Beginner died through volcano explosion - all treasures lost

  • Well,

    as said my sloop was pretty full of nice stuff and I made an volcano explode via gun powder barrel. I died :)

    I returned but I was on my ship at differen place and treasures gone :)

    I saw videos when pirates died and they returned to their sunken ship or what so ever and treasures floated...
    I returned to my place in less than 10 min and all gone?

    Is that the way it is? Where can I learn about that?

  • 4
  • @penda-vdijke when your ship already sunk you spawn on a new ship...
    The mistake you made was probably about the gunpowder you had...put it in the crow's nest, or better, as a beginner, leave it behind

  • @penda-vdijke just to be clear, the gunpowder, when in the crow's nest can also explode, but it only destroys your mast there...but watch out if you carry a stronghold gunpowder, that one can sink your ship even if it's in the crow's nest

  • Hey thanks Bavarian Pirate

    thing is, I shot a skeletton in a vulcano cave. this skelleton carried the gunpowder and made the volcano go up and that sank my ship

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