Coop server? PVE

  • @stephdlc said in Coop server? PVE:

    There are players who do not play the game the way it should be played.

    Agreed, the game is a PVEVP shared world, and wanting to limit oneself to only half of the game is indeed not playing the intended way. Some people don't like pesky PVE threats getting in the way of their chases of other players, some don't like PVP encounters disturbing their PVE adventures. The game is supposed to be unpredictable to everyone, and every session different and exciting, both sides of the coin are what makes this game perfect.

    What I am talking about is an option. Another way to play if I should so choose to. This is something that is available on many other games. GTA V for example gives not only a solo server option, but also gives players the option to become "invisible" to attack.

    Well there you go, you have the option to either take the good with what you consider the bad, in a game you claim loving, or you have the option to play other games such as those you mentioned, that have the gameplay you are looking for. GTA is GTA, WoW is WoW, E:D is E:D, Sea of Thieves is Sea of Thieves. God forbid 1 game goes their own way and create their own special formula.

  • @stephdlc

    PvE servers wouldn't help anyone escape other players. Who's to say that one of those toxic PvP players can't join a PvE server and ram other ships into volcanoes, islands, or the Shroud? Who's to say that they can't find a megalodon or skeleton ship and lure it to the other crews they see? Who's to say they won't take control of your ship, and not let you do anything about it?

    Yes, Tall Tales are annoying when lost like that. Tall Tales are specifically made to have non-stealable items, but players will try anyways sometimes. However, your other example, being legendary voyages, are supposed to be risky. You're supposed to be at risk while doing those. There's literally a commendation for selling stolen chests of legends, one of the many that wouldn't be possible in a PvE mode, and would eventually end up being impossible in the standard mode, too, as anyone who wants easy legendary reputation just has to go there.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Coop server? PVE:

    PvE servers wouldn't help anyone escape other players. Who's to say that one of those toxic PvP players can't join a PvE server and ram other ships into volcanoes, islands, or the Shroud? Who's to say that they can't find a megalodon or skeleton ship and lure it to the other crews they see? Who's to say they won't take control of your ship, and not let you do anything about it?

    More so then any other argument against a pure PvE stands this. There is no easy way for them to protect players from other players being jerks. The closest one might come is introduction of invite only sessions. If they do invite only sessions I know quite a few friends I would seek out and sink out of principle. Sometimes its more fun to have a few drinks and troll your buddies.

  • @brimstone-love
    And rare actually plans on adding those. They just won't have any progression, but be intended for messing around and events like skullball.

  • @croatcarlo i want harder pve voyages right now the only thing that gets my adrenaline pumping is pvp and theres so little of it just the occasional sloop pve is so easy its a walk in the park smelling flowers when they interduced that new fort with the colors and bosses it got harder and i loved the challenge but it wasn't enough what your asking for is a peaceful mode when the seas are peaceful already i remember my first 4 hours of the game everyone attacked there were no tall tales or any of that i got my butt whooped to another dimension but when i sunk my first ship and killed my first enemy pirates i wanted more as of today adventure is your pve server

  • @StephDLC

    What I am talking about is an option. Another way to play if I should so choose to. This is something that is available on many other games. GTA V for example gives not only a solo server option, but also gives players the option to become "invisible" to attack.

    People like to bring up GTA, but they usually don't reference the limitations for picking the passive mode on servers. To my knowledge they remove the option to do world missions, so wouldn't the equivalent for SoT be the disabling of voyages/Tall Tales? I am not sure whether you have brought it up, but so many proponents of PvE servers keep bringing up that this is a "compromise." Yet, their definition of compromise is that they get everything they want without actually giving up anything.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    And rare actually plans on adding those. They just won't have any progression, but be intended for messing around and events like skullball.

    I think its a good step in the right direction but I bet they see progression re added at a reduced rate in time. Honestly private session Progression. I would make a new currency. Let players play in invite only shards like normal, disable most of the commendations. The gold earned turns into Wooden Doubloons. You trade Wooden Doubloons for gold or other currency but at very low rates. So its not impossible to progress but it would take a long time. I would also have the NPC you convert from make fun of the player with the doubloons. Nothing mean spirited but just enough to make it clear they are on easy mode.

  • @brimstone-love

    Earning gold like that, possibly, but not reputation or commendations. I suppose buying ancient coins would probably be allowed if there was Emporium access, since that wouldn't change, but I doubt doubloons would be available without commendations.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Coop server? PVE:

    Earning gold like that, possibly, but not reputation or commendations. I suppose buying ancient coins would probably be allowed if there was Emporium access, since that wouldn't change, but I doubt doubloons would be available without commendations.

    I think some commendations or reputations might work out ok. Fishing, Cooking, Kraken and Meg hunting. On the fence regarding Skeleton related stuff because forts and ships were supposed to be a way focus players into one spot to interact. Reputation without direct gold rewards or vice versa. Honestly I think there would be allot of discussion and it could regulate the PvE or bust crowd as those wanting something different without going to the extreme will be appeased.

  • @stephdlc You've been playing for 2 months and yet you seem to keep running into cheaters? I've been playing this game since release and ran into 2, only 1 of which I was able to 100% confirm was hacking.

    I hope you know that wallbanging is not hacking, it's part of the game. And that hit reg is terrible so you may get killed through a wall of your sword block might not actually block.

  • @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    And rare actually plans on adding those. They just won't have any progression, but be intended for messing around and events like skullball.

    I think its a good step in the right direction but I bet they see progression re added at a reduced rate in time. Honestly private session Progression. I would make a new currency. Let players play in invite only shards like normal, disable most of the commendations. The gold earned turns into Wooden Doubloons. You trade Wooden Doubloons for gold or other currency but at very low rates. So its not impossible to progress but it would take a long time. I would also have the NPC you convert from make fun of the player with the doubloons. Nothing mean spirited but just enough to make it clear they are on easy mode.

    @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    @ultmateragnarok said in Coop server? PVE:

    Earning gold like that, possibly, but not reputation or commendations. I suppose buying ancient coins would probably be allowed if there was Emporium access, since that wouldn't change, but I doubt doubloons would be available without commendations.

    I think some commendations or reputations might work out ok. Fishing, Cooking, Kraken and Meg hunting. On the fence regarding Skeleton related stuff because forts and ships were supposed to be a way focus players into one spot to interact. Reputation without direct gold rewards or vice versa. Honestly I think there would be allot of discussion and it could regulate the PvE or bust crowd as those wanting something different without going to the extreme will be appeased.

    It's a nice idea but personally I still think that private servers should be for community games, practice/training and relaxed inconsequential play.

    The existence of a safe space in itself, at the expense of splitting the community, would be already a quite lenient outcome for those asking for it. Rewards and progress of any kind should remain in public for those who wish to pursue them, and stay an incentive to nudge people to be social and part of the community in the main game.

  • @bloodybil said in Coop server? PVE:

    The existence of a safe space in itself, at the expense of splitting the community, would be already a quite lenient outcome for those asking for it. Rewards and progress of any kind should remain in public for those who wish to pursue them, and stay an incentive to nudge people to be social and part of the community in the main game.

    I think it would have a different effect in time. I think some would use it to progress as much as possible as safely as possible. But these are the same people who enjoy brig leaching, crew jumping...ect. I think it will bring in some newer and returning players. In time some of those tooling around in invite only may start to feel adventurous. Can't say for sure because I can only speculate based on past trends and other games, and that will never be 100% accurate.

    I do think zero progression will just get the PvE crowd even more worked up. Its like here you can play here but your work doesn't matter. Many will argue the whole reason of not wanting to deal with PvP is so they don't have their work disappear. I digress, give limited progression and while the PvE hive may still be agitated they have far less material to work with. This also allows Rare to segway any remaining PvE server and requests to the inclusion of private shards. Rare comes off as working with its player base. Casuals who chose to not play have a home that may encourage spreading out into Adventure in time. Content Creators have a place to throw together custom events.

  • @brimstone-love
    But you can already avoid losing hours of work, so that argument is invalid(except for fall tales, but that's a different topic and has other solutions). Also, this debate has been going on for a long time, so I don't think rares going to change their mind on how they'll implement private servers.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    But you can already avoid losing hours of work, so that argument is invalid(except for fall tales, but that's a different topic and has other solutions). Also, this debate has been going on for a long time, so I don't think rares going to change their mind on how they'll implement private servers.

    When I said avoid losing work, I mean without the habitual learn how to play or change strategy comments. A Casual player sometimes has to go AFK. They have responsibilities that crop up. So as the game stands now, they can just not play if they might have to step away otherwise be a detriment to their crew and risk losing any work put in because other responsibilities arise.

    Of course this debate has been going on. People were discussing this before the game released and the strongest argument for invite only or PvE as it stood was the game in those days did not have enough content to sustain players.

    I do believe what we say will make a difference. If people are working on sensible compromises versus bickering it gets noticed. Rare has changed other aspects of the games. The Arena and the idea behind was a non-starter during Beta. The idea of a side mode that was scaled down was unheard of. Over time though they added it and continue to refine it. We right now are posting on feedback and suggestions. They want to know what people think and what they are looking for. So trying to dissuade the discussion or write it off is doing a disservice to Rare as developers. I also think this discussion which started pretty heated has tempered enough that we are finally getting a decent and honest discussion.

  • @mferr11 I never said I keep running into cheaters. I ran into one guy who killed me and my bro with one swipe of his sword once a few nights ago. I never once mentioned getting hit through a wall? I don't even think that's happened to me yet.

    What I did say I kept running into is people who kill and sink me when I am with or without treasure, with no intention of taking the treasure. They do it simply because they can and to the point where I have to leave the server and reload in a different one. But, it is what it is. I'm not going to stop playing because of it.

    Yes, I have been playing for only two months. As I stated in my original post, I don't know what the game was like before now. With so much to do in the game as it exists, my want to explore outweighs my desire to fight. I usually just stand there and wait for them to be done so that I can get back to what I want to do. To me, PvP unless I am defending my treasure, is a waste of time right now when there are other things that I would rather be doing.

    I'm not being dramatic. I'm not playing up my experiences. As I said before, I understand why we will probably never get a PvE option.

    Some people on here are getting very heated very quickly about me posting my experiences and how I personally would like to play the game. I'm not trying to be combative. I'm simply stating, "Hey, this is my experience with the game. This is why I feel like PvE would suit me."

    You don't have to agree with me. And not you, but others on here have become very snarky about my opinions and seem to be offended by them? lol Y'all don't have to agree with me, but my opinion is just as valid. My gaming experience in this game is just as valid.

    Me. Personally. My posts have been to only state why I would enjoy an experience without other players constantly trolling me simply for the sake of trolling. It's cool when you kill me to steal my loot (I mean, it isn't but it's part of the game so c'est la vie) but when you kill me just because you can. No point in it?

    Your experiences are not my experiences with this game. That's all I'm saying.

  • @nabberwar My real concern is trolling. Which I think is the reason that passive mode was made in a game like GTA. It's to escape those players who are maybe better at the game that are bored with the content offered so they take to something they enjoy, killing other players for the sake of doing so. They think it's fun so they do it.

    I'm definitely not saying that a passive mode is something that should be played in. It's like a safety net that takes away the joy the trolling player has with constant killing. Of course if a passive mode were introduced to a game like Sea of Thieves, just as in GTA, the player should be unable to do anything other than eat and maybe fish? They shouldn't be able to continue a voyage if already on one or kill skellies, or shoot canon balls.

    A passive mode would have to disable everything that makes the game really worthwhile, but it would also let the opposing player know that this person doesn't want to partake in combat.

    That option however, would present other problems such as passive spamming (so maybe implement a cooldown?) or going into passive to get close to a player and then attack which is how it's used in some cases in GTA.

    There should be limitations to it, if it were to become a feature, but I assume it never will. Server skipping I think will probably be the only solution to avoiding trolls.

  • @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    But you can already avoid losing hours of work, so that argument is invalid(except for fall tales, but that's a different topic and has other solutions). Also, this debate has been going on for a long time, so I don't think rares going to change their mind on how they'll implement private servers.

    When I said avoid losing work, I mean without the habitual learn how to play or change strategy comments. A Casual player sometimes has to go AFK. They have responsibilities that crop up. So as the game stands now, they can just not play if they might have to step away otherwise be a detriment to their crew and risk losing any work put in because other responsibilities arise.

    You mean like any and all other online based games? If you are playing an online based game, you either need to make accommodations to allow for the time, plan ahead, adapt new/better strategies or accept that you may not be able to complete the task you are doing because of some real life event.

    So yes YOU need to make changes in how or when you play, not try change the game to suit your needs (especially when it goes against one of the core principles of the game). I myself accept that and often need to quit or wrap up early for whatever need arises (usually the old lady running out of smokes, LOL!).

  • @dlchief58 said in Coop server? PVE:

    You mean like any and all other online based games? If you are playing an online based game, you either need to make accommodations to allow for the time, plan ahead, adapt new/better strategies or accept that you may not be able to complete the task you are doing because of some real life event.

    Sometimes things come up regularly enough to be an issue and sparsely enough that you have free time. I watch my son all day. During his nap, or down time I may to try to sneak some gaming in. I don't know if I can get a good hour or not. It just depends on how the winds blow. As it stands I generally just log out. If I chose to anchor somewhere I run the risk of being boarded or sank while I am AFK. If this were other online games I would have the option to play sans other players to prevent this from happening. In games with no separation of PvE and PvP I could log out momentarily and come back in and continue. These options aren't present in SoT, so this is very much not the same as other games.

    So yes YOU need to make changes in how or when you play, not try change the game to suit your needs (especially when it goes against one of the core principles of the game). I myself accept that and often need to quit or wrap up early for whatever need arises (usually the old lady running out of smokes, LOL!).

    We are in the feedback and suggestion section of the official forums. This whole place is dedicated to folks requests changes to the game in one fashion or another. Just because you disagree with my suggestion doesn't mean its invalid. Besides I am not asking them to change the game. I am discussing on how a new feature which is confirmed to be coming should work.

  • @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    @dlchief58 said in Coop server? PVE:

    You mean like any and all other online based games? If you are playing an online based game, you either need to make accommodations to allow for the time, plan ahead, adapt new/better strategies or accept that you may not be able to complete the task you are doing because of some real life event.

    Sometimes things come up regularly enough to be an issue and sparsely enough that you have free time. I watch my son all day. During his nap, or down time I may to try to sneak some gaming in. I don't know if I can get a good hour or not. It just depends on how the winds blow. As it stands I generally just log out. If I chose to anchor somewhere I run the risk of being boarded or sank while I am AFK. If this were other online games I would have the option to play sans other players to prevent this from happening. In games with no separation of PvE and PvP I could log out momentarily and come back in and continue. These options aren't present in SoT, so this is very much not the same as other games.

    So yes YOU need to make changes in how or when you play, not try change the game to suit your needs (especially when it goes against one of the core principles of the game). I myself accept that and often need to quit or wrap up early for whatever need arises (usually the old lady running out of smokes, LOL!).

    We are in the feedback and suggestion section of the official forums. This whole place is dedicated to folks requests changes to the game in one fashion or another. Just because you disagree with my suggestion doesn't mean its invalid. Besides I am not asking them to change the game. I am discussing on how a new feature which is confirmed to be coming should work.

    Let me give some examples that counter your narrative. If you are doing a raid in Destiny (either one) and you don't reach the checkpoint all progress is lost (same goes for any story/side missions for that matter). Similar to any other MMO game as well. You leave in the middle of a match of Halo/Titanfall/R6 Siege/etc you don't get credit aka all progress lost. You don't complete your mission in Anthem, you have to repeat it. Same goes for GTA Online and RDR2 Online - don't finish your mission, you have to repeat from the start. Shall I continue?

    And what new "feature" do you think was "promised"? PvE? Nope, not once was that promised and actually has been shot down by the developers if you read between the lines. The specifically said they want no "farming" servers, aka PvE servers. Private Servers? Again this has never been promised though it was something that was said they were possibly looking into but not once has been confirmed nor "promised". That being said, if introduced and with adhering to the previous statements made it will not be a "farming server so there will either be no progression or it will be segregated from the main game meaning your progress will not transfer...much like Insider progress does not carry over to the main game. From many of the statements made by Rare part of the appeal for private servers would be used for content creators so it may not even be available to your everyday Joe like yourself. They even may be rental servers, meaning you'd have to pay for the privilege to use them...something I have no issue with and even support as long as they adhere to no progression/segregated progression (but at the same time have all achievements disabled in such a mode).

    The only feature known to be coming is the opt out for Xbox players which will be the same game as before but segregated from the real servers. It will play no differently than what we have now.

  • @dlchief58
    Destiny = Genre FPS
    Destiny 2 = Genre FPS
    Halo = Genre FPS
    Titanfall = Genre FPS
    R6S = Genre FPS

    Not only these games not match the same Genre but they are also MATCH Based, like Arena. So comparissons in regards to Adevnture mode are invalid.

    Red Dead Online = Genre Action-adventure
    Grand Theft Auto Online = Genre Action-adventure

    Your a bit close but the comparisons still don't hold up. When you start missions in these games you are secluded specifically with your team. The only time your not secluded is when you traveling in open play, doing open missions, or engaging in matches. So unless your proposing that voyages should be privately instanced I fail to see your point. Of course you can still kill other players anytime like SoT, but alas doing so invokes NPC Bounties hunters, law enforcement and marks you as a big red star on the map so other players can keep their distance. Far cry from SoT. Now if they want to make it so killing other players or sinking ships forces a repear mark then your comparisons again might make sense.

    Putting that aside for a moment I get the feeling that your the type of person who when wrong, like now refuses to be humble and instead tries to twist and bend words. For example I never said promised. Yet you quoted the word and put emphasis enough on it. I said the following. "I am discussing on how a new feature which is confirmed to be coming should work." Invite only or private servers have been discussed and confirmed to be on the developmental roadmap in October. We should be hearing about them more by Q2. Till they announce more discussing what we would like to see from them is logical, given this is the suggestion and feedback section. Yes some comments have made about them but they also aren't set in stone because allot of consideration has to go into how they are handled. They don't want them to be used by people to farm privately but that doesn't mean they aren't going to work on the details.

    Till they are set in stone we can discuss them and what they could mean. Even after they are set in stone we can discuss them because that's what these forum is for.

  • @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    Destiny = Genre FPS
    Destiny 2 = Genre FPS
    Halo = Genre FPS
    Titanfall = Genre FPS
    R6S = Genre FPS

    Not only these games not match the same Genre but they are also MATCH Based, like Arena. So comparissons in regards to Adevnture mode are invalid.

    Red Dead Online = Genre Action-adventure
    Grand Theft Auto Online = Genre Action-adventure

    Your a bit close but the comparisons still don't hold up. When you start missions in these games you are secluded specifically with your team. The only time your not secluded is when you traveling in open play, doing open missions, or engaging in matches. So unless your proposing that voyages should be privately instanced I fail to see your point. Of course you can still kill other players anytime like SoT, but alas doing so invokes NPC Bounties hunters, law enforcement and marks you as a big red star on the map so other players can keep their distance. Far cry from SoT. Now if they want to make it so killing other players or sinking ships forces a repear mark then your comparisons again might make sense.

    Putting that aside for a moment I get the feeling that your the type of person who when wrong, like now refuses to be humble and instead tries to twist and bend words. For example I never said promised. Yet you quoted the word and put emphasis enough on it. I said the following. "I am discussing on how a new feature which is confirmed to be coming should work." Invite only or private servers have been discussed and confirmed to be on the developmental roadmap in October. We should be hearing about them more by Q2. Till they announce more discussing what we would like to see from them is logical, given this is the suggestion and feedback section. Yes some comments have made about them but they also aren't set in stone because allot of consideration has to go into how they are handled. They don't want them to be used by people to farm privately but that doesn't mean they aren't going to work on the details.

    Till they are set in stone we can discuss them and what they could mean. Even after they are set in stone we can discuss them because that's what these forum is for.

    Seems that You are the one twisting things to suit your purpose, not me. All games mentioned are either online only or online components of a game - you know, the point I was making yet you are ignoring. Destiny, Anthem, GTA Online and RDR2 Online are not match based (though they do have match based components) - they are open world adventures, much like this game in that respect. The others being FPS genre is irrelevant (as is the other genre designations - it only matters that the games or modes are online only), you quit a match you get no credit. Pretty much the same with any MMO as well, a point you seem to have ignored. Just because the games are not exactly like SoT does not make the analogy any less valid as they are all online only games which take a certain amount of time commitment.

    Not once have I heard ANY official confirmation of private servers, much less a target date - care to share a link with this information? Only thing I have heard was it was something they were looking into, if it is indeed on a roadmap I'd like to see official confirmation instead of this conjecture.

    And you do not know me, if I am wrong I will freely admit it - but it doesn't happen very often as I typically take great care with what I write and do not resort to conjecture, rumor or hyperbole. I stick to the facts and logic as much as possible.

  • @brimstone-love @dlCHIEF58

    Technically Sea of Thieves is considered a SWAG, or Shared World Adventure Game. Most of its mechanics in this respect can be compared accurately to some MMOs or games like GTA, with their open worlds.

  • @dlchief58 said in Coop server? PVE:

    Seems that You are the one twisting things to suit your purpose, not me. All games mentioned are either online only or online components of a game - you know, the point I was making yet you are ignoring. Destiny, Anthem, GTA Online and RDR2 Online are not match based (though they do have match based components) - they are open world adventures, much like this game in that respect. The others being FPS genre is irrelevant (as is the other genre designations - it only matters that the games or modes are online only), you quit a match you get no credit. Pretty much the same with any MMO as well, a point you seem to have ignored. Just because the games are not exactly like SoT does not make the analogy any less valid as they are all online only games which take a certain amount of time commitment.

    You are trying to use those cames to counter my statement that a "casual" player may have to content with going after and risk progression. You can go afk in those games unless your engaged in preset activity. Which means that the experiences are not like Sea of Thieves in the manor I was speaking. Your trying to create a comparison between these games and counter my claim that you cannot go afk on the spur of the moment. Well you can, so your point is invalid.

    Also you will be hard pressed to find any MMO were you can't just stop and relax and step away when need be. Unless of course you doing timed content which Sea of Thieves current has no timed content. Funny thing too about MMO's PvP only is the exception as must MMOs allow the players a choice. So again are you not familiar with games or trying to say we need consensual pvp in SoT?

    Not once have I heard ANY official confirmation of private servers, much less a target date - care to share a link with this information? Only thing I have heard was it was something they were looking into, if it is indeed on a roadmap I'd like to see official confirmation instead of this conjecture.

    Joe Neat confirmed in October Private Servers were on the midterm road map. Which means Q2 of 2020. Its not hard to fine and was mentioned in this thread several times.

    And you do not know me, if I am wrong I will freely admit it - but it doesn't happen very often as I typically take great care with what I write and do not resort to conjecture, rumor or hyperbole. I stick to the facts and logic as much as possible.

    I do know you. You did not approach me or the discussion in a constructive manner. You attempted to lay down your facts yet you only have conjecture and hersay. Then you attempt to counter my point about counter play by listing a number of games which are either "Matched based" which means limited time play modes LIKE ARENA. Or open world games in which you can easily go afk unless engaged in specific and consensual activites. Not to mention you completely side step that those same games with open pvp have penalties for attack other players unprovoked. But the point remains those games can be played and progressed in easily by a casual player who has a stop and start style where as SoT punishes a player for having responsibilities.

  • @brimstone-love Again, you ignore facts that counter your argument. Specifically GTA Online, RDR Online or RDR2 Online as all these can be directly compared to the scenario you present. Just try going AFK in any of those games - guess what, people can attack and kill you unprovoked. Or another examples are Fallout 76 or Conan Exiles if you play them as they were initially released/designed. The so called penalties in these games are minor and do not prevent you from being killed just by walking down the street or riding along on your horse.

    And no, you do not know me, and how did I not come to the discussion in a constructive manner? I just didn't agree with your stance and laid out several examples that countered it - never was insulting nor confrontational. I approached you with examples and facts (not hearsay nor conjecture, FACTS) that directly countered your supposition, sorry you take such offense to valid criticism of your stance. You failed to come up with any valid rebuttal to my examples, only tried to dismiss it out of hand with such weak points as "those are blah, blah genre" as if that makes a difference - all are still online only based games or modes. That or you move the goalposts as you did in your above reply. Point is ANY online only game will "punish" you if you leave before you complete the task at hand....PERIOD. Just because you don't like the answer does not make it any less valid.

    Also you've failed to give me any proof that private servers are confirmed - ever here of a link? You made the statement, back it up. Forgive me if I don't take the word of some random dude on the internet.

  • @dlchief58 said in Coop server? PVE:

    @brimstone-love Again, you ignore facts that counter your argument. Specifically GTA Online, RDR Online or RDR2 Online as all these can be directly compared to the scenario you present. Just try going AFK in any of those games - guess what, people can attack and kill you unprovoked. Or another examples are Fallout 76 or Conan Exiles if you play them as they were initially released/designed. The so called penalties in these games are minor and do not prevent you from being killed just by walking down the street or riding along on your horse.

    I have gone AFK in those games, numerous times and have come back no worse for wear. Didn't lose my money, car, or anything else I was working on. I also have used the options they provide to play in Crew Sessions which are closed and invite only. Those games also provide options to access private servers hosted and controlled by players. These private servers and the game play they provided helped push GTAV to the top of Twitch at one point as Role playing servers proved very popular.

    I really can't comment on F76. Conan Exiles though I played allot of. I enjoy survival games and Conan Exiles mixed the perfect amount of lore, survival, and hack and slash fun. Now Conan Exiles is server based game. To progress you have to establish roots. Even though new players will filter through servers you establish a community pretty quick. If you are playing on a server where your body sleeps when you log off you can encase yourself in stone. Throw down some basic building blocks and your protected from other players while you go afk. You can also log out while encased to prevent the hunger and water from being a problem. If someone managed to kill you and take your stuff chances are high they are another established player. This means you can find where they hang their hate and seek Vengence.

    And no, you do not know me, and how did I not come to the discussion in a constructive manner?

    Well regardless of why you came here, you jumped on my post and attempted to downplay the discussion and suggestions. You did not add anything constructive and you have yet to do so. You bring up a series of games that are "online play" and try to compare them to SoT. The worst part the games that have enough similarities you can do exactly what I said you can do.

    Also you've failed to give me any proof that private servers are confirmed - ever here of a link? You made the statement, back it up. Forgive me if I don't take the word of some random dude on the internet.

    I don't have too. If you can't do a 30 second search then that is on you. If you read through this thread though you find the information and links you are searching for. Of course reading the thread means your interested more in just trying to derail an ongoing discussion.

  • @brimstone-love
    But why do private servers need to have progression to make machinimas/role play servers? It would actually be easier without it because it would be fair to make it so you have everything there.

  • Bro the only reason I play this game is for the excitment if doing PvE while constantly having to watch my back for other players. It's the combination that makes it for me...

  • [mod edit]

  • @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    But why do private servers need to have progression to make machinimas/role play servers? It would actually be easier without it because it would be fair to make it so you have everything there.

    They don't though it depends on how you plan to use them. I mean why have progression in game at all? I know this is not what you are trying to say, just highlighting the idea that Progression is part of the reason in general to play. Once private servers go live, gating off progression fully will just incite the PvE players more than normal. Why deal with that backlash when you can give them very limited progression. Its easier to say you can progress but it will take 100 times longer, than sorry no progression.

  • @tjurigmunk said in Coop server? PVE:

    Bro the only reason I play this game is for the excitment if doing PvE while constantly having to watch my back for other players. It's the combination that makes it for me...

    Good for you, but one has to accept that more than one reason to play or enjoy the game exists. Private Servers or Invite Only sessions will not change how you play as I can't imagine they will shutdown open play when released.

  • @tjurigmunk Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

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  • @dlchief58 said in Coop server? PVE:

    They even may be rental servers, meaning you'd have to pay for the privilege to use them...something I have no issue with and even support as long as they adhere to no progression/segregated progression (but at the same time have all achievements disabled in such a mode).

    I went back to this because this is actually a very interesting idea. Segregated Progression. I have nothing against this concept but wouldn't this lead to players sticking to one shard over the standard one?

  • @true-inxis said in Coop server? PVE:

    @ultmateragnarok No, I simply will not spend my money for a game developed by a house that has shown little consideration towards the feedback of half of its community^^ Just like all the rest, if I can't vote with my voice, I'll vote with my wallet. That doesn't mean I'll stop trying to make myself heard. If and until then, Sea Of Thieves will remain a niche game with unbalanced gameplay design, which I (just like other millions) may or may not play when I'm bored.

    People like you man, you fascinate me. Half it's community? Lol, I don't think you have any idea at all what the average player enjoys doing in the game.

  • @tjurigmunk said in Coop server? PVE:

    People like you man, you fascinate me. Half it's community? Lol, I don't think you have any idea at all what the average player enjoys doing in the game.

    To fair the only people who can know what percentage of the community enjoys. This is of course with the appropriate collection of metrics. But its always fair to guess based on our own experiences what we think players want. I mean folks who watch Summit and the size of his audience may assume his play style is overly popular.

  • This is a bad solution to a nonexistent problem. If you dont have PvP experience to keep the loot you worked for... Get some. Pvprs get bored of sinking ships for no reward. PvP players need pve players and vise versa. Pve players need the risk of losing it by PvP players to enjoy the grind. I play both sides as most probably do. The split is not in gameplay but in mindset. The battle is only between the extreems of these sides. And to that I say try the other half. If u pve then go hunt down a ship. If you PvP then go grind something out for some commendations. Defend the loot haul. They are both enjoyable. And until you see that you will think there is a split where there is not

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