Reimplementation Of Dark Relics.

  • Dear Rare & Players,

    Lets talk about some Dark Relics.

    First of what are / where dark relics?

    Dark Relics where a type of loot from the Order Of Souls (not skulls)

    They where mystical voodoo figures and could be dug up. when a Dark Relic Voyage was started.
    The relic could be turned in at the Order Of Souls, (exept for the Ritual Skull wich is now Bilge Rats Treasure)

    Unfortunatly I personaly have not played the game long enough to see Dark Relics in Sea Of Thieves. And since the Sea Of Thieves has seen alot of groth, I don't think alot of players have seen it either.

    I personaly think it would still be a great addition to the total amount of sellable loot, the Order Of Souls & Athena's Fortune.

    I would love to see this reimplemented at somepoint.


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  • You can still see them at Shipwreck Bay and I think the Fort of the Damned has some on a table? There might be more lying about.

    I imagine Rare will bring them back out whenever they need a spooky macguffin for one of their lore related plot events or tales.

  • @d3adst1ck It makes sence why they still have it in the map, Especialy The Fort Of The Dammed.

    Bringing it back like that would be nice too.

    But I think personaly that it would be better if you had it as a quest, since you're going to ''replay'' it more often like that.

    Who know what Rare wil do.

  • @pleezath I feel like I remember Mike Chapman saying they wanted to bring them back at some point. They're probably waiting for the right time in the story to bring them back.

  • They are present at shipwreck bay and the fort of the damned as they were used respectively at these locations for certain purposes. There would need to be a lore reason for their return as the purpose of them initially was to do the quests so that the skeletons didn’t have access to them to perform rituals.

  • I do hope they make a return, they were freaking adorable. (especially the little ship)

  • @illbushido305 I sure hope they will return anytime soon. Especially the unused shark relic.

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