Best Cannon Flare for clear view?

  • What is your favorite Cannon Flare for a clear view?

  • 11
  • I use the old 'meta' cutthroat ones. But I recently saw a video of some blueish looking one that really seemed clear and quick to disperse, would love to know the name of that one.

  • I use the cutthroat because they don’t flashbang me. I have light sensitivity. There’s a couple of others in the emporium that also don’t flashbang me, but I own one and that’s good enough.

  • @zig-zag-ltu sagte in Best Cannon Flare for clear view?:

    I use the old 'meta' cutthroat ones. But I recently saw a video of some blueish looking one that really seemed clear and quick to disperse, would love to know the name of that one.

    Perhaps tis is the Lodestar set. The flare itself is very dark and blueish but there are starlike sparks after the shot.

  • @gooru72 I doubt it, but will check it out. That one really felt like p2w ones, maybe its just placebo idk. ^^

  • I use the legends flair bc it matches my ship's color theme. I don't think it really matters that much.

  • my view on cosmetics has always been, preference vs performance, rarely get both

    If I like something and I wanna use something I'm just gonna use it and take the performance sacrifice

    others often prefer performance

    Fights come and go, wins and losses happen, might as well just enjoy the time if the winning isn't that important imo

  • Personally i find the athena cannon flair to be as unobstructive as the default one, but doesnt feel as bright as the default white while looking good to me. But i would say the easiest one on the eyes that i can find in the shipwrites shop is the red flair just because its darker and allows better sight through the smoke. I dont use any from the emporium but i know a lot of people use those because they see them as easier on the eyes.

    As long as it isnt huge and doesnt linger for a long time it should be pretty good, and all that can be bought from gold shops are the same just with different colors, so any that feel easier on the eyes will be good.

  • Lodestar can be jarring at night, but I've taken to using the Halo flare because it's more purple.

    The spring blossom flare isn't too rough, but that one we got for a community day...woof. horrible

  • Best flair is no flair. I loathe them.

  • Truth is most flares are fine...on a sloop that is...but when you get on a bigger boat and your crewmates can load cannons quickly as well...well then you see why this is a very good question :D

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