Rocket Artillery/fort cannons

  • Early rocket artillery was developed as early as the 1300s, perhaps we could see launchers show up on forts. Also let us use the large cannons in the sea forts, it can't be that hard, let us use the heavy cannons!

  • 12
  • What would the point of rocket artillery be?

  • fireworks that have a ballistic trajectory and explode on impact, would go a farther than cannons and and be a functional way to defend a fort/ island from a ship that is outside of cannon range. It would still be to slow to bomb a ship moving with speed but it would be powerful none the less, maybe slightly les powerful then a keg.

  • @blam320 it'd be fun

  • @norrington4010 I'd love to be able to get different kinds of cannons on the ships.

  • @Norrington4010 @Captain-Fob4141 It sounds redundant and unnecessary.

  • @blam320 but it'd be fun.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Rocket Artillery/fort cannons:

    @blam320 but it'd be fun.

    "Fun" alone doesn't cut it. It needs to add something a bit more substantial than being a long-range Gunpowder Keg, the concept of which is already overpowered.

  • @blam320 not necessarily. There are plenty of things in the game that are just fun.

  • @captain-fob4141 Almost every single one of these things have a specific purpose though. They weren’t added in for ‘fun’. Not even fireworks and flares were added in for ‘fun’. They have a purpose/s too

  • @scurvywoof no more or less than a portable mortar/firework launcher would have.

  • @captain-fob4141 And? Your previous points were ‘it would be fun’. Besides, how often are people fighting over sea forts? Not often. They could’ve been implemented during the Pendragon vs Flameheart Adventure as people actually fought over sea forts, but no one does now. It’d be like adding player generated quests again where no one did them.

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