sword blunderbuss nerf

  • sword and blunderbuss should both be nerfed they are completely ruining the game and there is no counter to them because hitreg doesnt work. pvp is literally pointless because someone can just decide to win automatically with no skill needed by just using sword blunderbuss combo.

  • 121
  • If they use that combo they have zero range ability.

  • @htodogvan
    Hey, i do personally think that the swords range should be nerfed, maybe they should add that the pirate has a certain amount of stamina when using the sword, and when you stop using the sword your stamina will go up again. Maybe that's cool.

  • @htodogvan both fine imo...no need for a nerf

  • No counters? Please. Just keep your distance. Easy!

  • I have issues with parts of the game but I like the weapons just how they are. I use sword/blunder for PVP because I’m alway out of ammo. The cookie cutters on Twitch mostly blunder/snipe.

  • Blunder needs a nerf the most.

  • @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    Blunder needs a nerf the most.

    No...why should it? It's a blunderbuss, so basicly a shotgun, that should one-hit when very close

  • No.
    This whole thread.

  • I don't agree that they should be nerfed HOWEVER i do agree that PVP and hell even some PVE is absolutely {mod edit} because of hitreg in this latest update, it should NOT take 3 sniper rounds and a blundy shot to kill one player of a sloop, now sword gets hitreg too but most people don't really notice it but when you're shooting at a pig or swording at a pig and cant kill the {mod edit} thing theres a SERIOUS issue, game breaking issue

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  • No balancing until after they fix hit registration issues.

  • So do you just double gun with a pistol and sniper? I feel like you’re missing out on a lot of utility without the sword.

  • @schwammlgott said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    Blunder needs a nerf the most.

    No...why should it? It's a blunderbuss, so basicly a shotgun, that should one-hit when very close

    because instant kill is lame and no skill. Its a busted weapon that everyone uses because its overpowered.

  • @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @schwammlgott said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    Blunder needs a nerf the most.

    No...why should it? It's a blunderbuss, so basicly a shotgun, that should one-hit when very close

    because instant kill is lame and no skill. Its a busted weapon that everyone uses because its overpowered.

    If you let someone get that close to one shot you it's your own fault...bait them, so they waste theyr shot, that's skill

  • @elfyzenix-fr said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @personalc0ffee And it's said to be a pvp game. The joke 😅

    It's PvEvP. My new brigantine crew yesterday did an amazing job taking on 5 other pirate ships, 1 skeleton fleet, 4 rogue skeleton ships, 3 shipwrecks (w/Reaper bounties/chests), 2 megalodons, 1 treasury, 1 shrine, 1 Ashen Lord, and numerous Skeleton Captains, their cronies, ocean crawlers, phantoms, and sirens - all without ever sinking (I myself boarded 3 of the ships after they were disabled and single-handedly wiped out their crews 2x over using only the sword and blunderbombs). We made well over 500k in gold. We made the Reapers so proud, for well over 6 hours, before an up-and-coming Reaper crew finally showed up to steal our spotlight by hitting us with not 1, but 2 mega-kegs! It was so much fun, we even congratulated the opposing crew on their victory and had a discussion regarding dinner plans after. 😁

  • @personalc0ffee said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    No balancing until after they fix hit registration issues.

    👆 This. 👆

  • @schwammlgott said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @schwammlgott said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @amybun sagte in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    Blunder needs a nerf the most.

    No...why should it? It's a blunderbuss, so basicly a shotgun, that should one-hit when very close

    because instant kill is lame and no skill. Its a busted weapon that everyone uses because its overpowered.

    If you let someone get that close to one shot you it's your own fault...bait them, so they waste theyr shot, that's skill

    👆 Also this. 👆

  • @htodogvan

    • Hit Reg: the hit reg, is the record of the hits, whether they are shots or damage from the back, it has nothing to do with the damage of the weapon ...

    • Damage weapons: the damage is fine, the game is quite realistic, who in his right mind would be left alive with this type of weapon?

    weapon damage and hit reg are totally different things

  • Ok so this post just amazes me on how right and wrong it is at the same time.

    Yes sword and blunder both need a nerf they are by far the best weapons in the game no questions asked.

    But they are awful when put together...

    The sword as a weapon with its block hopping and lunging allows for increased mobility allowing it to work well against pistol and sniper. Sword existing as a weapon makes running pistol sniper unusable.

    Blunderbuss though is the only thing that keeps sword in check as it counters sword perfectly making double gunning with sniper blunder by far the best choice in the game. Using blunder sniper is quite literally just muscle memory with little actual skill and almost completely negates what a sword can do. And no one tell me to try it I abuse it already I quit using the sword and switched to being a Double Gunner because it is so much stronger (there is a reason the whole NAL double guns) and frankly I miss sword it's a lot of fun.

    tldr: yes sword and blunder need a nerf. Sword/Blunder is an awful combo. Blunder/sniper and sword/sniper are the best combos in the game.

  • Ok...so...like...HOW would you want them nerf'd?

    The sword needs a range reduction at least until hitreg is more consistent, but that's about it. The general intended mechanics are flawed when it comes to sword vs sword and that need to be addressed (different from a nerf).

    The blunder...I mean you could either A) make each pellet do 9 damage making the total damage be 90...or you could B) increase the number of pellets to maybe 12 and make each pellet do 8.4 damage.

    I don't think the blunder needs a nerf, though. There's so many times I've point blank blasted someone and had it not kill them it's hilarious.

    Until hitreg is in a better place, the guns are fine where they're at in my opinion.

  • @galactic-geek The problem is, since there is no animation for taking weapons out after sprinting, they can always stay close because their sprint is the same speed as mine, and since i cant 1shot them theres nothi g i can do. Also if i miss a single shot im as good as dead because then i will have a reload animation and the sword user wont

  • @ninja-naranja said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    So do you just double gun with a pistol and sniper? I feel like you’re missing out on a lot of utility without the sword.

    I doubt they do because that in itself is a counter for someone using a cutlass a blunder/sword combo. Blunder/sword has zero range whereas a flintlock and an eye of reach combo has a very far range which can be used to counter the other player if you have good movement, aim, and the ability to consistently keep good distance between the other player.

  • @elfyzenix-fr said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @personalc0ffee And it's said to be a pvp game. The joke 😅

    It’s never been advertised as a PvP game. It’s a PvEvP adventure game.

  • If they are nerfing sword and blunder then double gun, hit reg, food reg along with silent boarding gots to go too. Be critical with your suggestions mate and not just post a suggestion because you probably got rolled by a sword and blunder Lord.

  • @htodogvan said in sword blunderbuss nerf:

    @galactic-geek The problem is, since there is no animation for taking weapons out after sprinting, they can always stay close because their sprint is the same speed as mine, and since i cant 1shot them theres nothi g i can do. Also if i miss a single shot im as good as dead because then i will have a reload animation and the sword user wont

    What do you mean that you can't 1-shot them? If you have a buss, of course you can! Even if you don't, you can still do massive damage with the other firearms followed up by a quick blunderbomb.

    In any case, if you let them close the gap, you'll have a much harder time. So don't let that happen!

  • Since the dawn of time, people have complained that the sword is unbalanced, but a simple counter has remained in the game since the dawn of time too, simply keep your distance. that is probably the reason rare won't nerf or buff the sword. the same counter to the sword has been here since day 1 and yet people refuse to acknowledge it. simply run sniper and sword or sniper and flintlock. the sword punishes you for leveling the playing field by getting close enough for it to be used.

  • The sword is fine, you have a block and a dodge to deal with it. it's a pirate game not a shooting game, the gun is a secondary weapon. also sniper sword is a much better combo when you're fighting someone that will actually keep space in a fight even the pistol can punish people with the blunderbuss pretty easy. The only time the blunderbuss is the best is when you surprise someone.

  • @sweetsandman Inconsistency is not an excuse to not nerf a broken weapon. There is a reason that in NAL they are exclusive sniper blunder it is by far the best combo.

    The sword feels so bad to play with when someone is DG blunder sniper (I switched to DG exclusively for this reason) however nerfing the blunder would make the sword OP since the sword beats sniper pistol.

    A good fix here would frankly be to nerf the reload on blunderbuss in someway and buff the pistol so that you can run sword pistol to counter blunder. Then alongside this nerf sword so that sniper/pistol can also have a spot in the meta vs sword by nerfing sword range.

  • @nitroxien said:

    Inconsistency is not an excuse to not nerf a broken weapon

    If by inconsistency you mean hit-reg, that's not a weapon balance issue - that's a network issue. The weapons themselves work relatively well.

  • Not a nerf but perhaps added mechanics like a parry, stagger, or counter. Perhaps increased knockback on the 3rd swing or better blocking hit boxes

  • @nitroxien we'll have to agree to disagree here.

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