Legendary Skeleton Exploder Commendation

  • Is this bugged or should I be submitting a ticket? Its the only commendation I don't have in the "Gunpowder Skeletons" section of that Bilge Rat reputation section. By definition since I have credit for all the others, should this one be awarded.

    Oddly searching the forums for "Legendary Skeleton Exploder" gives a 'the request is blocked' error message.

  • 4
  • If it's bugged now, it wasn't before because I have unlocked it. Do you have the title commendation unlocked but not the actual task commendation?

  • the title is still locked but all other 15 commendations in the category show as unlocked/completed.

  • @leftypirate99 Yeah, probably going to need to file a support ticket for this one. The title should be tied to unlocking the 3 other legendary comms (Legendary Skeleton Exploder, Legendary Gunpowder Plot, Legendary Chain Reaction)

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