More than Skellies! The... LLG!!!

  • 3 Words!
    Leviathan Lobster God!!!

    Summons lobster followers and other humanoid sea enemies.

    The LLG can attack with their giant claws, destroying masts and damaging other parts of the ship. It can ram the ship and use its tail to also do damage.

    It big attack is when it can primarily be hit with cannons, and it comes out of the water and creates waterspouts and sprays water at ships, knocking crew off the top deck if not holding something and damaging the ship.

    During this battle, other enemy ships with the above crew types can appear and attack.

    This is not for a single crew, but something that the whole server must work together to defeat. It will take coordination and a lot of teamwork to bring down this beast! The loot should be extremely plentiful since a lot will be lost mid-battle and will be split between multiple crew...or not.

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