Treasure Vault question

  • Does the timer on these vault doors differ for crew sizes or is the same set time regardless if solo sailing or with a crew of 4?

  • 7
  • It's the same for everyone. 3 minutes from the time the inner door opens is when the door will close again and anyone left inside will drown.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Thanks.. Think I won't attempt this solo for now then, as finding medallions and solving puzzle is my goal. Will wait for friends to play over the weekend.
    And will just have to hunt down and try to steal someone else's loot for now 🤤

  • I think they need to adjust the timer again, the second the door began to open is when the timer starts.
    But you cant enter the vault for about 5 seconds or so because of how slow. Lost time.

  • More questions:
    Do you get gold keys from Larinna?

    Does the achievement that requires you open the vault with gold keys mean the outer door or the inner door with the medallions?

  • @scoobywrx555 Ahoy matey!

    You have a chance of getting all three keys from Larinna...

    The achievement for using 3 gold keys is at the totem/key part, not the medallions.

  • @musicmee cool thanks, guessing and hoping its just a delay in registering
    Those medallions not sparkling enough for me

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