Didnt get silver blade sails

  • I completed my 5th week of insider, and this is the day i should have them. Is there a reason i dont have it yet? Im just confused.

  • 6
  • @sir-trottsky said in Didnt get silver blade sails:

    I completed my 5th week of insider, and this is the day i should have them. Is there a reason i dont have it yet? Im just confused.

    Unlocks can take up to 72 hours. Have patience. If it doesn't show up by then, submit a ticket to Support.SeaofThieves.com/

  • @sir-trottsky Check this link. Does it show them unlocked?


    or does it show anything unlocked this week?

  • It says unlocked, and didnt get them, its been 2 days

  • @nikkereal file a support ticket. also don't necro threads

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