The best fort ever

  • There was a time when i was doing a fort and another ship came to join us and we joined alliances with us. We were doing the fort when all of a sudden another ship showed up, we asked them to join our alliance but they refused, then we noticed that they were in an alliance of their own... i stayed on the ship as my alliance and crewmatss did the fort. I didnt trust this new ship that came to the fort, so i decided to mess with them a bit. I grabbed my trusty eye of reach and went to a skeleton tower near their ship. Their whole crew was fishing and it was a perfect oppurtunity for me to troll them. So what i did was hit them with a shot then tucc in the skeleton tower. When they went back to fishing i did the same thing over and over for about 10 minutes. I then decided to troll them differently, so i grabbed some gunpowder barrels from the fort and i swam under their ship and let go of the gunpowder barrel. I watched it float up and hit their ship i did this about 3 more times. They still werent sunk but my plan was to sink em before the fort was over. But before i could do anything else to them, i noticed another ship. But it wasnt coming to the fort to help us out, or kill us. It was circuling the island as if it was waiting for something. I stayed on the ship then and we finished the fort, as we did that, i went in the stronghold where the loot was kept and i grabbed the mega keg. I had an idea, i went to the ship that was parked on the island that wasnt in our alliance and i climbed on board and blew the heck outa them. Their ship sank but i still had fo fight them off in the water i killed 2 of them but they were a brig and they had one more person and they killed me. I spawned in to the sound of cannons and gunfire, the ship that was circuling had stepped in and started to fight us. And i noticed something, they were in the same alliance as the ship i had just sunk. They were teaming on us. So the battle went on and on until the second ship that i sank showed up. It was a 2v2 ship combat showdown. Me and my alliance were both sloops, so it was two sloops vs a sloop and a brig the brig ended up sinking my crew but we spawned at a nearby island. Our alliance held them off long enough for us to get back and we battled them again. As the battle went on until they sank our alliances ship and killed me and my crew i spawned in and saw that one of the enemies crewmates had gone on our ship and sailed it as far as possible away from the fort. My crew killed him turned around and sailed towards the fort... but it was to late their alliance had already loaded up all the loot on their ship and was headed for the outpost. But with our luck my alliances ship had spawned near the outpost that they were headed toward and they camped there making the enemy ships go off course to a different outpost. My ship chased them down only to find them without any of the loot (they were the brig) they had told us that the other ship had the loot and it was to late and they bad sold it all already.
    It was a fun time even though we didnt get the loot we accepted that we had lost and went on with our days.

    That took so long to type wow

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