My ships not loading?? Season 7 update

  • My ships keeps telling me it couldn't load ships so I am unable to even buy a ship is it due to being new feature new season? Game is still buggy even in regular mode where the shipwright doesn't load but was curious if anyone else was facing this issue

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  • @babykwtten I’m having the same issue

  • Same for me that's make me angry!

  • @dettah if it is still going you an issue try loading into a game regularly and coming back it worked for me

  • I am gettingthis issue today. I knoiw that Microsoft is having issues, but seems it is more than just that causing this

  • This has continued past the first week of the patch and I think it's on rare's end sadly. Hoping for a fix to pop up soon!

  • This has affected me too, and I do want to talk about it so that maybe Rare will finally do something.

    Here is what DID NOT Work, so don't waste time trying it.

    -Verifying Game files
    -Deletion and Reinstalling
    -Disabling Firewall
    -Running as Admin
    -Logging out and into XBox Life

    In Addition, It seems whatever caused this also blocked me from buying anything from any NPC Trader. Everything results in an infinite Loading screen.
    -No Equipment
    -No Missions
    -No cosmetics

    Customer Support has been thouroughly unhelpful. 6 Days of Silence were followed by an automated answer that told me the problem has been marked as fixed
    and will be adressed in a future patch. It is very obviously not fixed. This is also not related to Server activity. Same Problem on Saturday Evening (busy) and Friday at 10 am (Dead).

    If I had to guess. We are somehow shadowbanned by the server from accessing any of this content. How? Why? When? I do not know.
    I do know that Rare better apologize for this.

  • Yeah currently happening to me.. Tried restarting everything, router, game, xbox, etc.. Still wouldn’t let me load my game.. Swapped accounts and would let access my ships on my alt account.. Swapped back to main account and wouldn’t let me.. (I guess it let me once on my main account but as soon as I loaded in it said “Captain Left” went to dock and my boat was sinking). So definitely on Rare’s end.. Guess I’ll come back to the game a month or three from now and see if it’s fixed.. Happy sailing..

  • So Rare locked the other thread.

    Bad move since it still is not fixed.
    But since this one still exists, I think I figured out WHERE the problem is and why we can't fix it.

    To access your captained ships, the server needs to read your PROFILE.

    To figure out which cosmetics you have unlocked, the server needs your PROFILE.

    To select the quality of Missions you can buy, you guessed it, PROFILE.

    There is a piece of faulty code in our profiles which lets the server choke up when trying to read Information from it. Thus, infinite loading screen. The 'Couldn't load ships' error appears if the Client doesn't recieve the information about the ships in 30 seconds. Same Issue.

    How do we fix it? NO. Since the profile is linked to your Microsoft account and you obviously can't edit it.
    Can RARE fix it? MAYBE.
    Does RARE owe us an apology? People have been unable to play the game properly for over a month now. YES.

    If you read this, RARE, fix your stuff please? And don't lock this thread as well.

    As for the apology, People have leveled their ships to Legendary in the time we could not access this feature at all. Giving every player hurt by this error a significant leveling boost, Some severe cash and the temporary freedom to buy any cosmetic would be fair.

  • Love SOT. Literally bought multiple Game Systems and set up a gaming room so I can pirate as a family. But these access issues are becoming so frustrating. Multiple game passes. Multiple xboxes. Multiple game purchase. We deserve a better experience.

  • @papagltrberd yeh I’m having this issue a lot and it’s putting me off playing . Don’t want to play the rented ships as I lose progress.

  • This is a known issue currently and you can any updates here:

    Thank you.

    Dropping anchor.

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