Hey, Rare

  • Clean your servers of hackers. Stop expecting the community to do your reports for you.

    There is no way 1 player can shoot cannons from a boat he doesn't have and tele port around. Stop locking the threads that point these things out. I'm not reporting anything. If you think after encountering hackers on the server I want to fill in a form and never receive a resolution, you have another thing coming.

    I only come here to post stuff like this and only will until you sort it out.

    Till then, boycott, baby.

    P.S. - I screenshot everything I post. If you ban me from/for speaking out, we're gonna have a big PR problem here.

  • 9
    1. High ping can cause all sorts of issues that may look like cheating.
    2. You've already stated elsewhere that you use a VPN to play as you live in Romania and the game is not officially supported there. VPN is likely adding to the ping (which you won't see reported as the ping will be from the location of the VPN server you go through).
    3. Threatening the devs is not going to win you any friends here.
  • I've been playing since late 2019 and haven't come across cheating or hacking a single time. I have reported a player for using hateful speech towards me and Rare acted immediately and informed me of the action they took. So in my (thankfully few) poor experiences, the moderation team handled the situation very well.

    I agree with RealStyli, your attitude about the situation doesn't help at all, nor will it incentivise any solution.

  • @skylerpk Ahoy matey!

    Posting a thread here is going to get the exact same response as the form you are not going to fill in.

    However, if you'd have submitted a form with the player's GT in you would know that action has been taken.

    YES, there may be a particular crowd that are using exploits and Rare has never shyed away from that. In fact, they take action daily against those that use them. But this will only work if users report them via the official channels (not this discussion forum) so these things can be patched out.

    PS... Nobody is boycotting you. We just have rules for a reason. You can check them out here:


    In particular:

    Advertise, spam, troll or engage in witch hunts. There are areas in our official Forums and on our verified Discord server where you can find officially recognised community groups to play with– just ask if you don’t know where to find them. Any form of advertising other external groups is not appropriate. Any form of spamming should be avoided. Trolling, baiting and witch hunts are also unacceptable. If you have evidence that you think our Customer Support team should see to help them take action against a player, send it to them using the process outlined at the end of this article.

  • Windows key + G records the last 30 seconds of gameplay, and can be changed in settings to record for longer. If you suspect a player is cheating, press those keys (or on console, speak "Xbox record that") and it should capture footage for you that you can use to report it to support. They will keep you updated on the actions they take and if any punishment has been dished out (I know this from my own first hand experience)

    You are accomplishing less by making a vaguepost here on the forums, and even less with your PR threats. Put the energy of making constant posts on the forums and screenshotting everything you post into capturing footage and reporting it if you think it is cheating/hacking or breaking rules. As others have said, VPNs and Ping alone can make things appear very suspicious, so don't be surprised if some evidence isn't surmised as actual hacking.

  • Clean your servers of hackers. Stop expecting the community to do your reports for you.

    How else they gonna judge what is a “modded” over a player who got lucky or just Better than you!

    I screenshot everything I post. If you ban me from/for speaking out, we're gonna have a big PR problem here.

    Threats don’t help your case.

  • @skylerpk obligatory "he just had a better gaming chair"

    But in all seriousness, if you think its sus, file a report. Just dont salt report, and bear in mind that extreme latency can give the appearance of cheatsy activity.

    Hope your next voyage pans out better pal ✌️

  • @skylerpk said in Hey, Rare:

    Till then, boycott, baby.

    P.S. - I screenshot everything I post. If you ban me from/for speaking out, we're gonna have a big PR problem here.

    alt text

    Nobody really has a problem with you voicing your concerns. People come in here talking about people cheating nearly every day. I haven't seen anyone banned simply for voicing a concern in general.

    No platform or person is really ever obligated to oblige the demands of someone coming in and implying "do what I want...or else"

    Approaching something like how you did in this thread looks like you want to create more problems than solutions.

    If you were ever to get banned from a platform it would be likely for doing what you're doing in the op over and over and would have nothing to do with the substance of your concern or that you were voicing it in general.

    Sites really don't have to host prolonged drama if they don't want to.

  • Playing since day one and i have never called out anyone for hacking.

    Just wanted to say Rare is one of the only companies that needs their player base to ban for hacking there are others yes.

    Its tough bro but you are beating a dead horse with a stick Rare just doesn't care.

    I try to imagine every single way something could happen to me before i call hacking.

    Wow [mod edit] is a censored acronym?

    Good lord that is sad.

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