Athena Thief Commendation

  • So I finally hit Pirate Legend yesterday and after browsing through the new commendations I noticed that there is one for stealing an Athena chest. How does one determine which ship is on an Athena voyage? Do we just go around sinking ships and stealing treasure, hoping to get lucky?

  • 5
  • Fort of the Damned has an Athena chest in the vault. Wait for someone to finish the fort, load it up, and then......

    ......just take it from them.....

  • @x-n7-117-x
    "Sinking Ships, stealing treasure and hope."

    Yes. Those words.

  • There is a lot of Chest of Legends out there at the moment with Gilded Voyages, it's a good time to strike as the first 2 islands are the same each time.. very easy to see who is doing them 😏

    Also FOTD steal is the next best thing!

  • Swapping athena chests with other legends also counts as a steel. If you don't trust the other legends ship just swap a player at the beginning as well.

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