How to shoot Pirates on Ladders?

  • So to start off, I'm not a bad shot, I'm even pretty good, I can reliably hit bunny hopping PC player on my Gally deck from up on the wheel. What I can't seem to hit are the people on ladders, which seems like it should be easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

    After this last one, I just had to make a post. I absolutely slowed myself down, took a whole extra second to aim at the guy (who was climbing back down a bit to kite my teammates blunderbuss, which gave me ample time). I ADS, put the crosshairs square on the centre of the top of his head, and POW, I shoot water with no hit marker.

    I've had this happen several times over, with pistol and eye of reach.

    Is this a bullet physics thing on a fast moving ship? Do I need to lead a bit if the ship is fast-moving?

    I think what perplexed me the most is that a parallel ship moving as fast as you, you don't have to lead, so I can't understand why I'd have to lead someone on my own ship?

    Am I just plain bad at shooting people only when they are on ladders, or is there some wonky physics/hitbox/lag issue afoot?

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  • I'm not entirely sure about the hit boxes/reg on ladders, BUT one thing you said

    I ADS, put the crosshairs square on the centre of the top of his head

    1. There are no cross-hairs...
    2. head-shots don't do more damage. Aim for the body and you'll probably start hitting those ladder shots.
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