Flame Heart Spawning On Hour Glass fights

  • Just had a fight where I was going against someone Flameheart spawned on us, the other player gets hit with a wraithball quits, I have a few holes, get hit by 3 wraith balls and a bunch of regular cannons on the way out and cant out bucket....
    Can we add Flameheart not spawning mid match

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  • @tom-the-abomite part of the game, it's still PvEvP...you can even get a kraken in those fights

  • Maybe they were doing the event and you spawned (invaded) them.

  • PvPvE!

    Like all the pvp players have been screaming at pve fans for years now.

    QQ, it's intended.

  • Hourglass isn't a PvP only thing, it's just a way to quickly find people willing to fight in the PvPvE environment.
    You can have fights in World Events, Skelly ship / meg / kraken can spawn on you, you can hit kegs in flotsam... That's the game. :)

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