Toggle Sprint/ Hold to Sprint

  • When i want to sprint in sea of thieves, i simply have to click shift once to start sprinting, then click again if i want to stop. However many of my friends that play the game have to hold down shift to sprint, if they let go of the button, the stop sprinting. I would like to change to held sprint as it seems more comfortable, but theres no setting to do so. My friends have also reported a lack of this setting. Im pretty sure this is a known issue, however i found nothing on the internet or on your Website. I own the game on Steam, if that´s important.

  • 6
    questionwindows 10
  • For a game such as this, it best to always be sprinting.

  • @burnbacon That might be true yes but i would prefer holding down the button to sprint

  • +1

    We need more keybind customization options on PC. Please go checkout my recent post and upvote for visibility :)

  • @BurnBacon I agree, but that's exactly why I looked up "hold to sprint"
    Because currently holding sprint doesn't put you back into it when it cancels

    And sprinting cancels alot especially since SoT is one of the few games that doesn't let you sprint and move to the side (e.g: W and S key at the same time cancels sprint)
    Most game allow this at the cost of side movement being much less/greatly reduced

    So when it cancels, and your holding the sprint key out of habit. Your not sprinting .-.
    Not until you release n press it again, its a bit disorienting since you kinda expect to b sprinting and your holding down the button for it after all

    Was jst now watching a YT video n Summit missed a jump he would of made, instantly knew it was because he wasn't sprinting, and it's not like he'd forget to press it
    But in the middle of the action, you play by what you already know: hold sprint to make sure your sprinting

  • Going ahead and dropping anchor here on this thread as it has been around a year since the last post prior to the most recent. This counts as thread necro and is against our forum rules. Thank you.

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