Pirates showing up on closed crew

  • I was sailing solo with a closed crew and all of a sudden I get a message saying that someone joined my crew. This person makes his way to my map, looks at it and then quits my crew. It happened twice within a few minutes, both times they just looked at my map and left. Any idea how people are doing that and how to keep it from happening?

  • 12
  • @lrdchivalry Ahoy matey!

    And theres no chance of this pirate being in your friends list?

  • @lrdchivalry
    Closed crew means that no strangers can join you but only people from the friend list you have.

    There is also an option to exclude those (allow friends to join).

  • They aren't doing it on purpose and if you're sure you had it closed there isn't anything you can do on your end

    Doesn't happen to me on my closed crew but I've spawned in other games where they say they had the crew closed

    Some of this is probably people clicking once too much and they accidentally left it on open instead of closed like they thought

    and the rest are just unintended glitches

  • @lrdchivalry
    Yes, make sure your settings are also so friends can't join you.

    What they are doing is looking on recent players list as they are in a certain radius of your location on your server, then your name shows up, they search your name and join your session, see what your up to and if your worth stealing from.

  • @musicmee
    Ahoy!! I don't believe so. I didn't recognize the names of the people who showed up, however, it is possible since I cannot remember the names of the people who did it.

  • Thanks for the insight everyone. I will check to see if friends can join and turn it off if open.

  • @needsmokes said in Pirates showing up on closed crew:

    Yes, make sure your settings are also so friends can't join you.

    What they are doing is looking on recent players list as they are in a certain radius of your location on your server, then your name shows up, they search your name and join your session, see what your up to and if your worth stealing from.

  • @dlchief58 said in Pirates showing up on closed crew:

    @needsmokes said in Pirates showing up on closed crew:

    Yes, make sure your settings are also so friends can't join you.

    What they are doing is looking on recent players list as they are in a certain radius of your location on your server, then your name shows up, they search your name and join your session, see what your up to and if your worth stealing from.

    Does this work on xbox servers? If so how does it work?

  • Hold on, are you saying he DIDN’T draw a wooter on your map?

  • [mod edit]

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