The trophy requirements are ridiculous

  • I have to be on fire for 10 hours to get tier one of the dragon trophy? This is just one example, the amount of things you have to do for the trophies is insane and I can’t see myself getting even one trophy within a year of playing. I’m fine with them not being retroactive but this is just unreasonable even for a passive thing.

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  • he is just trying to extend the life of the game as much as possible at the risk of losing all the old ones

  • @toon-onizuka
    oh well i am quite sure that most of the "old" ones would rather have their commendations progress into the new milestone system. Instead of grinding all the commendations they already have done once again.

  • like doing the same fables 5 times to get the rewards it's not gameplay content it's just a trick to lengthen your game and with a nugget like that it's so sad

  • It’s like you kids never had to grind months for stuff before. First time?

    Extending the life of a video game by “offering” you choices to do stuff. You don’t have to do any of these things, just let it come naturally

    • side note: just finished all tall tales again. Was a fun ride to do them again (without journal searching)
      By far easiest milestone.
  • @sandfeld2004
    I completely agree with you
    the impression of having to start all over again but this time no longer the strength

  • @burnbacon
    They dont extend the life of a video game by offering a lot of the same commendations with a new name.

  • @burnbacon
    unlike I don't start a new job and don't compare the work and the pleasure of playing it's totally different
    the problem and that if you deepen there's nothing new it's the same quests my you just sell to a different guy

  • @burnbacon I'm not planning on grinding any of these out, but one of the trophies requires you to sit in a chair for ten hours. How is anyone going to accomplish that? I just think the requirements should be lowered by a lot, the way things are now I would bet that most players will never get more than a couple of these trophies so whats the point of adding them.

  • @finicaltrack706
    pretty sure 10 hours is first grade, its 100 hours for the last one just to make it more surreal.

  • agreed, i don't mind having to re-grind things, fine. sure. I get that milestones are meant to represent how you play and unlock as you play

    but the REQUIREMENTS...

    for instance, i kind of like the storm fish trophy. 25 fish for class 1, didn't seem bad at first, but oh wait the tier 1 trophy mount requires class 10.... that means it's 250 fish for the LOWEST tier trophy

    or, killing sharks. 45 sharks for class 1, class 10 you get the framed picture. 450 sharks for the lowest tier picture

    the requirements for the lowest tier trophy are insane

  • @jynn-n-tonic Do the devs know how long it takes to do stuff??? The only thing I want to do is hang a fish on my wall and I'll probably never be able to if I don't want to sink hours and hours into grinding out 250 of a single type of fish. I really hope they change this

  • @finicaltrack706

    fully agreed. i was looking through the trinkets thinking 'Oh i want this one, and this one...'

    and then i saw the requirements

    i'm not farming 450 sharks to put a picture on my wall, or 250 stormfish for the stormfish trophy. That's insane, that's more stormfish than required for the commendations. I get wanting to unlock things naturally as you play, but these requirements are not anywhere near 'natural' requirements

  • i agree with this, i really like fishing, but im still not even close to getting a fish on my wall after 300 hours of gameplay

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