Captained ships and Stores does not load.

  • The issue started on the day of the last adventure(saving Merrick), I loaded in on a captained brigantine and when we arrived on the outpost it was a normal, default uncaptained brig. Ever since then, I've not been able to load into a captained ship since then.
    I just keep getting ''Couldn't Load Ships. There was a problem loading your ship selection. Try again shortly.'' for almost six weeks now.

    I've tried everything, rebooting my computer, logging out, rebooting the game, heck I even uninstalled it and reinstalled it, nothing works.
    Support tickers are of no help either, they simply give me a bunch of copypasted replies until they finally "continue to look into it but will close my ticket" I've begged and begged for a more human response because it feels like I am only talking to robots but no dice.

    This week took the cake however as a Support person named "Largo" replied to ALL my tickets with the same copy-pasted reply and closed all my tickets within five minutes.
    I just want to feel like I am talking to a human.

    On top of all this, shops don't work anymore. If I don't buy something for a bit, the shops get stuck in a never-ending loading screen, and if the shops shuts down, my milestones become unavailable too. They still count for things if I am on someone else's captained ship, but as I cannot load into my own ships, it feels very limited, and also annoying if I can't view them.

    I am literally feeling like I should stop playing this game if the Devs care so little about their customers that they can't even be bothered with giving me a real reply.

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  • I have the same issue. Rare still hasnt fixed a ticket i submitted 2 months ago.

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