A quick and easy way to skip the Maiden Voyage

  • I've been playing for like three weeks, restarted my character like 10 times until I was truly happy with it, and started sailing the Sea of Thieves. Now, I did the Maiden Voyage every time until I figured out how to skip it. Simply start the voyage, then, as soon as it lets you, exit to menu through the settings menu. You don't get the pirate lord's jacket or the bonus gold and Doubloons, but I think it's worth it if you're trying to make new characters fast.

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    communityjust for fungeneral
  • restarted my character like 10 times until I was truly happy

    Did you actually reset your pirate or buy a potion? Because you shouldn’t have to repeat the maiden voyage if you are only changing your pirate appearance.

    Also, free gold and doubloons from a very simple Mini quest. Why skip it?

  • Noob move

  • @burnbacon I completely reset my pirate. And at the time of writing I didn't know how to get the bonus stuff lol

  • @methetron-mkii you aren't wrong

communityjust for fungeneral
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