Our Glitchiest Battle Ever

  • This was by far one of the glitchiest and most frustrating battles I have ever endured on the Sea of Thieves. My crewmate and I are currently on a 34 enemy ship sinking streak on a sloop, so it's fair to say we are very decent at PVP.

    We decided to start a fight with a brig fighting an Ashen Winds. I boarded them as my crewmate fired canon shots, resulting in us quickly sinking their ship. HOWEVER, our ship received 2 holes during the fight, and when my trusty crewmate finally decided to repair them, his entire game glitched. He was unable to board, unable to bucket, unable to do anything. As I tried making my way back to the ship, I got killed by a shark, went to the ferry, and then spawned completely on the other side of the map as our ship sank due to my crewmate's game staying glitched.

    Rare, fix your game.

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