An unexpectedly wholesome PVP encounter (they do happen!)

  • In these somewhat uncertain times, I wanted to share a story of when a PVP encounter ends in smiles and friendship between both parties...

    We'd had an adventure much like any other, an evening completing voyages as an Order Of Souls emissary with very little in the way of excitement. Having reached level 5 and gathered a good haul of skulls we stopped at Galleons Grave and handed in, ready to log off for the evening.

    In the distance we spot a galleon sailing our way, and with a healthy stock of supplies decide to head them off and engage in glorious combat! Before long we exchange cannon fire, quickly detonating the powder kegs in their crows nest (a lesson learnt, I hope) and ultimately sending their ship to the depths.

    With their loot onboard, our crew mates calls out "sails!". Once again a galleon in the distance is approaching us, undoubtedly the same crew looking to reclaim both their lost glory and gold.
    We clash, and again their galleon sinks. This time two survivors swim to us, but instead of dispatching them to the ferryman, one of our crew suggests letting them board.

    With cutlass in hand and expecting retaliation, we begin to chat, exchanging pleasantries and calls of "well played!". With no hard feelings on either side, we let them know that the loot has little value to us, and if they liked we'd sail them to an outpost to sell up.

    In the end their remaining crew brought their galleon back, on to which we loaded the loot and, being ready to log off anyway, gave them our remaining supplies.

    With all said and done we finished our session onboard our former enemy's galleon playing shanty's and drinking grog as we watched our now burning ship slowly sink beneath the waves....

    This isn't the most exciting story. But it does go to show that with a little sportsmanship, even a hostile encounter can become something so much more thanks to the freedom this game offers us!

    Be more pirate everyone. But remember, it's just a game.


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  • Thanks for sharing.
    Wer do this quite often, but only few can do so unfortunately.
    This is how the majority of encounters should be anyway.
    PvP or not.

  • @bugaboo-bill Oh yes, a rare occurance for sure. But always lovely when it happens!

  • I had a situation earlier when I saw a brig coming out of the horizon and heading for me. Naturally i raised he friendship flag, but, he killed me and was salty so your encounter was a lot better than MINE.

  • @stryps3071tv Sorry it didn't work out matey. If I could give one piece of advice, I would always first assume that an encounter with another crew is likely to be hostile, especially if they're sailing straight at you.

    As you can see from my story, both of our intent was to attack each other. We just happened to come out on top and the other crew happened to be sporting about it.

    Always be prepared for fight or flight!

  • @luciansanchez82 okthank you

  • That's a great story. My galleon crew had a not such pleasant PvP encounter last night. We were half way through a gilded voyage and were leaving Discovery Ridge when a sloop that was one fire sailed up and someone got on board. He managed to drop our anchor then kill us all with a blunderbuss. We kept respawning and trying to get him off our ship. We killed him (or so we thought) and we were able to get underway again. We made it to Golden Sands and started unloading only to find out that he was still on the ship (despite all of us combing the ship to make sure no one was on board).

    He kept jumping around (a fight mechanic that I hate) the ship, one and two shot killing us with the blunderbuss. Finally, I decided to just keep him busy so that my crew to unload the treasure. He only turned in 2 or 3 of our 10+ chests, so it was obvious he was just in it to bother us rather than in it for the treasure. We finally sold our last chest, he jumped in the water to avoid my shots and we were able to get underway and left him behind on the island.

    I still don't know how he could kill us with one or two shots when I hit him 3 times in a row while he was standing on the dock and he didn't die (he didn't eat fruit during it either). As we were sailing away, I hit him twice as he swam beside the ship and he still lived. I know we're not great at the PvP in this game, but last night was just embarrassing.

    Frankly, I prefer the ship to ship combat over the person to person combat.

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