Ferry of the Hammed

  • When I play with my son, we do solo animal collection voyages on a brigantine. He prefers the brig, because it "locks" in position and sails straighter. The sloop needs constant attention at the wheel.

    Since we're alone on a brig and often have to leave the ship alone for extended periods while we are chasing a chicken, we are sometimes attacked. It's how the game works.

    Frequently, people see we are just hunting animals, have no loot and aren't a threat to them. But, we are also often attacked for no reason other then... it's not Sea of Pals.

    It's the game, and we understand.

    Recently, we were sunk with two crated pigs on board, and as we swam to the mermaid, my son expressed sympathy for the pigs.

    "They're crated and can't get out, and they're just going to drown and die," he said.

    I told him that when we die, we go to the Ferry of the Damned and that when pigs die, they do too.

    He asked why the pigs weren't running around on the ferry with us, and I said they have their own ferry:

    The Ferry of the Hammed.

    He loved that, and we both laughed our way to the next outpost to buy more animal voyages.

    We couldn't think of a name for where the snakes go.

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