RubberBanding Like Crazy[PC][STEAM]

  • Just started playing SoT again BUT.... Im getting unplayable rubbberbanding in the game
    ive tried disabling steam overlay, valiadating game files, checked my xbox connection setting, enabled [xbox game mode] and then disabled[cuz it didnt work],checked NAT type and etc... but still having rubberbanding issues... also its not my wifi i ran ping tests [11-20ms avg] and internet speed is [300mbps down] and [30mbps upload] and play other online games fine is this just a game server issue?

    atm im redownloading the game [Via Steam] ill update if it works

  • 7
  • @saltythiccbean said in RubberBanding Like Crazy[PC][STEAM]:

    Just started playing SoT again BUT.... Im getting unplayable rubbberbanding in the game
    ive tried disabling steam overlay, valiadating game files, checked my xbox connection setting, enabled [xbox game mode] and then disabled[cuz it didnt work],checked NAT type and etc... but still having rubberbanding issues... also its not my wifi i ran ping tests [11-20ms avg] and internet speed is [300mbps down] and [30mbps upload] and play other online games fine is this just a game server issue?

    atm im redownloading the game [Via Steam] ill update if it works

    Just some advice for you to help you troubleshoot any network problems you may have.

    Running a simple ping test on a website like ookla will only test your internets full bandwidth at the time of the test. This is a very good test to see if you are having CONSTANT problems via ethernet or if you are having connection issues via distance from the router via wifi.

    Example : Too far away or behind walls with a lot of water pipes, wifi will be slower than what you are suppose to have at full strength.

    Rubbing banding is a intermittent problem which could be a slew of things.

    If it happens once every 30 seconds or once every minute then running a simple speed/ping test on a website is not going to cut it as it only runs the test for like 10 seconds to gauge your connections over all speed.

    The only real way to test your connection is via a PC.

    You go into the command prompt and ping something and set the test to constant until canceled.

    Lets say like the google dns server which is

    So you open your command prompt and type the command

    ping -t

    This will run a constant ping test until you cancel it with ctrl+c

    Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=800ms TTL=115 - example of intermittent
    Reply from bytes=32 time=23ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115
    Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=115

    You'll get something like this. You can also run the ping to the actual azure microsoft server location, i don't know the address for that off the top of my head, but you could see what that is like.

    You can also run a trace route to see if its the pathway to the servers thats causing the issue, possible outage in one direction so your packets have to go in a different direction which is a farther route and because of the outage there is more congestion through that route.

    Basically there is more involved then just running a ping test on your xbox.

    EDIT Nevermind, just noticed that it was on your PC and not your xbox. Sorry about that. I'll leave this here still in hopes that it'll help players if they need to check their connection.

  • @saltythiccbean I've experienced rubber banding from having my graphic settings too high. Unlike server connection rubber banding, this rubber banding only affects you and others you are playing with can't see it.

    If you do not think your game settings are the cause than you narrowed down the options to your internet/your connection to the games server.
    I would try plugging in an Ethernet cable to see if the game works fine, if it does then you know it is your wifi causing the issue.

    However, if other online games work fine but SoT does not I would assume it is not the internet connection but it doesn't hurt to check.

  • @SaltyThiccBean

    What this guy said -- @piratecrob

    Especially with the Wifi. When gaming you never want to be on wifi if you can help it. Ethernet ALL the way. I've rewired my old roommates house to get off wifi and have rewired houses afterwards because friends wanted to be off wifi as well.

    Wifi is good for streaming not for high competitive gaming.

  • you could drop the settings to lowest (cursed?) across the board, and set vsync on.
    then check if the issue persists. if it doesn't then it could just be settings (maybe a gfx card driver update has messed things up or something).
    if it still persists then it's probably not your hardware / OS and you can focus on looking at the network connectivity.

    might be quicker / easier to start with this if you don't have a LAN cable lying around

  • @piratecrob its probly my graphics setting even tho i have a good pc 2060, 32 ram , intel i7-9007f

  • @saltythiccbean I had issues playing with graphics maxed out. I lowered everything to cursed then one by one added each graphic setting up a notch until I discovered what settings made my game perform poorly. In my case Shadow and Model Detail were the culprits and I set them to cursed. I also opted to keep my particle effects and particle resolution set to cursed.

    I also ran into an issue when changing my game from a smaller resolution to a larger one. It made my game feel super blurry when moving, changing the same settings I changed above to cursed fixed this issue as well.

    Hopefully you can pinpoint what is causing your issue and get back to sailing smoothly on the seas.

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