Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'The Wilds' Screenshot.[RESULT]

  • Some really great screenshots by everyone this past week.
    Thank you!
    Made it more difficult to whittle it down to the winning shot.
    So here it is...

    Congratulations @LoKReLo

  • 31
  • Congrats heart

  • Great shot!! Congrats to the winner!
    Just wanted to ask, someone mentioned in their submission to the contest that obsidian 6 item packs are being removed (or something along those lines.) Is this true?

  • @origami-stefan Ahoy! Sea of Thieves Partners will now be giving away 'The Serpent's Lie' sails. The Capstan and 6 pack will still be available as the loot for 'Capture a Code' until further notice.

  • @lizalaroo will the sails an alternative option for the winner rather than the 6 pack and capstan or are you guys sticking with the capstan for a little longer? :D

  • Great shot!

  • Nice shot ggs!

  • @capitanmangust Better luck next time! The screenshot is cool, the framing is nice, the pig is a funny touch. Sometimes you don't need to wait hours for the perfect shot or inspiration, but please be respectful to the shot creator, and the choice on winner.

  • @capitanmangust Okay, bye! Go seethe and be a sore loser elsewhere.

  • GG, really like this one

  • @lizalaroo
    Ah, I see. Looks like I gotta up my screenshot game! Thanks for answering!

  • @capitanmangust Why enter the competition at all if you can't handle someone else winning? The issue isn't what you're conveying, the screenshot also has to be framed, set up, and taken well. You can't just throw a bunch of stuff happening in one screenshot and expect to win. Swallow your pride, and be respectful to the subjective opinions of the judge, and be respectful to the person who made the screenshot, you don't know how long it could have taken. YOU didn't take the shot, clearly.

    No "paid winners" or "friends" here, either, don't be childish. Users are selected unbiasly. You were not selected. Have some grace in losing, better luck next time, or not, if you don't want to participate.

  • @capitanmangust Yes, you're being a sore loser. You win some, you lose some, deal with it. I've put in quite a few screenshots myself, that I worked hard to make, but you don't see me whining and disrespecting the winner, and the judge. Grow up.

  • Congratulations to the winner!

    I saw a lot of the photos, and i can understand why it was hard to choose one!
    This one looks really nice

  • @capitanmangust that's a complete lie none of this is biased, I've been trying for a while and won not too long ago. So stop being prideful about your shot and accept the fact that a "5 minute" and a "mediocre" shot beat your "4 hour" shot.

  • Nice shot btw!

  • @capitanmangust You literally made it all about your "4 hour" long setup screenshot. That the winner is what won over yours. And again, it's all subjective and opinion. There is no way to objectively choose a winner. Lizalaroo chose what she thought was the best, and that's that. And you have literally zero definitive proof about winners being friends with the judge, because there is no proof.

    Don't let the door hit you on your way out, we don't need sore losers in these competitions! Thanks for playing, better luck next time.

  • Oof I didn't win but atlas, the winning screenshot is still pretty good. I like how the explosion gives the picture a nice glow. BOOM!

  • Thats such a great idea, ggs!

  • GG. Awesome screenshot, it looks like the skeleton is imploding.


  • @capitanmangust Cope harder

  • Oh man thats so clever, I love it

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