Custom Server Update Discussion

  • @grilledcheese10 I've been playing this game for about a month now, and it's nice to hear someone say what I've been feeling... Under no circumstances is there any incentive to play defensively, with swords at any rate. Any sword fight I've been in has essentially devolved into running around the target (mine or theirs) swinging madly.

    But what to do about it? The most elegant (I think) solution I thought of was simply to add a fatigue bar to sword swings, which would drain away with each swing and make a larger delay between them over time. Perhaps if you completely deplete it you have to rest for a moment to start regenerating, or blocking might regenerate it- which would provide incentive for remaining defensive. Whatever the case, at the moment I mostly try to avoid everyone, especially on land, as I dread relying on the current hand to hand system.

  • If given the choice for full refund I would take it.

    4 Man Crew boarding a Sloop coming in swinging with sword is ridiculous. All joy for the game gets sucked out within minutes because skill plays no factor in the PvP aspect. I only recently started playing, and if this was only a 9.99 game I would have uninstalled by now. Cannot outrun and cannot defend a bigger ship. I am penalised instantly for not joining more players.

  • @mavnderlvst said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    But what to do about it? The most elegant (I think) solution I thought of was simply to add a fatigue bar to sword swings, which would drain away with each swing and make a larger delay between them over time. Perhaps if you completely deplete it you have to rest for a moment to start regenerating, or blocking might regenerate it- which would provide incentive for remaining defensive. Whatever the case, at the moment I mostly try to avoid everyone, especially on land, as I dread relying on the current hand to hand system.

    I'm a new player and this was my first thought after experiencing PvP - this game badly needs a fatigue bar. The bunny-hopping while shooting and madly swinging your sword combat is not interesting.

    While I would love to see combat that more resembled Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, I realize that's not going to happen. A simple fatigue bar would go a LONG way towards making non-ship combat more interesting.

  • @bloodybil Who cares? It is just his opinion, in games like cod there are also people who are playing just pvp, or just the zombie mode. Where is the Problem if you give the players the disicion? If you want to battle with other Players you can go into the Arena, there are players who want to do the same. Hunting down people who don't want to battle in PVP is for stupid people. This game has a storyline also, but you can't really play missions alone cause some salty kids appear and destroy your totally empty anchored ship just for their fun. It's like bullying, fun for some people, but not for everyone. The ones who hunt down other people and sink them have fun, but there are always 2 sides of one medal. One crew has fun, the other one lefts the game often, and sometimes they don't come back. I like to play adventure with my full piratelegend crew, but we play defensive, and that is a rare ting. We sink every ship which attacked us first. But if a ship is just passing by and the crew is friendly, maybe offers an ally, why the hell I should destroy their gameplay and sink them? One ship is on missions and fights for hours, the other one is just spawned and has nothing to lose. This is not fair, and without a pve mode is it very hard for new players to get into the game before they unistal it cause the get sunked too often. It's a nice game, if you win the most of the fights you have fun playing it, but there are also people who lose their ships everytime. You can't get any progression, just levels and skins. I leveled up to piratelegend in pvp, but in my point of view it is not a different if it was pve or pvp. Everybody should be able to chose his own playstyle. You even are not able to unlock better ships or something like that, everything you can unlock are skins. So why don't give the people the option to play on a private or PVP server in a fleet and still get progression? I think everyone should be able to make progress in the way he wants to. If there will be a PVE server at some time guys like you will get people at the PVP server who will know what kind of server they had choosed, fight for their ship, and you will get sunk more often. But then if you can't farm the little beginners and it's not that funny for you anymore. The community changes since the game was launched. It even happens less that you meet a friendly crew, open an alliance and have fun together, and in my opionen this fact is very sad. I really liked the way of the game around 2019 where you had met new people, open an alliance, doing any stupid or funny things for hours, added each other to the friend lists after it and just have fun at the seas.

  • @executioner5505 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @bloodybil Who cares? It is just his opinion, in games like cod there are also people who are playing just pvp, or just the zombie mode. Where is the Problem if you give the players the disicion?

    People already have the choice to do what they want - within the shared world, which is the core of the game.

    If you want to battle with other Players you can go into the Arena, there are players who want to do the same. Hunting down people who don't want to battle in PVP is for stupid people.

    Because people want to do both PVE and PVP? How is that so hard to understand? I won't limit myself because you are. I could tell you that if you want to PVE only, do so in the Maiden's voyage. What's that, you want to do more than what is included in that limited scenario? So do I!

    This game has a storyline also, but you can't really play missions alone cause some salty kids appear and destroy your totally empty anchored ship just for their fun. It's like bullying, fun for some people, but not for everyone. The ones who hunt down other people and sink them have fun, but there are always 2 sides of one medal. One crew has fun, the other one lefts the game often, and sometimes they don't come back.

    Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, like in any game. People can manage to play alone plenty, don't be a salty kid yourself by complaining about being beaten by another crew. If people can't accept defeat and prefer to leave, that's their personal issues. Personally when I lose I dust myself up and keep going on my merry way without having a meltdown.

    I like to play adventure with my full piratelegend crew, but we play defensive, and that is a rare ting. We sink every ship which attacked us first. But if a ship is just passing by and the crew is friendly, maybe offers an ally, why the hell I should destroy their gameplay and sink them? One ship is on missions and fights for hours, the other one is just spawned and has nothing to lose. This is not fair, and without a pve mode is it very hard for new players to get into the game before they unistal it cause the get sunked too often. It's a nice game, if you win the most of the fights you have fun playing it, but there are also people who lose their ships everytime.

    Again, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Every session is different, and you never know what kind of encounters you will have. Saying some people get sunk every time is a clear exaggeration.

    You can't get any progression, just levels and skins. I leveled up to piratelegend in pvp, but in my point of view it is not a different if it was pve or pvp. Everybody should be able to chose his own playstyle. You even are not able to unlock better ships or something like that, everything you can unlock are skins. So why don't give the people the option to play on a private or PVP server in a fleet and still get progression? I think everyone should be able to make progress in the way he wants to. If there will be a PVE server at some time guys like you will get people at the PVP server who will know what kind of server they had choosed, fight for their ship, and you will get sunk more often. But then if you can't farm the little beginners and it's not that funny for you anymore.

    The new season system will reward progression for all kind of activites, turning loot or not. People of all kinds and play styles will feel some kind of progress whether they get sunk or not. If people want the full progress experience, they can do so in public like everyone else, and unwind in custom. People won't get an easy-mode shelter to grind the biggest voyages and events in peace, you can forget about that.

    The community changes since the game was launched. It even happens less that you meet a friendly crew, open an alliance and have fun together, and in my opionen this fact is very sad. I really liked the way of the game around 2019 where you had met new people, open an alliance, doing any stupid or funny things for hours, added each other to the friend lists after it and just have fun at the seas.

    And according to the latest interview about seasons, the game is more popular than it has ever been, and with the biggest player count they have ever seen. I guess most people manage to accept defeat like grownups and get to enjoy the game once they understand that you know, it's a game and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And the more experience you get, the more you win and the more fun you have. Cheers!

  • People already have the choice to do what they want - within the shared world, which is the core of the game.

    Oh really? So if they just want to chill with friends, sailing around and have fun they cant get sunked by agressive players? That sounds interesting.

    Because people want to do both PVE and PVP? How is that so hard to understand? I won't limit myself because you are. I could tell you that if you want to PVE only, do so in the Maiden's voyage. What's that, you want to do more than what is included in that limited scenario? So do I!

    You dont understand anything. Thats the problem. I dont want to delete the adventure mode. I enjoy playing it with my crew. How is that so hard to understand that you are not the only sot player? You have your opinion how you want to play this game, and i respect that. But why you are not able to accept that other players can enjoy a pve or private server also?

    And according to the latest interview about seasons, the game is more popular than it has ever been, and with the biggest player count they have ever seen. I guess most people manage to accept defeat like grownups and get to enjoy the game once they understand that you know, it's a game and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And the more experience you get, the more you win and the more fun you have. Cheers!

    I dont care in any interviews, it always depends on wich type of people you are asking. For sure, for a normal skilled player it is sometimes a win, and sometimes a lose. But you still think that everyone should think like you. Why you are not able to accept a differnt opinion? If there will be a pve or private server option you are still able to do whatever you want in this game, dont you think everybody else should be able to do it also? For example some Familys play games together. Sure a adult dont start to cry cause he get sunked. But if some people maybe just want to play together with their kids against the enviroment sometimes, why this shoulnt be possible? Its a funny game and i really enjoy playing it, but its not perfect for every player and it still can get better and even more popular. Isnt that a thing every player would enjoy? Bigger comunity causes longer livetime of this game. Maybe the Server will get down in future, then you are not able to play online anymore. With a bit luck you can play coop then with a local host. But i think everything should be done to make this game as popular as possible so that the whole comunity can enjoy playing it as long as possible^^

  • @executioner5505 You are the one who appears clueless about the balance of risk and rewards, coupled with incentivisation of game modes. People will be able to chill with their friends or play with their kids in private, with paused progression. The balance of game styles is there by design. Clearly you don't care about interviews, especially when they confirm the opposite of what you try to prove.

    Oh wait... what's that? Quotes from the actual producers of the game!

    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players, the risk and the reward is all part of it …that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game, there is a purpose to that…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

    We don't want to split players, we don't want to split player types, the whole identity of sea of thieves is a shared world and the different kind of motivations within it.

    We want players to experience the thrill of a player ship versus another player ship in battle. Turning the chance of these encounters off completely has never felt like Sea of Thieves.

    • Player interactions are working as intended and the way they are by design.
    • There is no intentions of changing and unbalancing them.
    • People will be able to do whatever their heart desire in custom servers, with no progresson. As you said, who cares it's just cosmetics!
  • @bloodybil Then think about other games. Who decides in wich direction the game turns in the future? The developer? Or the comunity? Paused Progression in a game where you just can unlock skins is totally useless. And by the way, i dont care about Interviews cause nobody ask me or anyone i know. Have you been asked anything about it? Just writing that anyone said something is very easy, but how you can do an Interview without asking your players?

  • @executioner5505 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @bloodybil Then think about other games. Who decides in wich direction the game turns in the future? The developer? Or the comunity? Paused Progression in a game where you just can unlock skins is totally useless. And by the way, i dont care about Interviews cause nobody ask me or anyone i know. Have you been asked anything about it? Just writing that anyone said something is very easy, but how you can do an Interview without asking your players?

    You are not interested in data coming from the actual creators of the game? Cool, I'll link you an interesting part right here:

    "In terms of the scale of SoT, our community and player base, we're pretty much in the biggest place we have ever been, and this is what is amazing when you look back, we set up with the goal of making THE pirate game, let's take that amazing theme and genre, and really bring it to life and reality, we're nearly end of our third year, but EVERY year has been bigger than the last and that's no different for this year. So in December we just had our second biggest month ever in terms of users, and right now we are on track for January to be OUR BIGGEST MONTH EVER in terms of monthly activity and users, which is amazing place to be as we are heading into this year, heading into seasons, it's a real healthy mix of new players, returning players, super engaged players, but we really all-in in this."

    Seems like both the developers and community are quite happy with the direction of the game ;)

  • Sea of Thieves is a PvEvP game and honestly I think there are a metric tonne of players on both sides of the coin who dont seem to grasp what this entails...

    Dear PvE players: PvP is part and parcel of this game. You have to accept that, especially when rolling solo in a sloop, you are constantly at risk of being plundered by other players. There are plenty of ways to bamboozle and escape the attentions of player pirates, or manage to save your loot.

    PvP Players: You also have to accept that not everyone enjoys constant PvP, nobody likes to feel like they never had a chance, and winning with grace can go a long way. So you've won a fight, your Galleon has a Solo Sloop at its mercy. You can sow maximum salt by taking everything and sinking them... or you could, at the very least, leave them afloat. Hell, maybe let them keep some of their loot. Are you obligated to? No, of course not. But consistently putting the boot into players who dont have a chance or no interest in fighting creates a very unpleasant experience for them.

    Being considerate of your fellow players cuts both ways. Plenty of PvE-ers need to accept that this isnt a PvE game, plenty of PvPers could exercise a bit more grace. Obviously neither are blanket statements, so if it doesnt apply to you then you are one of the good ones and I look forward to crossing paths, or possibly swords, with you at some point!

  • People will quit. Forced pvp is lame.
    Always give both. Get over it.

  • @likablecascade6 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    People will quit. Forced pvp is lame.
    Always give both. Get over it.

    The game is at its peak after 3 years. This is a PVEVP game, you have both, get over it.

    "In terms of the scale of SoT, our community and player base, we're pretty much in the biggest place we have ever been, and this is what is amazing when you look back, we set up with the goal of making THE pirate game, let's take that amazing theme and genre, and really bring it to life and reality, we're nearly end of our third year, but EVERY year has been bigger than the last and that's no different for this year. So in December we just had our second biggest month ever in terms of users, and right now we are on track for January to be OUR BIGGEST MONTH EVER in terms of monthly activity and users, which is amazing place to be as we are heading into this year, heading into seasons, it's a real healthy mix of new players, returning players, super engaged players, but we really all-in in this."

  • @BloodyBil loving the posts. To the other players who whine about the game and losing. The sloop is the fastest ship against the wind, yes against followed by the Brig.

    So you can very easily get away from those bigger ships. Any time the wind direction changes, keep changing also to remain against the wind. They will either give up, or if you are smart enough then unload treasure as you past an outpost. Catch the mermaid back to your ship.

    When you have nothing to lose, grab all the supplies you can including all those cursed balls, then see who is the biggest loser. You or them for chasing you for donkeys to get nothing in return. Sure it might be annoying being chased but if you are lucky the Kraken might get them.

    I don't think real pirates complained about their treasures being stolen, or their ships suck. The game is Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends (although sometimes you may come across some friendlies).

  • Came looking for updates on custom servers, found the standard pvp versus pve argument lol. The forum......the forum never changes.

  • Terrible idea.

  • well ive only been playing SoT for a brief time but it's a VARY mixed bag, when I enjoy it I ADORE it the games lovely to look at fun to play I enjoy following hints and riddles Digging up treasure ect. I enjoy fighting skeletons hell I even don't mind PVP WHEN I SEEK IT OUT. when I get my game session ruined because some coward sank my tiny boat off short while i was on an island and had no way of even noticing there approach...while im still learning mind you, deeply upsetting.

    We already HAVE an arena mode, Is wanting a PVE focused experience REALLY so wrong? I genuinely don't enjoy "SURPISE! Im board so im going to ruin your fun now!'

    Please Consider more PVE Focused content, So I can enjoy this game, or pvp at my own preference and not at the whims of some jerk whos got nothing better to do.

  • do we have any details on how these custom servers run exactly?

    how many people can join a server at once?
    how many ships can we deploy?
    can a server admin mix and match crews like in the arena?
    can a server admin spawn certain items in areas? IE flame skulls or unique chests.
    can a server admin spawn ships?

    honestly people this could be huge you could have a FLEET LEAGE organised teams of ships pitted out in player-run competitions.
    we could run it all out of the official discord.

    depending on the tools this could be awesome.

  • so I did some googling and found some info probs should have done that before posting but I was a little to excited and a bit late to the party,

    this feature is going to be awesome

  • I just want to enjoy the PVE content peacefully. I have an anxiety disorder and every time I get attacked by an enemy pirate I start to shake, just kill me. Before anyone begins to reply with "just quit the game" "play something else" "git gud" Yes, I would very much like to play something else but there isn't anything else that has the same PVE content as SoT which I enjoy. Every time I get an anxiety attack, just a couple of hours later I hop back into the game hoping I can get lucky and avoid PVP encounters. Private servers without having PVE progression are mostly useless. You can already "practice" any game mechanic in the game as is, if someone tries to fight you then you get more practice right? Since you already practicing for PVP anyways. I think a significant portion of the player base is simply asking to not get put in the same environment as someone who would spend 8+ hours a day "practicing" cannon shots, hip firing flintlock pistol, and quick scoping eye of the reach when they simply want to run around capturing pigs, diggings chests up or fight skeletons (which btw skeleton fleets have a lot better naval combat experince and they aren't boarding you to start spewing toxicity out of their mics). Arena is a PVP-only mode, why can't we get a PVE-only mode? Every player that reached Sea Dog level 50 or whatever the max is for that, gets thrown in the mix with all the new players, but who cares right?

  • Here's the thing about the notion of private servers that has everyone up in arms, alright?

    This game is easy.

    It's easy. Very easy. SO easy. The easiest. The most difficult events in the game are things you have to go out of your way to run into on the map - i.e., Ashen Lords and Flameheart. Solo sloops are the only exception; if you've got at least one more person on your crew, you can deal pretty quickly with the random Megalodon, Kraken, or skelly ship that spawns on you.

    So instead of balancing their own game, Rare let the players do it for them.

    They wanted a game where you're a pirate sailing through dangerous waters in search of well-guarded loot, but the one thing that's guarding the loot is intervention by other players. Death is meaningless unless whatever killed you has a solid chance of actually sinking your ship.

    If we want private servers with progression, we can't just get private servers; we would need more mechanics that pose a danger to the player, more dangerous krakens, megalodons, and skelly ships that aren't just piñatas full of loot.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people engaged in PvP because they just plain got bored of doing quests normally and wanted the excitement of ship battles against a competent opponent, just not in the Sea Dogs arena.

    I don't know how a lot of PvEers feel about that, overall, but it's a fact they have to face - if you want private servers, the game has to get harder to compensate, if Rare really wants to keep that 'danger around every corner' feeling to the game.

  • @thatds

    we would need more mechanics that pose a danger to the player, more dangerous krakens, megalodons, and skelly ships that aren't just piñatas full of loot.>

    I actually agree with this point. As someone who has long supported the idea of PVE/Private Servers, I am very supportive of the idea that they could enhance the overall game world itself to be more of a challenge overall. Though I wont pretend that I am not someone who already enjoys the PVE of the game as it currently is.

    Make no mistake however, I do think the idea of "the game is Easy" to still be subjective, depending on the player. Sure, you or I personally may find X Y Z to be easy, but that may not be the case for another player, and to suggest otherwise can frankly be alienating to said players (which is part of the debate at hand in the first place). So on that point I think there is room to debate, and otherwise disagree. Though the sentiment is certainly understood.

    Personally though, I dont think the game HAS to get harder, because one thing that I think is often ignored by the PVP side of the table, is that at a base level, some of the enjoyment of this game IS the ** PVE Game Loop itself**. Not all games have to be some hardcore, always trying your hardest to overcome sort of experience. For some they just want to Sail around, and explore, and experience the World in a more casual experience. (Not to harp on those who want a more Hardcore experience, but to claim that is a requirement for gaming is outright false.)

    The issue at hand I think is more about player preference of playstyle, and the choice to play in that said playstyle with more direct control, than outright difficulty of the game tbh. I think there is a large portion of players who want to play one way (regardless of that difficulty) and a large portion of players who want to play the other (again regardless of that difficulty). One side prefers the more challenging aspects of PVP, and Others Enjoy the current PVE game loop. Perhaps they want it to be more challenging on the PVE side, perhaps not.

    Either way, I am certainly not against the idea of a more challenging PVE experience if it means I can play the Game Solo/Offline, or Privately. (Though I personally dont require such a change to still want the option to play Solo/Offline, or Privately.)

  • why can custom Servers not have any form of seperate progression like maybe gold only.
    you can even make it so you can earn gold and have it displayed but all shops are locked and you cannot buy anything.
    But this way you would be able to "reward" people "progressing" on your Roleplay Server and getting rich, even if it is only a number displayed in the upper right corner.

    Some sort of seperate progression to setup some form of roleplay campaigns would be nice.

  • @bieltan sagte in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Being considerate of your fellow players cuts both ways. Plenty of PvE-ers need to accept that this isnt a PvE game, plenty of PvPers could exercise a bit more grace.

    well said, but sounds also utopian, PvPers and grace or merci for a PvE Solo Slooper, i doubt this will ever happen.
    The generous crew playing PvEvP like us will be mercifull here and there and stay playfull and somewhat empathic with their fellow players.

    The problem, if it ever is one, this commnity has is like you said PvX focussed players.
    the ones cannot accept PvP is all around and the others literally hate the "snwoflakes" and "pve-bots or lords" and like to "teach them a lesson by stomping them, showing them off and laugh about them.

    The pious wish Rare has, that all playstyles fit together is a myth for idk over 25 years.
    Sheeps to wolfs has never been worked, not in UO and in no other game i can remember.
    And i was a sheep and a wolf in some games in the last 25 years playing online.

    The only players i have fun to interact with is PvEvP players. Players who set sail for loot and PvE, but are ready to PvP all the time and stay somewhat fair, dont steamroll 4:1 (except emissary maybe), who parlay or at least use the speaking trumpet and are able to stay playfull, have some mercy and empathy for their fellow players.
    And when they roleplay... ok utopian again :D

  • I would like to see the custom servers have gold and reputation given out. I think 50% of the full value would be fair. There are a lot of young children and casual gamers that would play this game (and spend money in the emporium) if the game had this option. There is little use for custom servers that dont reward gold or rep.

  • At the end of the day okay, both sides of the coin have an opinion and I respect that because I was brought up to understand it.

    Sadly in today’s society and after scrolling through this chat, there are soooo many people being negative to something someone else values, there are far to opinionated people who will reject or get argumentative over someone else’s opinion or view which makes that person not worth the time of day. (Easy way to point this out to the ones who do not understand is find something you really like and enjoy and let someone bad mouth it, how do you feel. That’s the difference being brought up and dragged up to respect I guess)

    So, look at it like this.

    You want to earn an item in game, fine, go spend your time earning it because you cannot afford to buy it maybe. I want to buy the item because I cannot afford time to play so rather purchase. Okay fine. Both get the same thing at the end of the day, it’s not affecting your game, only jealousy.

    Custom servers. These are players who enjoy the game but are not interested in the PvP action. Okay fine, DayZ, rust, elder scrolls online etc etc etc all have the same pve side to help both sides of the playing field.

    You can kick your toys out the pram and argue PvP all you like. You play the game the way you want, they will play the way they want.

    Probably the best way to incorporate without splitting the server is keeping servers the same but just before you press set sail, you tick the pve button and when you load on, it disables players from attacking or boarding and stealing your stuff... the only way to remove it is to quit and reload the game losing all your stuff. - this is the best way I think because if you take GTA passive mode into considering, oh wow another shocker PvP game that has pve and custom servers.. you can enable passive on the fly and then get away, disable and come back, this is not a good idea and think forcing the player to reload lobbies is best to stop this mechanic. So you’ve enabled in before loading the lobby you stay with it. No on, off, on, off it’s a reload to keep the players on the same lobby.

    DayZ/ Rust etc was designed with the SAME PvP/PvE mechanic and then added pve because they understand. If rare add this and then do not allow progression to these players, that is basically penalising them for the way they want to play, think logical about it.

    You want to play on peace? No you get nothing.. think about it and how it then makes them to be viewed. Penalising someone for their opinion is bad.

    Also, rare has added a lot of accessibility options to the game for people with all sorts of disabilities. I have a disabled niece with a motor neurone issue and she loves sea of thieves but cannot play alone or ship manage but gaming is her escape, playing sea of thieves with her is a nice thing but then PvP... yeah, not good is it and then a custom server she can play in peace awesome but cannot earn or progress anything? Hmm

    There should not be any penalising to anyone on how they want to play a game or go about their gameplay stats. It’s play the way you want, not play and tell other people how they should play. Gold and rep is gold and rep. End off

    You see my point!

  • @menphuess despite what you and many others think and were brought up to believe, opinions, while there should be respect and attempts to understand another person’s, can in fact be wrong.

    GTA V is not like this game in forms of progression. Also turning on passive mode allows you to basically drive around and explore. You can’t do heists in passive, you can’t do races or missions in passive. Turning it on “on the fly” as you describe it ends whatever thing of progression (earning money in that game’s case) you were trying to do. This is essentially the scuttle mechanic in SoT. You don’t have to fight if you don’t want to, but you will lose the loot (money) you were trying to earn.

    Rust and DayZ also don’t have anywhere near the progression as this game does. Sure you can’t carry things from server to server but that just segregates their player population permanently as once players start a good base and stash, they will refuse to play on another server. Also in both of these games, the loot you amass remains in place while you are offline. Imagine if your ship full of loot remained when you logged out and gets plundered by the next crew who finds it? Guaranteed rage.

    Rare graciously allows alliance servers to exist in this game still. I suggest people who want pure PvE with progression join one and be happy they have that option. After 60-80 hours in one they will unlock everything in adventure and then be bored out of their minds and put the game down. Playing only 4-5 hours on those servers every update then leaving again. If this weren’t the case, where are these alliance server players that have 2-3k hours in the game?

  • @kommodoreyenser - You are still missing the point. You can still earn money in GTA while in passive.. DayZ and Rust yes you can run away and log out and be safe, done. Also mentioning the progression being different, yes I get it but logically it comes down to the same purpose, chests or weapons or skulls and food, both have items you want to keep and both have that death reset if lost ship, so think logical and not the physical game aspects dude.

    Yes alliance servers are allowed but again, that defeats the main purpose and point. What if you want to play with friends or as I mentioned an impaired relative... server alliance does not work... also it’s got nothing to do with “everything unlocked in the set time” it’s the play ability and style. Some people just want to relax with friends for whatever reason and not have the worry. Also, if they got everything unlocked and got bored why is that your concern? These are the comments that make no relevance to the comment. You are the playing the way you want, they are playing the way they want. They got bored because they done a server alliance, that is their choice, you have no control, way or even thought to their game.

    It’s myself telling you how you should play your game and you must follow it because otherwise you will get bored... no, it’s not your game we’re playing. I am playing it my way... “I bought every item with real money so it’s complete and now done” you did not tell me or make me buy them, I chose too and it’s my decision to do that and it only affects me

    logical dude because I think you are totally missing the premise of why and what is wanted and looking at it as (oh you want to get everything unlocked the easy way) without actually thinking about it

    I get both sides which is why I said to add the ability before loading in for these players to stop any mishap . If you are a die hard Pvp player then you’ll server hop anyway so no loss

    (Unfollowed page as it’s a swings and roundabouts thread again with both sides explaining for the millionth time and both sides not understanding I feel)

  • @schwammlgott said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @needsmokes sagte in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Should also remove all cannon balls, explosives, and all weapons, as players will now be able to practice PVP scenarios in a safe space at a disadvantage of players in the shared world.


    Oh yeah he is serious, i read his posts every time something changes lol.

  • I think it would be cool if you had another pirate for the custom server so you could still get gold and rep for that account and not your main account. So basically you would start from scratch but you would still get rewarded for what you do in the server.

  • @kingboss0307 Its not my favorite compromise (though I have heard it alot). Still I think its one I could get behind, though it would (in some respects) make the Change Potion in the Emporium all but superfluous.

  • So, Let me get this straight. I pay extra money to play on this server that I can’t earn any gold on?
    I am assuming that my reputation will not advance either?
    What is the point of this server then?
    If you are going to allow ships to battle without the consequences of losing anything, why not open practice servers for those of us that could use some combat practice without the adventure and the long wait times of the arena?
    I just don’t get the concept.

  • if any content creators that have been testing this feature are on this forum, please tell the devs that progression should be enabled/disabled by choice since content creators are the only people developers listen to these days.

    I have loved sea of thieves since it's first announcement but, can't play it because I am a solo player (yes i know so weird that gamers can NOT have friends, or friends that play the same games here in 2021, i know crazy) so it is almost impossible for me to play this game. It is a such a rollercoaster ride to play this game with such a big smile on my face due to the fun adventure, mysterious riddle solving, amazing fishing, random encounters and more only to be upset and shut it down when i get killed, respawn and killed again because news flash "gamers" aren't nice and are not going to let a solo player like me leave safely.

    I was super excited to see custom servers announced and then realizing it is just to serve a specific group. i can see this is a strangely divided topic amongst the people on here mainly because "gamers" are one of the few groups in this world that actually like gatekeeping even though me having a solo server where im safe from other people literally don't affect them at all but whatever. hopefully, rare allows it soon as i still would love to play this game.

  • I haven't played this game in years, and until I have the ability to play the game as is with my friends on a private server, I will never play it again.

    If people are worried about grinding a bunch of progression and then taking it into the public servers, just give us separate characters that can't be used on public. I don't want to play on public anyway.

  • @bloodybil That is the weakest excuse I think I've ever had the displeasure of reading, "Because people want to do both PVE and PVP? How is that so hard to understand? I won't limit myself because you are. I could tell you that if you want to PVE only, do so in the Maiden's voyage. What's that, you want to do more than what is included in that limited scenario? So do I!" So basically what you're saying is that BECAUSE you enjoy ruining other peoples' games, people shouldn't have the free will to choose whether or not they want to play with or without the risk of losing hours of their time? Me personally? I love PvP. But I absolutely understand why people hate it. I have lost a twelve hour loot stack because I was outnumbered by a galleon of legendary sea dogs. But what you're saying is the most hypocritical thing I think I've ever read. Another way to put it is, "Well why should YOU have fun when you're POSSIBLY taking away my opportunity to benefit at Someone else's expense" Like brother. With the introduction of PvP oriented servers it would give people the OPTION to opt out of getting bullied. there would still be plenty of people who play in regular servers.

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