You:
    🏴‍☠️ A social behaving pirate: We love your presence and positive attitude. Toxic behavior is what we sometimes encounter, but not within our own ranks.
    🏴‍☠️ Being active: When you join us, we ask to to pledge your ships and actively sail with us as your MAIN guild.
    🏴‍☠️ Discord Presence: Join the crew on Discord to stay informed about what is going on. We have speech channels, but choose yourself if you wish to use them.

    How to Join: Leave us a message here and share you gamertag and discord name.

    Let's raise our flags together and help us get the plunder aboard!

  • 34
  • I'm a seasoned player with large experience in most arias of the game love almost everything about it and looking for an active community to join who loves it as much as I do

    Discord - .baconbutty
    gametag - HooverBoy7291

  • @HooverBoy7291

    See discord or Xbox and send me a message there.

    Still a few spots left if anyone is interested ;)

  • Would like a group to play with!

    Discord: TurtleFins
    IGN: Turtlefins7184

  • @HooverBoy7291 , welcome aboard our crew. Nice meeting you!

    We have one last spot up for grabs for any mature and active sailor.
    Send me your GT and Discord name to reach out.
    See my original post for details.

    'Dead men tell no tales' ~ Active men grab loot and have fun!

  • Hello,
    I am active player that loves pvp and pve grinding. I am looking for a guild that wont die down in a week.
    Discord: Jach191
    Gametag: Jachta19

  • Returning player after 2 years.

    Dutch and English.

    Ign: Darshiva
    Discord: Dahlek

  • Ahoy there! I think you're already set, but I'm trying anyway. I'm a rooky, but mature Dutch player looking for a guild. My gamertag is Tukkerbeard, and my Discord is reefer5714. Thanks for taking an interest. Regards!

  • @tukkerbeard

    See your discord Tukker :)

    Lets talk in there.

  • Discord: Augustus Deple
    GT: Augustus Deple

  • Discord: Augustus Deple
    GT: Augustus Deple

  • @Kriegs3533 , see your Xbox app chat. I reached out to you there :)

    For anyone, if you fit the profile - see the first post - then drop us a note here. As we might have some extra space soon.
    Don't be late for the party!

  • Hello im a pirate legend with decent pvp skills
    Discord: liamstinklul

    xbox: LiYangFaas

  • Take me tooooo!!!!

    Discord: deathumos
    Gametag: NuclearAcit

  • We currently have one open spot for an active social european player.

    Are we looking for you? Send me your discord name, so we can connect there.

  • Id love to join
    Gamertag- PROJ Duality
    Discord- Duality_._

  • We have been opening up a few more spots for active and social pirates. See our first post for details.

    I am online all day, so I will take a close look at what comes in. We are currently lvl 216.

    Drop your discord and tell us where you come from :)

  • @t3nb3rg

    Discord: tuffers50

    From uk 🇬🇧

    Hi I’m tuffers I have 110 days played from the uk do a lot of pvp and pve . 520 in Athena hg and 230 in reaper hg

  • We have two open spots, so hook on for this weekend!

    Read the first post and drop us a note here with a small introduction and your discord name.

    Dutch and English members :)

  • Im a seasoned player whose coming back to the game I love all of the areas of the game and am excited to join a guild!
    My Xbox gamertag is Powerbat126708 and my Discord is .bobbafat

  • I am looking for a guild. I am Dutch, at the moment mostly go emi hunting on my sloop and trying to get better at pvp, but i am down for whatever. Over 1000 hours in the game.
    Discord JulesO

  • Hey,

    Interested in joining coming back after a decent while out of the game! UK based know roughly what to do etc.

    GT: Cpt DeWhitt
    Discord: Mimic_Miniatures

  • Hi there, dutch guy here. 38yo. Played at the start of the game and back for some more now. Can donate some ships to the guild.
    Gamertag: HetIsDeBers
    Discord: DeBers

  • hi i am pve player little pvp platform PC tag N1ghtFlameBG with 300 hours

  • @n1ghtflamebg

    See your notification bell in the upper right. I have send you a chat request.

    We currently have one open spot for our guild.
    Dutch or english speaking player, who is regularly active on the seas. Willing to join our voicechannels when being online.
    We only take players who would sail for us as their MAIN guild.

    See the first post for all the info :)

    Our guild is currently level 270.

  • @t3nb3rg
    Hello, do you still have a spot.
    new to the game but active. Dutch.

    tag: BHOOG01
    Discord: b_hoog

  • @bhoog01

    Hi, see your discord :)

    If others are interested, then let us know here ;)

  • Hey man, new PS5 Pirate here. Hope I'm not too late here – would love a nice crew to sail with, although I do enjoy my brand new sloop as well :)

    Discord: fjab
    Live / XBox / whatever: fjab4972

    Looking forward to the invite!

  • I'm also looking for a mature guild, based in Europe.

    Just got Pirate legend and looking to get in with bigger crews as I've primarily soloed the Gabe so far unless I'm helping my kids

    Gamertag and Discord: Erfnerf

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