The Captaincy trophies for fishing cost WAY too much!

  • You have to catch 100 of a specific species of fish to reach "class 10" in fish caught for that species. Then deliver 10 of a certain color of that species to to earn the "hunter of the [specific color]" (Grade 1) to be able to mount that type of fish on a WOODEN plaque. To get a golden plaque (the best one) you would have to catch 1000 of that species of fish! (and 50 of the specific color)

    Recently I spent hours farming pondies reliably in a ghost fort in order to get my wooden plaque for a variety of those fish. 100 pondies caught over a number of hours (impossible if it wasn't pondies which spawn reliably and are caught quickly). Forget working towards anything other than the wooden plaque for a certain fish because the time investment asked of you is just way too much.

    Moving on from pondies, it would be absolutely insane to catch 100 of any other specific type of fish for their wood trophy.. let alone hundreds more for the later tier trophy plaques. For fish that are hard to spawn in the first place, where it could take hours between sightings, how would you ever reliably catch even 100 of those type of fish... let alone 1000. For example, by sailing over to the devils roar and casting your baited line for devilfish you only really see one for every 10 or so fish that come nibbling. **If you are sitting there, actviely removing your rod from the water anytime it isn't the fish you are looking for it could take a good 10 minutes before you see ONE of the species of fish you are looking for (let alone the specific color of which you would also need an unreasonable number of)

    As it stands, most players will never even get a WOODEN fish plaque for ANY type of fish in their entire time playing sea of thieves, even if they are interested. 100 fish MINIMUM before you are awarded a trophy for fishing seems completely out of touch. Initially I thought it was 10 of a specific breed and color of fish for a wooden plaque of it, 10 more for a better plaque, etc. Instead you have to farm hundreds and thousands of randomly spawned fish for potentially hundreds of hours to be able to mount the ONE that you want.

    Im surprised there isn't more of an uproar about this! The requirements for a LOT of the trophys are really ridiculous, but fishing is the most disheartening in my opinion.

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  • Im surprised there isn't more of an uproar about this!

    My guess would be that comes from it being so inactive because of it requiring the actual act of fishing rather than just turning in fish from whatever source a person prefers.

    and a lot of fishing happens on alliance servers so there is no gold shortage in those scenarios

  • @acarin
    Have you tried using the correct bait to catch the devilfish ? I haven't fished that much, but AFAIK devilfish are more frequent on your line than once every 10 minutes.

  • @acarin said in The Captaincy trophies for fishing cost WAY too much!:

    Im surprised there isn't more of an uproar about this!

    There’s been plenty of uproar about this and other Captaincy design decisions; seems like everyone who cares has either sucked it up or moved on. Not that that’s necessarily OK but it doesn’t seem Rare is publicly planning to make any changes any time soon.

  • Here we go again…players misunderstanding the main goal and focus of these trophies

    The harder they are the more self accomplished one will feel. If it were easy then everyone would have them and that isn’t right.

    Don’t wanna grind? Too hard? Don’t bother with it.

    As it stands, most players will never even get a WOODEN fish plaque for ANY type of fish in their entire time playing sea of thieves, even if they are interested.

    My friends disagree and it only took half a month.

    To get a golden plaque (the best one)

    Not true. People say the wooden one has more appeal

    the time investment asked of you is just way too much.

    If you can’t take the time to earn something so simple. You don’t deserve it to begin with.
    First time grinding for stuff?

  • @acarin said in The Captaincy trophies for fishing cost WAY too much!:

    You have to catch 100 of a specific species of fish to reach "class 10" in fish caught for that species. Then deliver 10 of a certain color of that species to to earn the "hunter of the [specific color]" (Grade 1) to be able to mount that type of fish on a WOODEN plaque. To get a golden plaque (the best one) you would have to catch 1000 of that species of fish! (and 50 of the specific color)

    Im surprised there isn't more of an uproar about this! The requirements for a LOT of the trophys are really ridiculous, but fishing is the most disheartening in my opinion.

    If you are completing the Hunters Call commendations you need to catch and deliver 50 of each colour variation and 10 of the rare variation.

    Taking your pondies example, that's 260 fish in total to complete all the pondies commendations in the Hunters call. That will naturally unlock the simple captaincy trophies very easily as you are working away on the Hunters Call commendations.

    The whole point of the golden trophies is for those that want to go above and beyond those numbers to flex their achievement of the time and effort put into a grind. They are not meant to be easy to achieve, they require time and effort.

  • They definitely cost too much for just the regular fish model, it really should be the trophy fish model even if it was just for the last two unlocks but that’s a separate rant. The trinket goals have made it worth it (for me) to push for the legendary hunter title and just logging in for a bit after work I’ve gotten up to rank 30 for plentifins and 51 for splash tails. It’s not impossible it just depends on how you enjoy spending your time and if it’s worth it for you.

  • It took me approximately 8 hours of fishing and digging up bait to get the wooden wrecker plaques. It’s completely out of proportion and should be 5 fish per milestone. I don’t think there is anyone insane enough to get a lvl100 trinket for this, so it could work.

  • @j3nkman sagte in The Captaincy trophies for fishing cost WAY too much!:

    Taking your pondies example, that's 260 fish in total to complete all the pondies commendations in the Hunters call.

    I correct you here, it's 210 (504+101)

  • @burnbacon I’m sorry, it took half a month to fish 1000 fish? By yourself? What? Isn’t your whole thing that it should take awhile?

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