Got attacked by a salty brig crew and I think they got my internet too

  • We were running reaper 5, this brig crew came at us and we sank/looted them. Then, the same brig crew came at us again but now there was 5 of them on the brig. That is not the problem though; I noticed that after that first time we sank them, which was actually a fair and good battle IMO, 9/10 times when that crew got close to me I started lagging in a horrible fashion. Couldn't do anything, like every glitch in the game was thrown at me at the same time.

    At first I thought it was just the hazelbeard error which has been happening to me every 10 minutes or so in the game for about the past week. I would just get disconnected from the game and I would have to reset the game completely, like close app and reopen to be able to play for longer than that, then about two hours in it would again give me the hazelnutbeard error and disconnect me. On Xbox 1S.

    But what happened yesterday was different and the timing was certainly suspect. I have included video of what was happening to me. It was only happening to me on our ship apparently. Remember, we already sank this brig and a bunch of other ships before this and everything was fine.

    Was this like a light DDOS of some kind? I mean, this particular brig was salty enough that they came back with five people on it, so to me it's not out of the question that at least one of them was up to some shenanigans. But I really want to know what this was so I can take appropriate measures. Was it my ISP? Is it just another sea of thieves glitch that got me in the worst time possible? Did I get ddosed/light ddosed/otherwise hacked? What could this have possibly been?

    You can see a sampling of what happened here:

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    videoxbox onequestionfeedback
  • It was only happening to me on our ship apparently.

    As it only you that is affected, I say it was your connection. If another crew member was also suffering, then I be alarmed.

  • For the hazelnut every 10 minutes, the Xbox insider program has been the issue for most. Leave that and they’ll stop.

    If you believe you’ve been hacked, which I highly doubt, you can report the person here.

  • Too many things on the boat and in the world. Server gets unstable especially around action.

    See it with stacking all the time.

  • I've seen all that stuff before especially recently it's all just server stuff

    I've had people so hot someone could bake a party sized frozen lasagna on their face and the worst they do is send a few messages and then it's all over.

  • I'm pretty sure that was your internet connection doing that. That's what happens everytime mine acts up.

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