Voyages/Supplies via Shipwright/Sovereign

  • I can definitely understand the design choice of wanting to put the 3500 wood/cannonballs/basic food pretty close to the Merchant where you can get them for 7500.

    But why does the shipwright sell bait and captain voyages? I can't understand this as a design choice but rather a necessity of haste. Just give the captain voyage shop to the Sovereigns. If they're the ones who came to the Sea of Thieves and started commissioning captains, why dont they give us the jobs?

    Also just let the various Rricks sell bait. It doesnt make sense to give Shelly gold for worms. She's got a hard enough job.

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  • T@ravekthered Its a way to stock up your ship fast for little money bait maybe you want fish but the pirate captia s can bjy this an be on there way

  • @alertedlime143 sorry about tbose last spelling errors im not as big of screen as usual

  • @alertedlime143 i get that but it doesnt make any sense for the shipwrights to sell worms and captained voyages when the soveriegns are right there. Let the captains stock up at the Sovereigns tent.

  • I can answer that.

    Ashinyray made a deep dive video about the Sovereigns in a clickbaity title. However, he is right.

    I recommend watching the video instead of continuing to read but I can't force you.

    Sovereigns are from the Grand Maratime Union and came to observe us. Look at the devs twitter posts for more lore.

    What he proposed is that sovereigns may not be a permanent feature. Someone will be butthurt about GMU coming into the seas...

    GMU Also owns the pirate emporium to collect ancient coins. Ancient coins can part the shroud Acording to morrows peak emporium trader.

    So... we will proably be in a war soon.

    His video explains more about how evil GMU is.

  • @thorumsu i am 100% for the gmu. Id love world events of actual human fleets instead of these skeletons hissing at me. Dropping actual gold and merchant loot instead of skulls? Yes please.

    lemme at em lemme at em

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