Constant Game Crashes are Ridiculous

  • You can't have crashes nonstop in a game that requires long player sessions without infuriating your customers.

    After one of the recent updates, SOT is now crashing up to several times per hour. It's starting to get frustrating when, after finally finding a good hourglass fight, the game crashes mid battle and winning streaks get instantly destroyed; or, after hours of collecting loot, the game will crash with all the treasure sinking before you can even log back in.

    I am personally frustrated after buying some cosmetics, to support the game I love, only for the game to become unplayable. Defining unplayable here as a state that does not allow fun to be had. If there is no fun, there is no reason to play. Losing hours of progress every single play session IS NOT FUN.

  • 27
  • Have you done a fresh reinstall?

    requires long player sessions

    They have changed this, so you can have short sessions. Nobody liked doing long ones

    after hours of collecting loot

    Dont do this.

    Making these "disappointed in you" threads isn't helping. If you have any suggestions in fixing, let them know. Send a report in. Spread the word.

  • @burnbacon said in Constant Game Crashes are Ridiculous:

    Have you done a fresh reinstall?

    requires long player sessions

    They have changed this, so you can have short sessions. Nobody liked doing long ones

    after hours of collecting loot

    Dont do this.

    Making these "disappointed in you" threads isn't helping. If you have any suggestions in fixing, let them know. Send a report in. Spread the word.

    what the frick are you talking about? you sound like a troll. long sessions are required for doing a lot of the game's content and commendations. i gave the example of hourglass which takes time to get a streak of 4 to become champion.

    don't collect hours of loot? once you stack a couple activities and then meet some pirates, it's going to take time before you can turn in and log off

    this isn't a "disappointed in you" post. this is relevant and a good topic to make so they know that players are having problems

    thank you for all of the invaluable "troubleshooting" you provided, followed by your request for me to stop posting my discussion in the forum; you know, that place designed for discussions?

  • @burnbacon Yes, people have done fresh installs and still have the issue that started with yesterday's release.

  • I read that the crashes seemed limited to Microsoft Store, and Steam was fine. I switched to Steam and went 5 hours tonight w/o a single crash to desktop. My 3 crewmates were all MS Store and all had CTDs througout the night.

  • @x-sambora-x
    As far as i know, there is no way to 'switch' to steam - without buying the game again on steam. For me, that's not a viable option.
    correct me if im wrong

  • @mohky5536 Yes you have to buy it for 20 bucks, then log into your MS account to keep your progress.

  • I own a copy on both Steam and MS Store. I’ve done fresh installs on both. The MS Store copy crashes VERY frequently now and the Steam copy sometimes crashes. One computer is older but still runs the game and one is a fairly beefy machine (which crashes more oddly enough). Not sure what the remedy is but at present the game is struggling and the fun factor for my son and I is dwindling. Hope this gets resolved soon for the benefit of all.

  • @canuckhoser So. I have a second machine. I still had MS Store version for live, and Steam for Insiders. Steam Insiders had 2 crash to desktop. Reset and uninstalled the MS Store version, now the Steam Insiders won't load because it says Easy Anti Cheat is not loaded. So... this leads me to believe that the MS Store Easy Anti Cheat is the root cause, which seems like a no brainer when you sait it, since that's what just came out. Wondering if you have both MS Store and Steam on the same pc that Steam version is crashing for you. I went 5 hours with 0 on my other machine that did not have a copy of MS Store of any kind. Thanks for any feedback.

  • @x-sambora-x no, sadly, two different machines. I will say that the Steam version rarely crashes when compared to the MS Store version. But the MS Store version crashes A LOT!

  • Running the same issues here, figuring out what might be wrong is like trying to find what's wrong with another human being... and i'm no doctor.

  • @red0demon0 I’ve had 0 crashes after switching to Steam. 2 nights. 5 hours and 7 hours.

  • @x-sambora-x thats not a viable option.
    Bought the game it wasnt even out on steam, and the reward you get for being an old school player is havingg to reinstall the game fully to just realize you gotta pay for it again if you really wanna play it? Thats a big no.
    They should have given out steam key to MS Store players back when it came out, but they claimed the 2 versions were not different and that clearly changed, so just give out a steam key already if they can't fix it.

  • @sejm-flop The game is a broken mess. I have 1600 hrs in the game and "retired" after Season 3.
    Came back Season 9, didn't like it, really laggy (despite 1GB FTTP).
    Tried again Season 10, same, lag, Ping jumps from 33 to 150 every 5 mins, so gave up again.
    Came back for Season 11, 9 crashes in the first hr. Uninstalled, reinstalled, etc, tried again today, crashed after 10 mins.
    Uninstalled, this is not worth my time.
    5900x 3080ti 32 GB RAM Samsung 980 PRO

  • I have the steam version and tonight it's crashed 3 times all happening when dying and going to the ferry of the damned. A validation of the files seems to have fixed it for me. Worth a shot for others.

  • @ausradar Crash with error or crash to desktop. Also, you don’t also happen to have the MS Store version of live or Insiders, do you?

  • I have the MS Store version and since the last update it frequently crashes to desktop with no error. There is not even any errors captured in the application or system event logs. Very frustrating.

  • @deathlessone667 I did too. Reset/uninstalled and just bought the Steam version. You just sign into MS at first launch to link and keep progress. I understand people who don’t want to do that. But it 100% solved that exact issue. And did for my guild mate last night too.

  • I keep getting corrupt games files or missing files. I have put over 30 hours into it so far and non of the support team can figure it out either

  • @x-sambora-x said in Constant Game Crashes are Ridiculous:

    @ausradar Crash with error or crash to desktop. Also, you don’t also happen to have the MS Store version of live or Insiders, do you?

    No error to be honest. When dying and going to the ferry, it would be about 30 secs on the ferry of the damned then the loading screen back to main screen. Go through the play game and select adventure, picks up that the game dropped you out and asks if you want to rejoin your session.

    Initially I would join straight away but this just either gave me a black screen prior to spawning on my ship, or it would spawn me on the ship only to crash out again the next time I got sent to the ferry. So I ended up not rejoining my 'crashed' session to see if a new game would crash me, or if it was just that session but nope, that too would crash. So Validate I did.

    I did have the MS Store version but I uninstalled it and haven't played that since the Steam version came out.

  • I also keep crashing to desktop on start up and while playing the game

    This says it is fixed, but it happened to me this morning

  • @ausradar Okay. Yes. The MS Store issue sends you to desktop. Totally out of the game. That answered what I was wondering.

  • Solo Xbox player here, yesterday had probably one of my most fun sessions in years and really got back into the game after a long break, had a random crash but didn’t think much to it
    Came on for a session tonight, had a crash maybe an hour in, also got stuck on resource “counting coins” pop up a few times, that forced me to reboot

    Then a few hours in to my session decided to go after the ghost ship world event and was absolutely smashing it….then crash to dashboard, by the time I got back into session ship was sunk and another 2 man crew sloop had came and grabbed the loot
    Didn’t mind about the players taking advantage but was a bit annoyed I got screwed
    Went after the player only to get jumped by a skeleton ship and Meg that completely focused on me, while also fighting the sloop
    Game crashes again and lost all chance of getting my revenge
    Came here to see if it was common problem and it seems to be happening a lot to everyone
    Not sure if to even bother coming on again tomorrow if it’s going to keep doing that mid voyage/battle
    Seems worse for me after todays update?

  • Game crashes are still happening for me and I cannot even make it to my boat, still. Rare marked their maintenance "complete," stating: There are not patch notes for today's release as it was to address the game crashes being encountered by some players.

    Crashes are just as bad as before, and nothing has changed for me, Rare.

  • @sejm-flop

    I updates my series s Just to crash 2 seconda After starting game.

    They patched in 1 day test voyage exploit but they dont care of patching all the other issues afflicting this game since weeks.

    Priorities,i Guess.

  • @x-sambora-x said in Constant Game Crashes are Ridiculous:

    @red0demon0 I’ve had 0 crashes after switching to Steam. 2 nights. 5 hours and 7 hours.

    Yeah i found out the issue, its an annoying worm of a program that Microsoft loves to mingle with.

  • @red0demon0 Any solution?

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