reporting system needs to change

  • So this might be a big paragraph or something but I just need to kind of explain the amount of annoyance that I just had to go through, so I'm a new player who got the game the same down making his post and my experience before some of my toxic experiences is that the game is extremely fun I was having fun with my friend and giving solo cargo runs and stuff now I'd finished my cargo runs and was just sailing around kind of like fishing and then I see this boats kind of like approach me so I think that are probably just like a ghost ship I'm going to leave so I can go getaway from this cause I don't want to do a fight or something start moving away from it and this other ship starts to move a bit closer to me so I changed direction and the ship doesn't Same I look back and say it's a player ship so I think our they might just be going in the same direction to me so I changed direction again while is going around a small island which would have blocked their view path and they did the same manoeuvre so I knew that I was being targeted so I rushed to an outpost quickly two cell like a skull that I found on an island so that I didn't lose anything then I got my cone out which is the like speaking amplifier thing I think it's cone I don't know what you would really call it and try to tell them and get closer and closer the I was a new but this was my first day I literally have nothing on my boat there's no point in fighting me and I have nothing on me but they insisted on killing me, now I had prior experiences to this and try to find a way of banning the others and when I found out that you had to have proof of course I didn't record like through OBS or any other recording device like those other encounters so I downloaded OBS and like purpose screen capture just so that when the next time happens I'm able to record it, but I just had to sit through 30 minutes of trying to get the video to work and send it to them as the file size was too big as it was five minutes long and I had to speed up to a degree where it's somewhat watchable but I still had to give like notes on what was going on. want gang at her is the sea of thieves reporting system personally needs to be improve to where it's an in game thing where if a player kills you you can tell who that player is as in the video I can never tell who the player is even like what the ship is, and my method for asking the admins or whoever the reporting the report goes to is too look in there servers to see when I was on at what time and like who inflicted damage upon me and like who was in their party at the time to figure out who they are and ban them.
    but the way the I think that they could improve the system in banning people;
    • firstly like in Minecraft servers you can press tab and see the list of players who are in your game, in sea of thieves this could be achieved by another say pressing tab or F key like f3 for example where it would bring up all the people in your server as well as like a picture of the ship there in so when you report them you can know what their names are and like the ship that they were on or something if you just recognised the ship but you didn't see like the player characters or something.
    • also when you die it tells you the player name and whoever is in that party so you can report them if they were being toxic targeting and bullying you.
    • for feature in game it would continuously record you within 10 minutes segments where it would save five of them and when you get a new save if you've got up to five it deletes the previous one for storage reasons obviously. but this would mean that you have a system where you don't have to record it via third party and it would be easier to find it in game.
    • mainly a actual report button as there isn't one in game and it's unclear how to find and report people as I had to Google search instead of the game in game actually telling me how to do it and I had to watch videos on how to condense the videos an get them working so something can be submitted as evidence. these recordings that are would be captured in game would count as this evidence of bullying or toxicity or harassment.
    Some previous reason to why I think the one I just kind of stated about it recording you is a good thing is because I think it did explain that this happened of toxicity levels a two times before this encounter where I was actually able to record it as this was my third time being bullied in the game just not having anything but people just wanting to kill me like it's GTA5 online lobbies but in those situations it was done by the same crew which was a four man team of people who had like a coloured ship to me and my friend that look like people who had played the game a lot because you had to get like 37,000 coins or something to get like coloured holes and flags and stuff so they obviously spent a lot of time on the game and our experience with it. but in those instances I had no proof that they happened but one time we were just like passing by them didn't even show them turned away from the target doesn't just shot us when we were like in the Bay or something, then the second time we were in the Bay again just like getting missions and stuff they come past another ship goes out to like sale they don't even like care about us they just go out to sail and it comes past destroys our ship and then just destroys their ships and just keeps on going, pre contacts both of our ships that were got destroyed were want two man team type boats I don't know what that call but like the very like first basic boat for the small crew, and that boat was like the four man crew so it was like a really really big one.
    • but also another kind of like feature that might be good for the game is outpost being like safe zones so like you can't take health damage or like boat damage in like a circled area around the outpost, as this would help newer players and kind of give safe zones from PvP players or toxic people like the people who I encountered.
    I like to see if any admins or people who actually like work for sea of thieves I don't know the company that makes it or if any other people would like to weigh in or like agree or disagree with the points I have suggested here, if I can upload the 5 minute video I will but if I can't it will either be a x4 video or a x8

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  • It appears that you are reporting people that have not violated the rules by the description you have provided.

    It's important to separate personal frustrations from an objective view at the situation you are dealing with.

    Pirates are allowed to attack you, sink you, send you to the ferry.

    If you have evidence of verbal or text mistreatment or evidence of being personally targeted outside of just being a random ship on a server that would be valuable for a report.

    In my opinion (and you are under no obligation to agree) it is very important to remain objective in these cases as to leave the the lines clear for those that have been subjected to serious personal attacks and mistreatment. Filling the report queues with reports of not liking what someone did can delay accountability for cases where serious personal violations occurred.

    This is why I support the current system for reporting.

    Making reporting easier makes accountability more difficult in this environment.

  • Too long but in short

    Player has his first day sorta. Came across another player, was smart and sold loot at outpost. But the other player still approached them and wonder not, they sunk and killed them.

    Now the player is wanting to get these playing players the ban hammer because…they sunk them “without reason” as they claim.

    • make sure what your reporting is legit
    • double check what the other players did was against the CoC and general rule in online gaming

    That is all.

  • Your examples are within fair use of the “rules” for other pirates to embark on.

    I would like to see a better report system nevertheless. I’ve encountered many pirates, within the Sea of Thieves, who did break a “rule.” I don’t understand why these pirates must use the grog of exploits, but they choose to anyway.

    All I want is a way to report these drunken pirates.

  • Your post doesn't mention any kind of behavior that will require enforcement. Make sure to read the Code of Conduct and understand it before reporting other players.

  • i wonder if this is a troll post since his account states hes been at sea for 1 day.

  • @cpt-sockmonster said in reporting system needs to change:

    i wonder if this is a troll post since his account states hes been at sea for 1 day.

    Early losses are tough. I don't see much benefit in trying to dismiss newer player frustrations as being something insincere.

    Most of us were frustrated in the beginning.

  • @wolfmanbush So were did i try to dismiss his frustrations & Benefit from it?
    Lots of new/pve players overexaggerate over something happening to them & run to the forums to complain, not to leave out that his account is 1 day old.
    The PvE player base of this game has kinda become a meme at this point, and that is why i made an assumtion, instead of stomping him into the ground for complaining like all the others do.

    If he's not a troll account...
    Then hes literaly a new player that sailed for 1 day, complaining right of the bat about being attacked in a pirate game. Most of us werent frustrated during the beginning, because we were all new & learning.

    Newer players need to keep in mind that you can get attacked at anytime at any place & learn from any encounter (PvE or PvP), and that there is a lot of experienced sailors out there.

    And if there is a legit encounter were homophobic, racist or any other unacceptable slur gets thrown around, then record them & report them. Don't go to the forums.

  • @cpt-sockmonster said in reporting system needs to change:

    @wolfmanbush So were did i try to dismiss his frustrations? In what way do i try to benefit by making an assumption of it maybe being a troll account playing for 1 day?

    If he's not a troll account...
    Then hes literaly a new player that sailed for 1 day, complaining right of the bat about being attacked in a pirate game. Most of us werent frustrated during the beginning, because we were all new & learning.

    Newer players need to keep in mind that you can get attacked at anytime at any place, and that there is a lot of experienced sailors out there.

    1 day, hundreds, or over a thousand the entire point of this area is to offer a spot for people to share their experiences and feedback. If you disagree with what is posted by the op you have the opportunity to explain why.

    It's not a welcoming approach to bring attention to people's account info to float around "trolling".

    The post boils down to being frustrated over being interrupted and not having a clear understanding of the rules which is understandable for a newer player.

    New would-be contributors are less likely to feel comfortable making that leap when they see they will face negativity based on simply being new.

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    Pirates are allowed to attack you, sink you, send you to the ferry.

    ...and steal from you! ☺️

    @DeclinedVoice50 Here you go! 😉

    New York 2017 Comic-Con Panel, where the developers at Rare discussed it live.

  • @wolfmanbush said in reporting system needs to change:

    1 day, hundreds, or over a thousand the entire point of this area is to offer a spot for people to share their experiences and feedback. If you disagree with what is posted by the op you have the opportunity to explain why.

    I already did explain it. Many players complain for no reason for being attacked in a PvEvP game, because some people like to fight.
    Even you have to agree that there has been a massive influx of people begging for PvE servers. Calling PvPers toxic for simply fighting while no slurs were thrown around, or spawn camping was involved. Making false reports for people "cheating".
    Because ive experienced these kind of players first hand.

    It's not a welcoming approach to bring attention to people's account info to float around "trolling".

    So when did i say he was trolling? You have been taking what ive said out of context few times now and cranked it up by 11.
    If hes not a troll account then he should just move on from what happened, instead of going to the forums.

    The post boils down to being frustrated over being interrupted and not having a clear understanding of the rules which is understandable for a newer player.

    The rules should be pretty clear tbh, its a sandbox, you can do what ever you want. Including other crews attacking you. You yourself told this dude he can get attacked & send to the ferry at any time or did you forget?
    Just be respectful for other crews with what ever interaction you have.

    New would-be contributors are less likely to feel comfortable making that leap when they see they will face negativity based on simply being new.

    What negativity?
    I'm not the only one here thinking he should have known he can get attacked in a open world pirate game & shouldnt make false reports, because again you said the same thing. He should have known that that is a possibility before he even bought this game.

    I think you're overthinking this.

  • I like the current reporting system because it means people that think sinking other players is a bannable offence can't easily send out mass false reports.

  • @mferr11 I feel like there should be an in-game report system, but only for people who use exploits.

    The report option shouldn’t be spammable by any means. It should have strict directions, if a player doesn’t follow the directions (like sinking, language, etc. shouldn’t be bannable offenses) they will receive a temporary ban.

  • @declinedvoice50 said in reporting system needs to change:

    So this might be a big paragraph or something but I just need to kind of explain the amount of annoyance that I just had to go through, so I'm a new player who got the game the same down making his post and my experience before some of my toxic experiences is that the game is extremely fun I was having fun with my friend and giving solo cargo runs and stuff now I'd finished my cargo runs and was just sailing around kind of like fishing and then I see this boats kind of like approach me so I think that are probably just like a ghost ship I'm going to leave so I can go getaway from this cause I don't want to do a fight or something start moving away from it and this other ship starts to move a bit closer to me so I changed direction and the ship doesn't Same I look back and say it's a player ship so I think our they might just be going in the same direction to me so I changed direction again while is going around a small island which would have blocked their view path and they did the same manoeuvre so I knew that I was being targeted so I rushed to an outpost quickly two cell like a skull that I found on an island so that I didn't lose anything then I got my cone out which is the like speaking amplifier thing I think it's cone I don't know what you would really call it and try to tell them and get closer and closer the I was a new but this was my first day I literally have nothing on my boat there's no point in fighting me and I have nothing on me but they insisted on killing me, now I had prior experiences to this and try to find a way of banning the others and when I found out that you had to have proof of course I didn't record like through OBS or any other recording device like those other encounters so I downloaded OBS and like purpose screen capture just so that when the next time happens I'm able to record it, but I just had to sit through 30 minutes of trying to get the video to work and send it to them as the file size was too big as it was five minutes long and I had to speed up to a degree where it's somewhat watchable but I still had to give like notes on what was going on. want gang at her is the sea of thieves reporting system personally needs to be improve to where it's an in game thing where if a player kills you you can tell who that player is as in the video I can never tell who the player is even like what the ship is, and my method for asking the admins or whoever the reporting the report goes to is too look in there servers to see when I was on at what time and like who inflicted damage upon me and like who was in their party at the time to figure out who they are and ban them.
    but the way the I think that they could improve the system in banning people;
    • firstly like in Minecraft servers you can press tab and see the list of players who are in your game, in sea of thieves this could be achieved by another say pressing tab or F key like f3 for example where it would bring up all the people in your server as well as like a picture of the ship there in so when you report them you can know what their names are and like the ship that they were on or something if you just recognised the ship but you didn't see like the player characters or something.
    • also when you die it tells you the player name and whoever is in that party so you can report them if they were being toxic targeting and bullying you.
    • for feature in game it would continuously record you within 10 minutes segments where it would save five of them and when you get a new save if you've got up to five it deletes the previous one for storage reasons obviously. but this would mean that you have a system where you don't have to record it via third party and it would be easier to find it in game.
    • mainly a actual report button as there isn't one in game and it's unclear how to find and report people as I had to Google search instead of the game in game actually telling me how to do it and I had to watch videos on how to condense the videos an get them working so something can be submitted as evidence. these recordings that are would be captured in game would count as this evidence of bullying or toxicity or harassment.
    Some previous reason to why I think the one I just kind of stated about it recording you is a good thing is because I think it did explain that this happened of toxicity levels a two times before this encounter where I was actually able to record it as this was my third time being bullied in the game just not having anything but people just wanting to kill me like it's GTA5 online lobbies but in those situations it was done by the same crew which was a four man team of people who had like a coloured ship to me and my friend that look like people who had played the game a lot because you had to get like 37,000 coins or something to get like coloured holes and flags and stuff so they obviously spent a lot of time on the game and our experience with it. but in those instances I had no proof that they happened but one time we were just like passing by them didn't even show them turned away from the target doesn't just shot us when we were like in the Bay or something, then the second time we were in the Bay again just like getting missions and stuff they come past another ship goes out to like sale they don't even like care about us they just go out to sail and it comes past destroys our ship and then just destroys their ships and just keeps on going, pre contacts both of our ships that were got destroyed were want two man team type boats I don't know what that call but like the very like first basic boat for the small crew, and that boat was like the four man crew so it was like a really really big one.
    • but also another kind of like feature that might be good for the game is outpost being like safe zones so like you can't take health damage or like boat damage in like a circled area around the outpost, as this would help newer players and kind of give safe zones from PvP players or toxic people like the people who I encountered.
    I like to see if any admins or people who actually like work for sea of thieves I don't know the company that makes it or if any other people would like to weigh in or like agree or disagree with the points I have suggested here, if I can upload the 5 minute video I will but if I can't it will either be a x4 video or a x8

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