Island and voyage notifications stopped coming up

  • The last few times I've played, I've realized I'm no longer getting pop-ups for islands I pass or voyages I complete, or even treasure turned in. Is there some setting I've accidentally turned on? I'm on PC.

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  • I have the exact same problem, have you managed to find a solution?

  • @bauulben I've also had this issue, and would like to hear of a fix.

    I do see timely gold income from selling treasure, but none of the notifications for what is sold, or reputation gained. Separately (?) I also miss the pop-ups for what island I've just traveled near. I've noticed issue does not come up on a solo crew...

  • Gotta be something with lag. My wife got about 2 hours worth of island notifications and loot turned in within about 5 minutes. It was pretty funny to watch.

  • Its lag, last night I hit a few islands cause I was cooking and the Island didnt pop up when my ship got in its range.

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