Graphical update

  • One thing that caught my eye was the graphical beauty this game had during the early trailers. We have gotten a few updates on graphical display settings throughout the lifetime of the game. My question is, do you all think Rare will ever increase the particle effect option up to mystical in the future? Would it be possible for them to add ray tracing? and increase the overall detail in distant and close objects? Perhaps even add new objects or particles?

    One of the previous arguments to increasing graphical fidelity of the game was the PC vs xbox hardware and software strength/limitation differences would have a significant effect in gameplay and player balance. However, both systems have seen new iterations or upgrades to their technology so this argument might have lost some value in this respect.

    Some new suggested graphical objects might be new or increased sparks, increased light glow/ bloom at night., fireflies, flies, increased vegetation, shadows, etc.

    On YouTube you can find the difference between the trailer and the game's graphical quality which I have taken the liberty of posting below. Although it's a fairly old video, I believe many of my points/ suggestions still stand

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  • If they do. I believe they have to make a whole new game. Seeing as majority of players are running Xbox one or pc with limited settings.

    They have to make the game for only pc and Xbox series x and remove Xbox one.

  • @burnbacon said in Graphical update:

    If they do. I believe they have to make a whole new game. Seeing as majority of players are running Xbox one or pc with limited settings.

    They have to make the game for only pc and Xbox series x and remove Xbox one.

    That doesnt mean that they have to make a new game, just drop support for the outdated console.

    And I highly doubt that is a majority of players. On the contrary its probably a small minority.

  • @alienmagi Exactly, and on PC it can be an option in the settings for those who can run it, those who cant will remain with the current settings.

    I would love to see that upgrade

  • I hate to have to say this, but he makes a good point, even tho the game looks fantastic it could be upgraded...
    And for the new RTX, yeah it does look better but most of it is purely a lightning difference :/

    And while I'm here, one thing that I absolutely hate about this game's design are the texture and the clearly visible optimization.
    If you go on the peak of Devil's Ridge and look at the ocean you've clearly figured out it's a repeating block of animation over and over again, you'll see what I mean when you're there.
    And on the highest peak of the shores of plenty, you can see the same thing for the sand on the beach and even worst : you can see the line of seperation between was is rendered and what isn't, you see where the grass clearly ends and then it's just absolute nothingness...

    Wish I could make this text shorter but that needed to be called out

  • They could add ray tracing but honestly it wouldn't make much sense to considering the water is pretty much the only reflective thing in the game except for weapons, and the lighting already looks great as is so ray tracing wouldn't bring much to the table except higher recommended specs.

  • Yeah, I was always envious of how good the trailer looked. The shadows look so much sharper, the night time is actually dark, the particles look better, there's more camera shake when hit by cannonballs.

  • Little barrel!? Seen at 11 seconds.

    I want to have those campfire smoke wisps too.

    The palm trees look amazing.

  • @red0demon0

    On the plus side, the game looks close enough to that with HDR on. The shadows are less sharp, there's less draw distance and there's none of that nice bouncing light, but it looks real good nonetheless.

    If anything, I suppose they could bring in ray tracing for the bouncing light alone, since that would make the biggest difference and I suppose it's something that can just be deactivated in older systems, judging by how other games do it (I'm most definitely not expert on this, just a guess).

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