Tips & Tricks to Defend yourself @ FOTD

  • Hello everyone. I see that many of my colleagues and people on forum/reddit are getting their loot stolen. There is a high risk but also high reward. We all know it takes some time to get all the lantern colors and it's iritating to lose your bounty so i made few Tips to make your life easier.
    Fort gives us few tricks to stay safe:

    • While you're at the fort you are in mist what means the other ships can't see whos on fort until they are really close to the island. In the same time you've got perfect view on the sea.
    • Every fort completion will give you 4 Nuclear bombs and few gunpowder barrels. Nuclear bomb is a game changer @ defence
    • Moor your ship without dropping the anchor and make it ready to sail away
    • After every skeleton wave have 1 crew member to check your surroundings
    • Take 1 barrel from fort to your crow nest (in case you want to sail away and fight at the sea)
    • Check where barrels are before doing the fort, it will help you to defend when some ship is close
    • Check if there is any mermaid in the water
    • Never trust guys without a microphone.
    • When someone says "We're Friendly" go to their ship with gunpowder and check what they will do (do not ignite it).
    • When you see the ship stop doing the fort and run to your ship asap. Additionaly one of your crew member at this time should take a barrell and aboard enemies.

    Fort of The Damned

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  • @avecrux

    Some great advice here fer survivin' the hostile advances o' all an' sundry - added to this, we've also been saved a time or two by hearin' the scallywags swimmin' alongside our ship when all the crew were on the Fort.... or mayhap 'twas something amiss in the cursed waters..... ;)

  • @avecrux i 100% disagree with the "When someone says "We're Friendly" go to their ship with gunpowder and check what they will do (do not ignite it)"

    as im genuinely a peaceful player unless attacked, but bringing gunpowder to another persons ship is a hostile move and if you did this to my crew we would take that as a hostile move and attack you

  • @sigma781 eureka. That's how defensive tips should work - they're aaying that they're friendly and you Just Defend your booty in the same time

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