Add weight/length to fish for tournaments and leaderboards

  • Adding length and weight stats to fish instead of the current system with only trophy and non-trophy fish would add whole a new element to fishing. This could be incorporated into many kinds of leaderboards, species specific or interspecies tournaments, and could be worked into the emissary ranking for Hunters call as well if we get emissary for them. This would also add an opportunity for community driven tournaments sort of like the race of legends but with fishing.

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  • None of the loot has stats it's all the same so I think generic fishing goes with the rest of the system in place. Trophy/non trophy is a good system for this sort of game.

    It's just more work and probable bugs for a relatively small amount of the player base that would actually invest in it

  • I like the idea and don't think it would be all that hard to implement - the measurement and weight could be directly tied to the gold/xp amount you earn.

  • Agreed. Weight and Fishing board would be very interesting and "fun" mich like the Ledger for the other factions, the Hunters Call can be its own thing.

    Catching fish is so far, all they do.
    Maybe even throw in Number of Killed Megs like they did for the Meg Event, with the teeth. The number of certain megs you kill gives a small boost.
    Along with Kraken tentacles.

  • @wolfmanbush it seems to me like all the loot in the game has hidden stats with more than just two levels. All the loot gives differing levels of gold and rep, the animals have different tiers when trading, as well as meat having the cooking modifiers.

    IDK enough to say whether it would be too much work for the amount of players who would want it. I wouldn't want this over quality of life bug fixes for sure but the way I see it is that fishing is way more grindy and less rewarding than just checking floating barrels and shipwrecks for fish and this would add some incentive to fish using the rod and bait.

  • @oldiniquity1556 said in Add weight/length to fish for tournaments and leaderboards:

    @wolfmanbush it seems to me like all the loot in the game has hidden stats with more than just two levels. All the loot gives differing levels of gold and rep, the animals have different tiers when trading, as well as meat having the cooking modifiers.

    All of which is determined at turn in only. Other than that, all items are exactly the same up until you cash them in, and then the RNG loot system gives you a slightly randomized value for the item.

    They could do this for the fish also I guess, but you'd have no idea what you've caught until you turned it in. In terms of using this for a fishing tournament, you'd have to have every participant record the turn in to verify the catch because there'd be no way to verify otherwise.

  • @oldiniquity1556 said in Add weight/length to fish for tournaments and leaderboards:

    @wolfmanbush it seems to me like all the loot in the game has hidden stats with more than just two levels. All the loot gives differing levels of gold and rep, the animals have different tiers when trading, as well as meat having the cooking modifiers.

    IDK enough to say whether it would be too much work for the amount of players who would want it. I wouldn't want this over quality of life bug fixes for sure but the way I see it is that fishing is way more grindy and less rewarding than just checking floating barrels and shipwrecks for fish and this would add some incentive to fish using the rod and bait.

    I found this giant mutant alien worm today and I thought of your thread

    this beast would be great for your 35 pound ruby splashtail

  • This would be fun, Not sure if it would be worth the time or investment, but it would certainly be something for the Hunters Call to actually do.

  • @d3adst1ck my bad, I didn't realize that the game treated all loot as the same until turn in.

    IRL fishing tournaments also require a weigh in to get final weight so that would somewhat make sense as a mechanic but not knowing the approximate measurements of what you caught, when you caught it, would make culling and true tournaments impossible.

  • @wolfmanbush ahhh lolol what happened to that worm? Someone's dumping radioactive waste into the Sea of Thieves

  • I'd honestly still like to see Hunters Call adjusted so it can accommodate Voyages like a major Faction as opposed to being this pseudo side thing. We first met Merrick, the founder, by summoning a massive Megalodon. That is what this Faction should be about, slaying mighty beasts, not simply fishing (which I admittedly feel should be moved to the Merchant Alliance to go hand in hand with the Animal collection Missions as just another thing on the manifest of targets). I'd love to see it setup where we just pull Karen out of the world event rotation, make her a little nastier to battle, and have us go and do something to summon her for a battle as a Voyage for the Hunters Call. Additionally, have a Mission for luring out the Massive Megalodon again as another Voyage type. Or, better yet, put those in a rotation as a single Voyage type (Sea Monster Hunt). Then we technically have room to come up with some other kind of Voyage for them for their Secondary Voyage type.

    Would make them feel more like a proper Faction (save the side tasks that can be done alongside Voyages for Bilge Rats and the odd things to do, I'm tired of them having Voyages actually since it feels counter to the core of who they are - thus why we don't Rank up in them as they are they side task Faction).

    And while we're at it, we should honestly hook Reapers up with some Voyages too. I'd love to see them get Voyages that encourage PvP situations, like a Voyage to seek out needs for the Fort of the Damned through an actual Voyage. Maybe even consider making a second World Event that is triggered by players somehow, and set this up as a Secondary Voyage for them. They can still do the standard stuff for their Faction like acquiring Stolen Loot (much like you can get bottle Voyages or just find loot for the core Factions, though I would remove Reputation for anything not actually Stolen so as to encourage PvP, though I would make that the low hanging fruit by making it not give much - the real prize being World Event specific loot like Stronghold items and then Emissary Flags as they should mainly target Emissary). To further that I'd actually make main Factions give less for Stolen stuff, to encourage those going the PvP route to use the Reapers who will grant a better gain from Stolen stuff.

    This would put all the primary Factions (those you Rank in) to a place where they all operate on Voyages, and all those Voyages have a clear focus based on the Faction theme, and it makes a few more facets of the gameplay loop able to be done on demand better which makes for more adventure types you can easily engage with.

    Yes, you'd have your Sea Dogs in this world still not using Voyages, but they are their own can of worms to be fair. I kind of hate the Faction, cause I hate the Arena Mode itself. Been more headache than it has ever been worth, does work to split the player base, gives a level of fodder to people asking for PvE servers (not that it makes a good argument, but it is a consistent argument made cause people realize this game already splits the player pool), and makes both it and Adventure move at a slower pace as workload has to be split between the two Modes (which will only get worse if we add more Modes, so please oh please don't do anymore).

    Anyways, rambling a bit and getting off track. End rant here.

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