Perfect Dark Achievement Help

  • Hey y'all, newbie to the forum and only been playing the game for a couple of months. Been trying to complete the anniversary event and get the Perfect Dark achievement at the same time, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've got all of my lanterns off and I've been going through storms at night, but it's still failing to work. Is there a specific "trick" to it? Do I have to enter the storm after sundown and exit before sunrise? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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  • Night time obviously, but I got it to work by sailing into the storm with my lights on then turning them of inside it.

  • Some people say it has to be between midnight and 3 at night, not just anytime that it’s dark.

    One person said having the ashen curse counted as a light source and was stopping it from working.

    I got it by having all my lanterns off and sailing into a storm at night. Then I left the storm, then I sailed back in. A minute or so later, still in the storm, I got it. It was right after 3.

  • Try to sail on the edge of the storm.

  • Our crew just went into the storm when it got dark, and stayed inside the storm until we got it. I think there might be like a certain amount of time ya need to be in the storm, like 4 min or something but I'm not sure.

  • Wait on the edge of the storm (not raining at all) then as soon as it gets dark and the sun sets fully go through it, this worked first try for me. Should only take a min in the storm


    Sail towards a storm at night with all your lights on, as soon as your bell on the ship begins to ring, now is the time to extinguish all of your lights.


  • We sailed into the storm at night without lights and circled in it until the achievement popped up.
    No special tasks were done.

  • just sailing around in the storm for about a minute after it hits midnight. No need to wait outside the storm or anything, I just hopped in a server went to the storm with all my lights off and stayed in the portion of the storm where my bells were ringing and eventually i got it like 45 seconds after midnight.

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